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    Thanks for youre time :). + please only high skilled players and experienced ones, i mean no offence to low skilled ones but u know...
    And tell me what mmr do u think i am?


      ~4000 mmr


        Not 4000






              you only win with op herose so you should be 3k sadly you abuse so 4,5 piece of shit, clear example of the people i report and make sure they lose


                Lol op heroes ? Meepo rubick invoker nature r op? Ok xD i shouldnt have posted on this toxic forums


                  And im 4.7k solo 4.4k party and my latest games r with my friends

                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                    nice meepwn


                      Thank you


                        meepo is actually pretty op once u get used to playing him

                        We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                          Yeah but I think that goes with any hero you take time to get use to :3


                            invoker ta meepo and you're so bad you even failed with tinker
                            i would insta report


                              focusing on invoker:

                              good WR but u could improve ur KDA. i noticed u have often more then 10 deaths on invoker. (i know u mainly play ranked and i not ranked, and i knwo in ranked u get totally counterpicked as invo)

                              related to my last 20 invoker matches:
                              i have 0 games with over 10 deaths.
                              u got in ur last 20 matches 5 games with over 10 deaths.

                              my suggestion: find a escape method without using native invoker spells (i am using EUL+Blink for example)

                              also i have noticed when u play invoker u tried to improve ur auto hit dmg, in addition the fact u play quas/wex i can image ur playstyle.
                              (QQQ+WWE as core combo).

                              i know there are as many playstyles of invoker as there are stars in teh sky. but atleast try to make real combos like this guy.

                     (this vid made me playing invoker) and maybe in 1 or 2 years i can do such shit too :p) even that guy LOST his match, he got famus with his invoker play.

                              they are way more effective and earn u way more repect (and commends). i know i dont have such a good WR as u, but many losses i turned from anal rapture into valiant defeats. And coudl even impress the enemy.

                              example this one

                              also yout didnt play invoker for a while, why?

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                Badit i like your comment and yeah i have a bit high deaths for the reason im more of supportive then a carry with invo i dont care if i die and there team lose and u know most of the picks in 6.81 were doom void sky and they rape invoker i admit im a bit agressive i have to calm my tits sometimes haha , i play q w with 2 combos tornado emp snap or ghost walk snap emp thats ofc at early game , i use all kind of combos i played alot of invo but my last few games look at the difference in time i quited for few months then played invo my hands were pretty slow when i came back /: so yah
                                And for the other guy meepo get countered by almost 80% of the pool and as akuz said ..


                                  Benao i only play tinker when im partying idc about my party mm so i play for fun

                                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                    U are normal skill, and u build 3 hearts on naga

                                    one and half gun

                                      isnt there a "guess the mmr of the poster above you" thread


                                        ^ Literally 1k mmr