General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did you nerf Terrorblade volvo?

Why did you nerf Terrorblade volvo? in General Discussion

    Why would you nerf terrorblade again? he only had a 48% winrate to begin with.

    425% illusion damage taken, are you kidding me? At least give him back is 1.9 strength growth back or make it so that he summons two illusions at once, then the 425% damage taken would be ok. Can't even farm neturals early on.

    425% damage take single illusion is over nerfed, naga siren creates 3x 200% damage illusions. Nice balance. oh the -25 move speed too.


      80th most played hero this month, will probably up to 100th now.


        he nerfed his rat and buffed his fight i think


          Here's an angry rant.

          I don't notice the changes though.


            Where is the buff in fight lol. Insta dead illusions now. I just didn't think volvo would nerf such an under-picked hero. His illusion skill needs to become like Naga Siren, now that his illusion squishier.

            I kind agree with the rant on reddit, volvo likes to nerf heros really hard to the point of making them useless. They also nerfed some other hard carries like faceless void (increase ulti cd by 10 seconds), spectre (decrease move speed by 5). Little ticklishly small nerfs compared to -25 move speed and 425% illusion damage taken on a single illusion who has strength gain 1.4. I would of loved it if they nerfed sunder by increasing the cd by 10 seconds similarity to void.

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              longer range of sunder.
              its practically impossible to not get it off if u go fight tb with bkb


                u leave ur illusions in the backlines while ur main goes reflection stuff and sunder maybe


                  that rant post is some garena level reasoning lmfao


                    lol longer range for sunder to compensate for the nerfs but decrease the move speed by 25. Move speed and illusion ehp are important for these type of heroes, very steep nerf. Trash valve, you should remove the hero.


                      the range increase helps him sunder way more than the 25 ms lol


                        Sunder was never a problem, just don't care about the sunder buff. 48% winrate probably gonna go down to 44%.


                          it matters if u are fighting lol.


                            tbs 53.57 in ranked vh 48.94 in normal you sound extremely salty

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                              Yeah but I'm saying with a bkb, sange and yasha, BOT. Sunder range was never a problem, now he is more limited, drums will probably be core now due to the slug speed. Terrorblade low quality illusions now I guess.


                                The -25 movespeed only applies while you're in ranged form, and considering the amount of +movespeed items people get on TB (yasha and its variants, as well as drums sometimes) it won't affect him that much imo

                                The extra damage taken by illusions seems a bit excessive, and I'd expect to see that number decrease if people still don't play TB as much


                                  Yeah, he is still playable but gets countered harder now. Was my favourite hero T T. Ah well it's time to abuse someone else. They haven't noticed slark yet.

                                  NextStep ®

                                    Hopefully less TB pickers from now onwards.


                                      Fuk you jo that post was perfectly well reasoned

                                      me, government hooker

                                        lol fuck tb users :)


                                          ^ fuck 20% win rate on top played hero deliberate afk game throwers

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                                            Why the hell are ppl going so apeshit about the Tb nerf??
                                            The nerf was needed and he is still strong as hell! I just dont get it why you would be mad about this nerf :crazy:


                                              They nerfed all the heroes we see in competitive games, tough some of these changes don't make any sense like the spectre change. He's already weak as fuck early and now they reduce his move speed.

                                              Everyone said Death Prophet was a bad heroes that could not go into competitive at this time I spammed this hero in ranked, then they started to use it in competitives and the hero get 3-4 nerfs in a row. Like someone said uper waiting them to pick slark in competitive.

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                                              Dire Wolf

                                                It's pretty obvious icfrog/valve/whoever doesn't enjoy rat dota. They entire last major patch was all about eliminating deathball and rat dota with the fortify cooldown change on t1s, buffing all the towers, and the gold difference thing hurts high value ratters too. You rat all game build a huge lead and one mistake and you give it all up.

                                                Fine buff all his rat shit but comon dude, he sucks as a fighter unless you have a big item lead. What they should do in addition to what's already done:

                                                Base hp increased to 535. Str gain increased to 1.7. At level 10 that's 151 more hp. I don't think this is excessive at all, he is so squishy. And then give him some range on reflection. If you want us to stop going rat builds buff that shit up to 400 range. It is so garbage now, but the time I'm close enough I've already dropped a sange slow or skadi slow on them.


                                                  Eliminate death ball and rat my ass. Hard carries are still weak. 6.82 lands and gives Anti-Mage a 2str gain. Fucking 2 str gain !!!! On the 2nd lowest str gain hero in the game (tied with Pugna) and who is a melee hero !!! This is pure bullshit.

                                                  At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if in 2-3 months time people will only be picking AoE heroes (supports) and just go ags refresher blink on them and it'a all about better initiation.

                                                  #bullshit #bringbackhardcarries