General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 Aghs + Refresher Zeus + Lvl 3 Bloodrage = 1,792 damage

6.82 Aghs + Refresher Zeus + Lvl 3 Bloodrage = 1,792 damage in General Discussion

    (before magic resistance)

    Even after 25% magic resistance that is still 1,344 damage to every enemy hero whilst sitting in the fountain.

    Isn't that a bit silly?


      Why with lvl 3 bloodrage? Why not figure it out with level 4?


        Bloodrage skywrath would be even better in my opinion, total damage from one mystic flare would be just short of 2,000 damage (1,960 to be exact)

        And each one of his arcane bolts if he has 100 intelligence, would do 392 damage every two seconds. Fire three or four of those and just instantly kill any support and even some carries depending on hp and magic resistance.


          lvl 3 was a typo - was so op i thought it was an ultimate...

          at least skywrath needs to be near his targets and choose a target - the zeus+bs combo does up to 8,960 damage globally...


            I don't think that it is better than a 1.75sec spell that remove 11.55% current hp to everyone in enemy team (not to mention the damage of arc lightning damage of zeus)
            cast 4 spell in 1.75sec --> everyone (without counting zeus ult) loosing 40% hp (if repeat combo with refrehser, it's everyone down to 37% hp (without counting the damage of ult)

            Basically a guy with 2k hp: that just got touched by ult, would be down to 45hp after the combo with refresher
            A single bounce of arc lightning on him and he is dead. that's a 3.5sec combo btw.

            I think that spell of bloodseeker will be nerfed fast to not give spell (or even ally) the bonus damage, it's way too strong that way

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              Imagine that combo coupled with Elder Titan's aura and/or Undying's ult.
              Flesh Golem damage amplification between 15-30% + 33% from maxed Natural Order.

              =3694.6 can be achieved if 1) SWM lvl 3 ult is amped by BS, used on a target affected Ancient Seal, Natural Order & Flesh Golem (I used 1.3 but it can be any value between 1.15 and 1.3 in reality).

              And if we add Natural Order & Flesh Golem to Matrice's example... well GG ;p

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                Or you can cast this shit on Aghs Huskar and his target.


                  The possibilities for retarded OP combos are endless

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                    With lvl 4 bloodrage you could possibly get bloodrage on two different targets for around 6 seconds

                    So would that mean if one targeted the other would it do 80% bonus damage?


                      They don't stack as far as I know


                        +40% damage outcoming (on your spell caster)
                        +40% damage incoming (on your target)

                        --> +96% damage. Just one on each

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                          That would be amazing if you theoretically could do almost twice as much damage on someone


                            blood rage Zeus, wait a few seconds, Zeus ults, blood rage NP, NP ults, specter ults, GG


                              did no one think of this when beta testing this...?

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