General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Broodmother?

New Broodmother? in General Discussion
me, government hooker

    Is 6.82 broodmother better or worse than before?
    On one hand 6 sec reveal and tree destruction is bullshit
    On the other she can run really fast now ?


      I think it's worse personally.

      BoGi is the professional Brood afaik though.


        Tree destruction is so you wont get stuck! And as brood, if you get gnked, you get ganked, you will mostly never survive. (Thats why it did not matter if you werent in hidden mode when you are seen by the enemy in older version)

        How ever I can guarantee you she is way strong now, even though dagon/eb got nerfed and it was one of her few toolkits.
        Finally being able to join team fights after years of absence.

        Imho shes waaaaaaaay better


          I think that the spiderlings being able to phase through trees is a big game


            Spin web charges seem like an awesome addition. I remember playing her a lot in Dota1, but could never adapt to her in Dota2. Maybe I'll give her a try again with this patch.


              Learning a hero like brood you first have to invest a couple of games to actually do ok with. Mostly people when they say that they give that a try, they try her a couple of times, maybe win one game genuinely and then they never play the hero again!
              It takes dedication to learn a hero like this!

              Dr. Barber
              Them having phase will give you slightly more dps due to them not blockign each other, and it might be good for skirmishes at the t1 hiding spot but thats about it, retreating would do the same for you. The big change is rather the speed and the web charges.
              So if you are aware people will coem for you you will be able to cast your nets and get away. Micro is more required now for scouting however it pays off way more!


                I didn't play much Dota 1 but I did play the shit out of wc3. I must say I see a lot of people say that they were better Broods in dota1, but I can't imagine how it could be any easier there. Being able to select all of your spiders at once in Dota2 is a huge micro upgrade.
                But hiding spiderlings within trees is a good way to keep them safe, and makes your routes across the map go much quicker. Attacking a hero under the enemy T1 with your spiders becomes easier too.

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                  i dread the day when that shit gets live.
                  last picks brood are already worst nightmare to play against.

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                    ^^ Waaaay way back in Dota1, there was a period where there was no such thing as Phase Boots, most people didn't know how to properly use a Blink Dagger even though it was infinitely more powerful back then (it didn't break) and only a handful of heroes had reliable escape mechanisms. It was pretty easy to surround heroes completely with spiders and yourself back then.

                    When I began playing Dota2 though, I was already maining supports and never put any serious effort into learning how to play Brood. It would be nostalgic now I think.

                    Edit: Ninja'd.

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                      Talkign about surround. So first off, since spiders have phase now they can only block if they get damaged.
                      And in dota 1 it was easier due to 2 reasons. In dota 2 there is a bug that the collisionsize is smaller than intended (33~%) and if you controlled a group of units in dota 1 they had a formation like

                      x x x x x
                      x x x x x
                      x x x x x

                      Ant thus make it easier to surround compared to now which is just pure clumping up.

                      @Dr Barber

                      Well point is that there are like 3 cases.
                      You see the enemy hero in time and you can just walk spiders out.
                      you dont and they will be able to nuke them down completly
                      Or they are not able to nuke them down.

                      Point is that spiders are fast enough and have no problems in getting away at all regardless of terrain or not. However speed bonus has doubled so actually if you are are atleast subpar spiders should not die uninentionally or without reaction and free pathing might help at circlign around heroes but escapewise i think it is barely of value. (my prediciton)


                        teach me how to spider


                          Did you make a Brood video Arka? Can't remember if you did.


                            I have a few PoVs, few highlights and 1 micro guide where i cover brood a little. Why ?


                              Cool. To check them out of course. I'm interested in learning the hero...even if some consider her a yet to be spread cancer :D


                                New brood pretty good, veeeeeeeeery mobile


                                  ^ fucking lucky shit u and ur spider :D

                                  Quick maffs

                                    I just played one game with her

                                    I think its way easier to survive now actually, you are really fast in webs and you can put a lot of webs if you need it


                                      worst patch in history of patches.

                                      Low Expectations

                                        ^+, the gold you get from ending a streak is ridiculously huge. This patch doesnt promote comebscks it promotes 5 man core lineups that rely on one kill past 25th min to get like 4k gold and be back in the game. Overall the balancing of heros is ok (at least the once ive seen) but the other changes are just fucking stupid.

                                        Low Expectations

                                          Hurr durr SF died 5 times to solo kills from weaver but he kills him once (hes now 1-5) and his networth is the same as weavers because he ended a huge streak. WAT how is this shit ever ok.

                                          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                            new brood is the shit


                                              pls nerf brood into shittier again, 522 min 1 isnt funny


                                                alright well i have to say the way i play brood as been completely ruined with this new update. idk how many other people did this, cause I've never seen anyone else do this before. but basically i would go mid and web not the lane but the jungle around it. So with web invis, plus the jungles sight-blocking, and freemovent, i could get away form any attack , just walk though the jungle. then i would get BKB so even a full team couldn't kill me since i would get to the jungle before enough physical damage could be done. With this method nothing was save in mid lane but me.


                                                  imo brood is op now.


                                                    It's much easier to rape offlane now but a lot harder to win a game with brood in current meta.

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                                                      new brood much better then in 6.81b