General Discussion

General Discussionreasoning behind bkb change

reasoning behind bkb change in General Discussion

    Anyone here know why they changed this? it really screws heroes like SF, but it buffs WK and Void since they're natural refresher carries. these heroes are already top pick material.


      i just realized you guys can't read my thoughts. im talking about the 5 second and you can't buy a new one to refresh its duration change.


        I think it's a good change :D. Changed most likely because icefrog saw players with multiple bkbs in their stash + one on their hero at TI4 didn't enjoy the idea of refreshing a bkb just by buying a new one and removed that feature.

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          10 seconds of magic immunity late game is very op. the longer the game the more important the cc becomes. carries can easily farm up new bkb's and be generous as to when to activate it. perhaps icefrog wants us to be more conservative with our teamfight decision making


            i think 4k for 5,4,3,2,1,0 more seconds of bkb is fine in my opinion. I don't understand this change. I seldom have the money for a new BKB though, so I don't really care. My games are usually over before I can afford a 7th item.

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              If you need to refresh your's rarely your 7th item...

              I kind of welcome the change as it punishes misuse of the bkb even more :\ expect and depend on the enemy carry having that 4 second bkb, and he suddenly shows up with a fresh 10 second one, and...well...GG


                it's simple you get more exp and more money making the games longer making BKB op.


                  in retrospect, i should have gone for refresher on my sf game. would have been great to refresh BKB, also since magnus was ulting, i could ulti twice.

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                      refresh reincarnation

                      ( ._.)


                        well even i mostly play caster (int) heroes i dont see a big advantege in the new BKB. getting stunned through BKB while casting the big invoker combo (wwq+www+eww++qwe+rrefresh+eew+qwe+etc...) or during CM / WD ult is more a loss then a win for me.


                          refresh on wk is imba wtf are you guys talking about. at least late game. free 60 s aegis double stun double bkb ? yes please