General Discussion

General Discussion5 wins in a row.. then the patch came out..

5 wins in a row.. then the patch came out.. in General Discussion

    9 losses in a row since patch? WTF did they do to matchmaking its totally FUCKED


      ya blame the patch, because i'm sure it doesnt affect both teams equally, only your team, and always unfavourably so


        never had 9 losses in a row before this is fkn stupid


          psst...your longest losing streak is 11


            you're fkn stupid


              fuck this game


                11 maybe when i first started playing


                  That was 10 months ago. Little over a month ago you went 3-10. Close enuf'.


                    You deserve every lose.


                      Nobody cares about you losing games. Do you realize that?

                      It's totally the patch, and not the player. :facepalm:


                        you have 49% winrate (which was before the patch as well)
                        i dont think this is the patch's fault


                          People are so delusional, they always think they are better than they really are.


                            haha fun gg wp


                              Whatever, Im winning more since the new patch actually

                              Someone has to loss so someone can win, right, bro?


                                I got carried to 4.5k after new patch.
                                mmr so broken, my team always better than the others.


                                  lets check the 6.81b stats of the most played heroes of the firstpost.

                                  WR 40.00%
                                  KDA 2.13

                                  WR 46.15%
                                  KDA 2.08

                                  It seems it is the patch yeah.

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                                    @BaDitO2 to be fair you should check like this

                                    Shows ranked only.

                                    My winrate/kda with void is quite shit but if you looked at ranked only its way better (not that good either)


                                      I think OP might be getting more hate then he deserves. It really could be the patch, if your play style was stronger in 8.1 than in 8.2 then it is expected that you will either need to change the way you play or you will drop down to a lower bracket. personally I feel I have been given a ton of "free wins" since the patch came out and I haven't been playing well at all.


                                        well when i patch comes it it is like this:

                                        1. read patch notes
                                        2. check internet if they are nerfs or buffs
                                        2.1 raging about that invo got nerfed again
                                        3. change playstyle if required


                                          I feel you op fuck this game.


                                            it could be just your playstyle.

                                            since the new patch, errors in the late game are amplified exponentially that a death of a well farmed carry can be devastating to your lead and it could let the opposing team have enough money to catch up with such a carry. unlike before a lead is safe with 1 death, but now that 1 death can be everything.

                                            thus, as the game progresses the more things get serious and you need to play safer. not just suicide for that kill by diving them in the fountain.


                                              i had like 75% winrate last patch. And i though that it didn't suit me at all lol. That is becouse last patch was all about earlygame ez games.
                                              I like longer games, patch is good in that matter, the gold bounties make the games longer but it's still a bit stupid.
                                              @what i wanted to say is, you should aim more for lategame with the picks, so you'll win more.

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                                                Still on winning streak .. Maybe you just bad


                                                  are you suggesting you're not bad?

                                                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                    return to Dota 2 noob!

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      blame volvo's forced 50%