General Discussion

General Discussionmmr experiment, gonna need 4500-5500 account

mmr experiment, gonna need 4500-5500 account in General Discussion

    TL;DR version friendly, is located at bottom ;)

    Posted same request on playdota, reddit will see how this goes, who is faster :)


    Hello there, people! You probably don't know me; i mostly come here to ask some favours because this forum is probably the most popular and best for these kind of things
    At first i boosted average mmr account (not mine) by few hundred mmr in order to understand what millions of 2-3k players face everyday and why they whine, then there was playing mid against better players until i get little better @mid as carry player and have the required courage or even strat to face high mmr players without stress (shoutout & thanks to SEA and EU almost-6k leaderboard fellas and other 5k guys from playdota/dotabuff that helped me a lot by beating me over and over until i got up and got beaten less (even gave some punches back myself when given chance), then i started beating everyone in my solo que games) !

    Anyways, recently had long dota break and i bumped into reddit articles how EE says that you pretty much gotta achieve 5k mmr in like 4 months to even have chance to go pro (i dont want to go pro, but this gave me ideas). I was always that type of perfectionist that always tries to get good at everything. But now i understand that i should try improving FAST (if i want to improve at all) so that my skills dont settle down in some bracket. Then i saw some mmr experiment how one guy gifts 5k mmr account to 3k people and lets people keep it if they dont fall down like ~300mmr below after 30-40games. I tried contacting him, but had no response that relates to the experiment.
    Now, i don't want to feed money to half-bots from russia who grind'n'sell accounts. I heard that some known high mmr people from dotabuff? and other forums have plenty of high mmr smurfs and they pretty much hand out them for free. Other members, too. But i dont know where to look
    Another perks of having high mmr account would be ability to see how i would compare myself in different time frames to enemy role counterpart (their carry/mid/support etc vs mine) in replays to analyze what they do better or different. Ability to play 1v1 on demand
    I think i am good at analyzing stuff. Maybe i could adapt. I deem myself above average when it comes to game knowledge.
    Let's say that i have... something like 3.0k mmr, for example (TBD). I dont trust those dotabuff skill tiers.
    How much mmr i could gain (when compared to 3.0k)/lose (on ~5k mmr account) before gifted account mmr would even out? 500? 1000? 1500? 0?

    Methodology/ the experiment:

    1) get high skill account

    2) review some of recent replays (if there are any, that would be a plus) of former user.

    3) play some more 1v1 against top-dogs in that account whetever i want (no need to wait half a day for your high 5k's friend to spare 15min) to get comfortable at enemy reaction times/zoning and laning/ last hitting

    4) play some unranked games for ''easy-casual'' mode of super high mmr, without ruining the mmr . Get used to early game aggression but maybe better teamwork, expect games to be harder in ranked.

    4.5) <optional> if performing badly when compared to team, review game and analyze stuff. Repeat until 5* conditions are met

    5) if feeling like doing ok, proceed to play ranked. If game is won but bad performance, review game to see where i need improving the most, and where i can improve. Compare myself to other people in-macth. If game is won with acceptable stats, continue. If game is lost, review mistakes.

    6) ! IMPORTANT !

    If game is lost, take a break and do few 1v1's, unranked games. Continue studying theory like in this link
    and other stuff i posted in tips'n'guides megathread

    7) repeat 5&6 until the mmr evens out/stops dropping, while posting monthly; weekly??? updates & results.

    7.5) <optional> give smurf back to old user or to someone else who wants to try something simmiliar

    8) calibrate on my current main (for the first time since mmr was introduced), compare mmr to one in the experiment to see if high-level teamwork is not inflating the results

    9) re-do juices experiment on 3k account (or give some 2-3k guy to calibrate on my old alt account) to see how much kda/winrate will improve when compared to old user and if 3k mmr communication doesnt stunt mmr gain. See how far you can boost the account. I could even try different roles - like playing mid in one, and carry in other

    10) compare your mmr gains over time/hours to other methods (typical playing like normal user and getting better over time OR even other experiments)

    that would be all :D

    i could compare this experiment like going to gym and starting to lift HEAVY weights instead of getting stronger over time
    Will my muscles rupture? will i strain myself? is it even good method to get stronger?

    or will it be like steroids for growth when you consider specific areas?

    As said before, i dont like supporting account sellers, but if some guy ~5k+ is willing to support the experiment and if he wants it, i could gift him some of my hats <majority of them are cheap, just good looking> or even sets as a means/token of gratitude for having a chance to improve. You cant fully thank for that.

    i can be contacted here, here in pm, or on steam.

    anyways, other naysayers feel free to tell me how bad this is (oh internet)...

    also, i would also be happy to hear out your opinions, expectations, tips and advices regarding the experiment/methodology itself (maybe i can add some steps or test out more stuff) and how to swim-or-die in 5k mmr bracket

    TL; DR
    1-4k (?unknown mmr?) pleb will try to use his personal training methods & patience, analyzing in 5k mmr bracket if given chance and will post results about personal gains/profile losses. An experiment about how fast you can learn and adapt in harsh situations with ardor; where most people lack that and just lose many times in the row without trying to improve , darwin style.

    AND NO. not saying i deserve 5k mmr. Not saying my team sucks. Not saying that i am better than i am. And i am not trying to attain bragging rights nor i want to ruin games and be deadweight. Read my methodology carefully first in oder to hand out constructive ideas/arguments :) .

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      I mean you're probably going to end up having to buy one, that's what people do I guess and the accounts at that mmr are worth some (unknown to me) amount of cash


        iirc people even here said that one streamer or some kind of pro gives away his smurfs; i cant recall his nick. But it wasnt first time seeing that; its like people are talking like there is a steady supply of high mmr accounts for those who know where to look.

        it was reply to one of those account selling russian guys :D


          oh; this is little offtopic. Lets say that i got two (one, third guy used to be low 2k's carry, too; before i got in to replace him, lost first team mmr game) low-2k's in my team, and two 3.0k's people and after winning 3/4 games for team mmr (i won 3/3 i played in) my whole team got like 3.25k team mmr. Does my hidden mmr matter or does the calibration games bump up the rating so bad?

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            fucking beggar.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt


                thanks for the tip, but i fear that i am weakest at supporting :(

                all my dota career i was carry, carry, carry. Occasional jungler. Nowadays occasional midder.

                Boosted quite a lot of mmr as solo offlaner in some 3k account.

                But i still dont like supporting (i feel i do better and ward better *hue 100x warding guides read* than people in my queue). I had passed a-z, but i dont want to re-learn whole new role and forget all the farming stuff. My meat at potatoes :D

                And thanks for noticing my replays step; most people think that i will just keep on feeding in a row when given chance to play ~5k

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                    pls stop with this s-hit... you're only ruining games. YOU JUST DONT GET BETTER BY DOING THAT FOR A WEEK OR 100 games.

                    you get better at dota usig 2 methods! play a looooooooooot and learn every hero's range/skill/dmg/casting time etc!!!!!!!! OR play with friends at the level you want to play (upper 4k, 5k, 6k) and learn from everything they tell you without whining.

                    stopbeing so fuc-king retarded and gtf-o this forum cause we dont want trash stu-pid piece of shit like you who cant think potentially influencing the weaker ones learning step by step from us here on this forum

                    Midi Prill

                      Blackwolf get the f*** out nerd

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        TL;DR version friendly, is located at bottom ;)

                        1) Gimme ur 4-5k mmr account

                        2) Let me grind it down to 2.8k tier

                        3) K, now let's see if u can get out of trench tier

                        4) Profit from reddit thread if fail or not.


                          And just why dont you make your own smurf and go from there?
                          Becuase if you cant get at least 5k on smurf i guarantee you dont deserve to be in 5k bracket on your main.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                              ^this. i was already trying to be as clear as possible

                              go kill urself

                                its a stupid idea though...ur gonna ruin so many peoples games in the process that its hardly worth it, especially ocnsidering i doubt ull learn anything from it (this isnt a regular sport in that regard)

                                Midi Prill

                                  this nerd scared to calibrate his main becuase he knows he's 3100


                                    the advice that i can give you is that no matter how hard you try if you can't beat potato bracket on your own you will never be able to improve, i calibrated at 4.5k and because i thought i was a extremely good player i got knocked down to 3.2k having to endure about 6 months of potatoes till i got back to 4.5k and eventually got to 4.7k where i currently reside.

                                    even if you find a dude willing to give you his account for this experiment you'll simply find yourself in a position where every game you try to play your heart out you'll pretty much be deadweight.

                                    in conclusion, MAN UP, play whatever is needed for the good of your team even if the guy who's mid/carry doesn't speak 1 word of english ( in which case just say "davai" when you're going in ) or your hard 5 can't buy wards cuz he's farming etheral.


                                      What the fuck dude, do you think we run a charity here?


                                        Perhaps a better idea would be to see if you can find 4 4.5k-5.5k players to stack with occasionally for unranked games.
                                        That way the overall level will still be higher but you shouldn't ruin other people's games.
                                        Also I'm sure you will learn a lot more just by having communication with those other higher skill players in game.

                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                          you're like a top division player of the local YMCA basketball team asking to play with/against college stars (to say nothing of NBA recruits)

                                          i don't get how anyone could rationalize this in their heads without at least a strong dose of narcissism

                                          "but i'm not like the other 3k's!"

                                          you can have a 5k's called ranking yourself up by winning games

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                            Go buy a 5k mmr account for your little experiment. or you could go and try and net +100 wins. There is nothing to experiment, a trash can 3k is alot different to 4.5-5k mmr player.

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                              His thread got instalocked on PD lol.


                                                @Kappatino Cappucino

                                                as said before, few users here talked about how some good players just hand out many smurfs for free


                                                thanks for tips, but this is experiment about harsh situations. That is why it is interesting to watch. What one has to do in order ''not to ruin games''. Maybe my theory is correct, but first i gotta find a way to prove it.

                                                Everyone just keeps saying ''get it yourself''. This is elitism from other people. Sure, it is like experimenting how ''winning'' a million influences your character. Other millionaires would cry how you gotta earn it yourself, but for the sake of science someone would donate it.

                                                If this would be simple regarding mmr+learning speed, it wouldnt be an experiment :D

                                                I think i am quick learner; and how fast i could improve instead when compared to others who just play on their own account is the answer that bothers me and makes me curious

                                                @Sir smurf slayer

                                                i fear that i might be ~4k.... But i should calibrate on some other account just to be sure that you are not right. While being 2k mmr lower could bring more fruitful and noticable results, i think that even ~1k difference is enough to bring some data to the table. And just for sake of talking with data, i better lose (or win) but know it for sure.


                                                alright, what if i would get some account eligible for calibration and someone 5k or more would calibrate it for experiment?
                                                Maybe this would be easier?

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                waku waku

                                                  just buy it these accounts are like currency

                                                  MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                    Stack with 5k friends. I have been doing that the last few days on an alt account and learned a lot


                                                      Another one of these retarded experiments... You won't get better by just playing with high mmr players because you don't know the logic behind what they do. If you want to learn dota you have to do it 1 step at a time, starting from where you are...


                                                        Lmao, your stupid experiment won't work. I've tried buying 3k accounts and went to 5k to no problem with 75% winrates. If you are truly good, you'll not be where you think you aren't supposed to be.

                                                        go kill urself

                                                          just go buy an account, nobody gives these accounts for free when they can sell them for so much more

                                                          at least not here, mayb try reddit

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            Guys, gonna need a 6.5k-7.5k mmr account, for free.
                                                            got any?

                                                            BIG FAT DUCK

                                                              It takes a lot of hours to play shitty unranked games and then calibrate at 5k (calibrating isn't difficult, it's just tedious). Back when the compendium was floating around I still had to play for 40 hours

                                                              Why anyone would do this for free is beyond me, especially considering the people being "helped" are mostly mouthbreathing idiots who think they're 100x better than their actual rating indicates

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                where did i said that i was better? read bottom of the text ;)

                                                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                  I didn't say you specifically, I said most people who make the same argument as you do are those types of players.

                                                                  Apparently you think that by being "careful" with your new account and doing all that shit you typed, you're going to improve...when you can literally do the exact thing on your main account and improve as well. I can tell you from firsthand experience that being 5k doesn't give you any privileges. It doesn't mean you stop getting matched with retards and griefers, and it certainly doesn't mean your games will become any more enjoyable. Everything you stated as your intent can be accomplished with the account you already play on, except for one factor: your mindset. Change that and everything will fall into order.


                                                                    Youtube, Twitch, In game tickets....... You have access to watching professionals all the time to study them and watch the way they play. Get better the proper way, short cuts always lead to more shit. Im sure you dont want to spend every game getting flamed as a learning curve, If you are supposed to be 5k then get there on your own. Its a game, play it. Its also extremely selfish as you could well cost your team mates alot of games. Have you considered that?

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                    NO MAP (TEST)

                                                                      rofl mass text

                                                                      i didnt bother to read it all but are u going to play only mid in 5k+ games when ur from 3k bracket that seems hard i think u should try carry first u just need to be able to lasthit and not feed and press spell buttons sometimes.

                                                                      i guess 3k players could win 5k games with void / spectre / wk

                                                                      if u go mid every game u will lose alot more :DDDDdd



                                                                        thanks for the bash :D

                                                                        for the record, i had won quite a few 1v1 games against 4-6k players from various forums; including here. Not saying that i will go mid; but i can hold my ground for the most time (for some time; like 10mins- and there are tps in those tiers of play) or get lucky sometimes and even outright kill my opponent one or few times.

                                                                        One of my mid coaches also gave hints that lead to this idea.

                                                                        aaand i can last hit when given equal rights as enemies, i am decent at farming imo; i outfarm my opponents in like 70-80% of games of the time in close games, like 95% in winning games and i often (50-60% or even more) go to top 4 even in losing games.

                                                                        Dont get too cocky, not everyone >5k are apes .... -_-

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                          i think you meant <5k
                                                                          anyhow, as you can see no one is giving you an account around here. time to smurf.





                                                                              it's nothing to be bragging about, everyone makes mistakes, and mistakes lose you games. And yes, people as high as 5.7k, ex leaderboard players were beaten; since after few games with 4.5k you adapt, then come few games with 5.0 and so on. Might be sheer luck, but it wasnt like 10% winrate. More like ~30-40% total; against all these 4-5.7k guys.

                                                                              And actually one guy from reddit, another high 5k's in my friendslist is at the moment is considering to help me out with this experiment (he doesnt shun me like you do, we did 1v1 and he saw that i am willing to improve), because just like you said it - people like to talk. They dont want to do anything :)

                                                                              If i happen to get the account, i will get some data :3

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                pls dont come back to this forum. we're not retarded like playdota/reddit regulars


                                                                                  I'm pretty sure there's a thousand people who already made this 'experiment' just search it up. No need to do it again.


                                                                                    benao, don't tell me what to do :D


                                                                                      Are you fucken dumb? 1v1 skills doesnt give you shit rofl. Dota is a 5v5 game, as long as you don't embrace the concept and understand it, you'll forever be 3k get it?

                                                                                      Yeah, you can last hit like a god in lane, but with that gold, what the fuck can you do with it? And 1v1 doesn't train you in map awareness, most 5k players achieve it by moving around the map efficiently and avoiding fights they can't take and outfarm the enemy despite their team might be feeding and shit.

                                                                                      So don't bother giving shitty excuses because you think winning 1v1 is shits and stuff.


                                                                                        1v1 ?! Really..? as Coffee above me said 1v1 is fuckin nothing... dota is a team game. I remember playing 1v1 dota (wc3) when i was 13...