General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 Undocumented Changes

6.82 Undocumented Changes in General Discussion

    So there are always changes that don't get posted every patch.

    Did death timers change? It seems like people are just dead for-fucking-ever.

    Also, are some items no longer droppable? I was screwing around in a bot game and tried to drop an Agh's to make my Arcane Boots more efficient, but the game said, "That item is not droppable."

    Victor Wembenyama - Ede

      "That item is not droppable."

      u might just had to much items on the ground.


        Nah, I had no other items on the ground and tried dropping it in multiple locations. Could drop my Null Talisman and TP scrolls just fine.

        Feeder Chan

          Urn prevents blink dagger and remove TA refraction.

          waku waku

            you can't drop aghs as meepo and posibly some other heroes


              u can disasemble dagon and it loses 1 lvl wtf is dis shit


                I don't remember seeing it documented but Spectre now has a different attack sounds which I think is the same as PA's

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                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Undocumented changes are about non-important stuff, such as hero portraits and sounds and shit.
                    About urn removing refraction, it's documented but indirectly, since HP removal is removed. As a TA player I hope they remove that shit... I want my refractions on.

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      All games are like 50 minutes.
                      Meta is stale.
                      When is 6.83?

                      Sōu ka

                        you cant drop aghs on timbersaw at the moment
                        pretty sure you couldnt drop aghs on ench and/or tiny at some point too but they changed that at some point


                          @Melody I almost prefer that over what it was, where losing the early game meant that you lost the game. At least now there is a way to comeback in the game and have all stages present.


                            @Serberuss noticed that shit too, unnecessary change, really


                              Yeah something is wrong, why did I get paired up with a newer guy on my first ranked match of this patch.

                              If Melody says games are around 50 minutes, that means you might as well pick carries... zzz


                                ^ Or Omniknight. Dat 64% winrate.

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  I like the 50 minute meta. Also, it is not a joke. All games are like 50 minutes.

                                  30+ at a minimum. None of that 21 min take t4's shit.

                                  Pre patch

                                  Post patch

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                                    There is room for comebacks in this game, I felt it in my first game, the grasp was there. If games are 50 mins it means also great plays which I personally live for to see in the game LOL.

                                    I noticed the huge win rate rise in Spectre and Medusa yesterday. Haven't checked today but that probably plays a big part in the long games and stuff etc.

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      Well the gold change is phenomenal. If your team is behind in net worth, you get mad gold for ending streaks. This means players will need to hold advantages, rather than getting to T3's and throwing bodies at towers until they fall. Imho, it's a good change.

                                      Waga played Spec with urn today earlier on stream. I am disgusted....

                                      I will also be trying to draft her more, and encourage urn on her.

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                                      Low Expectations

                                        ^The gold change is waaaay to big. It could br cut by half and then maybe that would be good . Its not ok that you get one kill and get 3k gold. You are just encouraging fluke to win rather than good play. It should not be possible to win a game of you are 15k gold brhind unless at least 2 ppl dc. 5man core lineups (that might actually succed) will be normal in the trench.

                                        Low Expectations

                                          I died after a ES killed me (think like 7 kill spree) and he bought instant refresher (he said so and he didnt lie I had to watch replay to confirm) sorry but thats too much especially if you have an early game hero....


                                            ^I was playing Zeus (with a Bloodseeker for maximum cheese), and our WR raged at like 5 minutes and started intentionally feeding. Well, because she had nothing and our opponents were kind of fed, I killed 4 people and suddenly Agh's + Refresher. (I then activated both of them and got an instant Ultra Kill, which gave me a giant Zeus boner and an E-blade, but we still lost).

                                            It's...really swingy. Not sure if I like or hate just yet, but leaning towards the latter.


                                              slark ultimate no longer cancel net
                                              I didn't read this one, but it's happening :(


                                                Apparently TA psi blades hits ancients now (can't test atm, think he means not just small dragons) :D saw it on reddit

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                                                one and half gun

                                                  yeah it does, played ta yesterday

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    i dont recommend playing ta anyway, ur a free kill if any of the enemy support buy urn since it burns away your refraction instantly


                                                      Melody-san enjoying the new ezy game.

                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                        Lol, not no I am not enjoying this patch as it forces me to change play styles once again.

                                                        Low Expectations
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                                                            Undocumented changes aka "bugs".

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              TA can spill on ancients
                                                              Meepo can no longer share tangos to his clones

                                                              2 I've noticed


                                                                you cant repick in AP ranked anymore