General Discussion

General Discussionhow did they comeback?

how did they comeback? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    25k xp advantage. How did I lose in late when we had the game in our hands all the time? (Its my latest lifestealer game.)


      What do you mean how did you lose

      the graph shows it already, you guys did something stupid and got wiped. you guys revived and proceeded to get wiped again; feeding tons of streak gold and exp.

      Tiny Airlines

        Desolator on lifestealer? Usually I go Armlet, Mjollnir, Skull Basher (Get this before Mjollnir), and heart of tarrasque.


          you grouped upgot 5 man torrented ghost shipped, riki smoked tide ulted, kunkka critted, and wk got farm.


            It happens, its new patch and if gold advantage is like 30k and player with godlike streak dies he give away like 3000 gold so comebacks are real if team keep throwing. I won yesterday game where we was losing with 27k exp. advantage on their side


              Too lazy to watch or whatever, I'm not an analyzer anyway. but I'm just gonna say...
              1- No gem against a team with 2 heroes that have invisibility. I'm guessing Viper was too good for himself when he was balling out of control that he didn't want to buy a gem
              2- You only had two completed items in Mjjolnir and Aby Blade, while Wraith King was pretty much set.
              3- I'm not sure how much armor you had, but I'm assuming that Assault Cuirass on Wraith King helped a lot.
              4- Viper falls off in late? Viper Mek is too good to pass up even in Normal skill games. It's a must
              5- Underfarmed supports on your team while their Dazzle was on route to build a Sheep or Shiva's.
              6- Kunkka could probably get rolled every time, I mean look at his items+ his KDA, but you guys only had dust, which is probably one of the reasons...
              7- I bet they focused Viper first, then when he died they just kited you.


              Tiny Airlines

                I had a similar game that you mentioned for your 6th bullet there Chu4Lyfe. Our Kunkka just kept farming and farming and farming and farming until Mirana the bitch annihilated us.