General Discussion

General DiscussionVoid Stone

Void Stone in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Is it worth it getting more than one void stone?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      It's not worth getting even one, unless your hero has high intel and you plan to make an item using void stone.
      Never get 2. Trust me.


        who are you getting it on, when are you getting it and why are you getting it instead of other items

        almost all of the time it's not even worth getting 1.

        Jay Ashborne

          Oh lord miku what have you done now..

          Dire Wolf

            Sometimes I get one first when building scythe on necro but that's about it. Necro doesn't really need the raw int from the int piece and I believe the mana regen stacks with his sadist passive, sure seems like I regen way faster after getting the void stone.


              it doesnt because that would be way too good.

              percentage mana regen only affects base mana regeneration and mana regeneration from intelligence. additional mana regen such as from sadist, arcane aura, bloodstone charges or basilius for example are not amplified by percentage mana regen.

              fyi it's better going ultimate orb for extra all around stats, plus when you have 3575g saved up you can complete the hex in the side shop without using the courier which is generally faster.


                6slot Faceless Void Stones here we go

                Dire Wolf

                  Oh ok, well maybe I'm just noticing the extra base regen then. Guess I'll stop going that though.