General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help with Lanaya/TA

Need help with Lanaya/TA in General Discussion

    Haven't played her since dota 1, and I suck with her.

    What's the most-common-noob-friendy skill-item build for mid on her?

    I'll try to practice her in normal mm, because I think she can fit rly good into my style of playin'.

    What I need from you guys is, to tell me:

    1. Item build
    2. Starting items
    3. Skill order


    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Watch Dragonfist & Waga replays from player perspective!


        Maybe later, I do have basic idea how to play her.

        I just need some help with questions I asked.

        I want to try-out her in normal, if I decide to try her for ranked, I'll take some serious analise(watcinh their replays included!)


          Deny > Last Hit mentality.



            Starting item and build:

            1 tango 2 branches >bottle>phase>drums>yasha>deso
            1 tango 1 wraith band ( I seen waga do this against pudge, I believe it works against opponents you are SURE will lose the lane because it also allows you to go psi first and zone people out fast)

            Skill order:
            Most times its best to max refraction by 7 with 1 point to meld and psi. But sometimes maxing meld is good against ember/pudge

            Here is a good video by waga talking about TA:


              3 gg branch > bottle rush

              so gud


                Okay, thanks. That's what I thought. First game went terrible, Void got destroyed by meppo, couldnt do a shit..


                  Okay, I have more time now. I know I'm a shitty High Skill player and not Very High Skill but my theorycrafting is great. My decision making is not… I lose all my games because I feel like towerdiving for no reason.

                  But anyway, see if this sounds all right.

                  1. Item build
                  2. Starting items
                  3. Skill order

                  I feel starting items should be first, so:

                  2 or 3 branches, buy a tango or ask for 2 pooled tangoes. Generally I find buying one a waste as she doesn't get harassed by most mids much so in the end I sell it after I rush my bottle. However, if you're facing Viper or Razor you better buy your own tango – 2 pooled will not be enough to survive til bottle.

                  Apparently in this new meta bottle should be gotten on more people due to more runes – so perhaps a similar build. Only thing is you'll be more focused on last hitting rather than going to bottle, and therefore you'll be without refraction for a majority of the last hitting. So some small efficient damage items like Wraith Band or Ring of Basillius would help presumably. Wraith + Tangoes is my general ranged agi carry starting build.

                  Item build:

                  I used to build Power Treads but recently I feel Phase Boots are better. Both provide DPS but I feel Phase's active does more than Tread Switching in a game.

                  At this point, you have the option of getting Medallion. I used to do so, but haven't in a very long time, because I mess up the active a lot. If you are highly skilled then it would be very helpful for early kills.

                  In my opinion, for the mid game, there are two sorts of items for TA: Defensive (Utlility) and Offensive. Sounds cliche, but true. Unless the enemy has literally no stuns, you want to build a balance between the two.

                  Defensive (Utility):
                  Blink Dagger
                  Black King Bar
                  Drums of Endurance (I don't really build this) (I know it provides DPS but pales so much in comparison to the ones below)

                  Crystalys (I don't really build this)

                  IMO you want one of each, depending on the situation. In a game where I was on a 8/0 KDA or smth, I built Blink Dagger and Black King Bar as my next two items and almost threw the game. And you definitely need one of Blink or BKB to not die – TA isn't frail but she has a short range and no disables of her own, so she's quite easily focused. Blink is better for pickoffs against squishy supports, BKB is better for teamfighting against disables. If they have squishy supports AND disables, well, use your judgement.

                  You can get both BKB and Blink, but not as the first two items after completing boots.

                  Personally, I love Desolator, because I love negative armour.

                  Then it's the late game. I used to go AC just because it uses the refraction charges faster – but now I think it's a slight waste of TA's Agility as a primary attribute. It's the usual carry stuff. Don't go Manta too early, because it is percentage damage – unless you need the active to disjoint certain things. Daedalus is decent but I almost always go Desolator earlier so I leave that alone. Monkey King Bar if you're facing PA / maybe WR. Butterfly should be built as the second or third late game item.

                  You generally don't worry about defensive items at this point. Though I haven't tested it, I imagine Heart would work fairly well if you went Blink and had sufficient damage. I haven't done Linkens and wouldn't imagine it being good as TA is mostly a mid and if the enemy uses their Doom/Fiend's Grip/whatever on her in a teamfight your carry would probably be wrecking shit up.

                  Don't get Rapier on her unless you're losing or want to throw. PSI blades is way too hard to rely on, and she naturally snowballs.

                  Upgrading to Boots of Travel isn't a priority on her, but obviously do it when you run out of inventory space.

                  Skill build:

                  First point in Q or E. Most people say Q, I say E. This is because my last hitting skills and non-pooled tangoes mean if I start using Refraction from Level 1, I'll run out of mana. So I make do with PSI Blades.

                  Then you're supposed to max Q for absolute lane dominance (Melt @ 4, Ult @ 6), but if you only need 3 levels in it to wreck lane and want to gank earlier with a higher level Meld then go for Meld.

                  Max PSI Blades last, but higher priority than Psionic Trap. A pet peeve of mine is skilling ultimates at 11 when you don't need to. I don't skill Puck's ulti at 11, either, opting for extra time in Phase Shift. Same with Lanaya, I want to boost that horrendous range if ever so slightly with a second point in PSI Blades (so 4-4-2-1 @ 11) rather than more psionic traps on slightly lower CDs.

                  Generally though, since it got buffed 6.82, I would still skill ult over stats

                  Skill usage:
                  If you have a bottle just spam this thing whenever you're hitting something. You know how to mana manage.
                  During lane, try and hit your own creeps and then use PSI Blades to get the last hit. This doesn't waste refraction charges.

                  Make sure you don't walk out of Meld when using it offensively. Everytime I see an allied TA do that part of me dies.
                  I use it when jungling, and for killing siege creeps quickly.
                  If you're the only invis hero on your team, you can use this to do juking shenanigins, especially if you have Blink. Don't count on it though.

                  PSI Blades
                  Combined with Refraction, gives you utter lane control against someone not named OD, Viper, or Razor (and maybe a few others). However, utilising it for higher damage output in teamfights or ganks is not advised.

                  Psionic Trap
                  Start placing them as soon as you skill it, unless you have wards in all necessary places.

                  My first 5:
                  Top Rune
                  Bottom Rune
                  Other side of mid lane

                  I leave one spare for ganking purposes. Note: Never use the subskill, it is far too easy to trigger the wrong one. I have the habit of clicking on the trap and "Q" when selecting the trap after I place it to activate it. You can't activate the wrong one this way.

                  When you get level 2 and 3 on this skill, put traps at:
                  Secret shops
                  Common Pathways
                  Where the enemy support will stand to ward
                  Where the enemy may smoke
                  Anywhere you need vision

                  I think that's about it

                  Von Darkmoor

                    Go practice vs bots or go play ranked dont ruin hidden rank please you and the rest of the try hards with the big ballzy e-penises can stick to ranked douchebag mode. Thanks in advance.


                      Ask Allison he can help u



                        Thanks for the help.

                        Thanks for the time. :)

                        FyyQ, I think he's busy to help.


                          watch my stream, im playing ta only atm, mb ull learn a bit


                            Will do. Thanks!

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              Add me on Steam. When I find time I'll give you some useful tips.


                                But first, add my friend he want to trade with you