General Discussion

General DiscussionMore feeders/griefers/poor attitudes as you increase your mmr

More feeders/griefers/poor attitudes as you increase your mmr in General Discussion

    Is this a trend? I've slowly ground my way up to 3k and there are more sad people more often. Does it get better or worse when I keep going up? Are attitudes worse in 4k but somehow bell curve out and become mellow in 5k?


      when you get to 4k you automatically get cancer, ebola, autism, retardness, and severe brain damage + also a slight increase in blood pressure.

      Low Expectations

        3,8k is the bigget ebola center of all time, confirmed

        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

          5k players are mostly pretty selfish idiots who believe they were entitled to anything and were the gods of dota. It's really annoying, you want to go mid, but another 5k player thinks that he is better so he steals it ruining your lineup, your lanes and your game.


            so blink is legit on OD? better than force?


              With Blink you can escape ganks with prison urself + blink, however forcestaff is better utility.

              Depends, but clearly viable.

                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                  Not better at all if not worse at 4k. I am suprised how some of the players got to 4k in the first place.


                    So does that mean 2k games are more fun and I should just calibrate a new account as bad as possible?


                      I'm 2.5k MMR. From what you've said, it's just as bad down here in the trench.

                      आप गे क्यों

                        As u climb up:
                        less feeders
                        attitude is dependent on who u are asking
                        if u see griefers often, chances are u are the feeder


                          Well for me it has been a more positive experience. I noticed that recently I went from normal skill games to high skilled games. And those games are harder to win and generally better players. The best games I have is when there is a 4 man team on each team :)