General Discussion

General DiscussionCan somebody help me improving my MMR? I'm stuck in 3500 for a year now.

Can somebody help me improving my MMR? I'm stuck in 3500 for a year now. in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    I need some help and advices. Like everybody else I think I'm in the wrong tier, that I deserve more, that I'm better than my teammates in most of the games I play.

    When ranked games came out I was designated to play in 3800 MMR, and the outcome was pretty good, in all the games I'd play with better, worse, or at the same "level" as I was people. I liked a lot, thought that was a opportunity to learn from my and everybody else's mistakes.

    The problem is that I'm stagnated/stuck in this bracket, I've reached 3998 MMR once and right after this huge conquer I've made I met with 3200 MMR players. Now I have exactly 3554 MMR and I've been here for a while now...

    I would be truly grateful if someone could "rate" my matches and tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I can do better.

    During this year I feel that I improved a lot my skills, my knowledge and decision making as a carry or support. I know that as a carry I have to farm regardless, that as e mid/offlane ganker I have to gank, to make the plays happen, lead the team to team fights and easy pick-ups. As a support I'm always making sure my carry is farming and in a safe position, I ALWAYS carry a TP as carry/ganker/nuker/offlane/support, regardless, I always carry a tp with me.

    Bear in mind that I watch a lot of games and replays in order to learn and improve. I'm also always updated regarding gaming changes, strats, changelog etc.

    Thank you, I really appreciate your help!

    NextStep ®

      So which tier do you think you are belong to? :D
      Play your best hero or some "op" heroes. Breaking 4.5k mark is so doable simply spamming your best hero.


        well, invoker is your best hero but you've stopped playing for a while. why not play invoker and win games


          Well, u suck


            Without playing like 5 games per day I don't see how you can improve faster.


              ^^ normal skill...


                you have like 300 wins, if this is your first account then 3500 is perfectly fine.
                if you really want to improve just play more.


                  @NextStep. I think I'm above 4k. And yes, I'll try to spam my best hero then.

                  @abc. When I reached the 4k mark I was spamming invoker and managed to achieve a 67% win rate with him, but I stopped for other reasons... I'll definitely play him more, that should help

                  @6_din_49. Unfortunately I don't have that time available to play, whenever I play during the week I'm sleeping less than I should or skipping useless classes.

                  @LaViolette. I'm not sure if that's a parameter since I was placed in the 3800 bracket with less than 200 wins (Yeah, at that time you only needed 10 games to be rated, but still...). Playing more and practicing my best hero(s) seems to be the best choice.

                  Thank you all!

                  Midi Prill

                    Don't let all these 4-5k flamers get you down. They all have thousands of games under their belt lol.


                      No worries. Im 4k+ on party but almost 2k on solo since im going to see how many points I can lose tonight with shit teammates. Great system tho

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                        Solo queue MMR shows your ability to win despite the chance of being matched with retarded teammates.

                        I could get a bunch of friends and we could all try hard and rise 1k mmr to 5.5k, doesn't mean jack shit.


                          I am 4.2k solo now and first calibrated at 3.5k. Let me tell you that once you get to 3.9 there is a fine line between getting to 4k or stuck in the 3k hell where you go up and down in an infinite loop in between 3.5-3.9k. Of course this fine line doesn't exist when are a 6k player smurfing.

                          Have you noticed those 50+min games where you nearly won but lost? well you got to win those as once you get to around 4k its smooth sailing. Calibrating at 4k is alot easier than say going from 3k to 4k. This account I have around 64 abandons due to lag, trolling. Winrate itself doesn't mean much, win rate relative to your mmr bracket does but volvo hides mmr so who knows what mmr you are.

                          Only way you are going to get to 4k is not tank any matches, some of your matches I can see that you started to tank after your team was 0-5 down. Team mmr is trash unless its pro-gaming.

                          PINGU NIDEPIGU

                            ^your match bracket indicates otherwise

                            bum farto

                              ^ that's because his ranked MMR is 4.2 but his hidden normal game MMR is still below 3700...notice all the high ones are normal games.


                                @Б₂. I don't mind, some people just want to troll and we shall ignore them. Besides, we all were noob once, right?

                                @humdinger. Exactly! That's why when playing middle with invoker going for QE, I win the early and the middle game, but If my carry don't farm as much as he should, I can't handle the late game. A quick look into my games with invoker which goes late game, and you can clearly see that I lost in the great majority of them.

                                About the retards... Tell me about it, retards everywhere, even in ranked games... For instance, in the match below the first 2 picks were techies (roaming) and space cow (solo offlane against tiny and sky). After 8 min of game treant went afk base followed by me and kunkka due to techies horrible performance. Later on he flames the team in all chat saying that the last two games which he had chosen techies, he won and the team he had at the moment was the one to blame.

                                @Messiah. Yes, this endless loop is depressing... I have 21 abandons, I won 4 of which without items, the other 14 I was disconnected... I play under 50-100 ms everyday and I got used to it. Plus, I choose to play under this risk, therefore I can't complain or put the blame on it.

                                "Only way you are going to get to 4k is not tank any matches, some of your matches I can see that you started to tank after your team was 0-5 down. Team mmr is trash unless its pro-gaming."

                                What do you mean exactly by "to tank"? I'm sorry, I couldn't understand the meaning of it in the sentence.


                                  What i mean is try and win the games that seem unwinnable, don't give up. I got out of the loop with Terrorblade, might be a bit harder now considering the nerf hammer.

                                  @Dj88. Normal matches and ranked matches have separate ratings, I tend to troll on my normal matches, If you would notice only my my normal games are high skill. I am suprised a smurf like you does not know that.

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                                    @Messiah. I'll try to be a better team player in that aspect... Thank you!


                                      Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but watch replays of pros/better players. Player perspective of whatever role you are trying to learn.

                                      Game is hard!

                                        holy shit a whole year

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          Dude, your progressing fast, dont worry about it.


                                            Consistency is important. In your case, the key is to consistently improve. How much you improve per week is irrelevant. As long as your level of gameplay doesn't stagnate, you'll see yourself having more impact in games and the points will come.


                                              stop playing invoker


                                                you're definitely not above 4k

                                                harvard graduate

                                                  I am currently at 4.2k solo MMR after being calibrated at 3.1k back then. I looked at your page but all the games look like completely one sided games or games on heroes which I can't give you tips for (Invoker/Morph/Disruptor...). If you play some more i will download one of your other games later and look at it. I know that 4.2k isnt particularly high in this forum full of 8k MMR next RTZs but especially since I just made it out of 3k I can probably give you some specific tips.