General Discussion

General DiscussionLegacy keys limited inventory keys?

Legacy keys limited inventory keys? in General Discussion
Dunning-Kruger Effect™

    im currently using these keybindings for my inventory,

    Q W G
    Space 4 5

    but the problem is whenever i play some heroes that use the ability G or W like Ancients Apperition for example i cant use my keybinding G because chilling touch is G.. same with other heroes who use W.. i find these settings for my inventory very comfartable but sadly this occurs with most heroes and i dont seem to like changing my inventory slots to 1 2 3 4 or alt q w e,
    im using 1 for hero 2 for select other units and 3 for all units,

    i feell like its limiting your inventory slots by long shot, and i have to change my keys to speciific heroes...

    what do you guys use as inventory keys @ legacy users?


      They either use numbers or alt+hotkey.

      Nonetheless I really do suggest learning the QWER setup. Nothing wrong with legacy but having keys 5 spaces apart instead of right beside each other will slow you down no matter how you argue about it. Though it might feel uncomfortable at first.

      Dunning-Kruger Effect™

        well tread switching on Q feels very good. dagger on space rest is very comfartable too nontheless.
        it just bothers me changing hotkeys for specific heroes,
        i can use numbers though, just not 1 2 3, since these are already in use for hero and controll groups.
        might change to alt q w e i guess then,, though the pinging on the map pisses me off too,

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Legacy just takes too much hotkeys away from your keyboard. You simply have to change your hotkeys for every hero you play.

          Dunning-Kruger Effect™

            @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah
            thats no problem for me though.
            just annoying about q w z switching when i play other heroes.
            is there a way to bind keys for specifi heroes? might be fixed by this,


              Get a mouse with more buttons?

              Dunning-Kruger Effect™

                dont need inventory with mouse buttons though. feels weird as hell 2 side buttins is more then enough


                  slows you down unnecessarily

                  most players at higher levels have specific binds, for example normal cast + quick cast for a particular item slot (e.g. blink), rune camera binds, control group, scoreboard etc - legacy just doesnt cut it because it limits the free keys you have by too much


                    I use z x space. Not many spells using those.
                    And when i play sf (rarely), i change them to e and f.

                    Been using legacy ever since i went from d1 to d2. Works just fine and doesnt slow me what so ever.


                      legacy doesnt work for quickcast which is rly useful unless they fixed it recently


                        i don't have any problems with legacy really. I guess the reason for this is because my inventory hotkeys are like dota 1's warkeys (alt + q, w, etc.) Didn't bother switching to qwer cause i already got used to it thx to dota 1. I thin it just depends on what a person prefers?