General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit 6.82

Earth Spirit 6.82 in General Discussion

    Earth Spirit
    Added Aghanim's Scepter: Grants Earth Spirit a new ability, Enchant Remnant, which lets him temporarily convert a hero into a Stone Remnant.

    Enchant Remnant:
    Converts an allied or enemy hero (not self) into a Stone Remnant for 3 seconds. The target behaves like a Stone Remnant fully until the duration is over. When the duration ends, the Remnant shatters, releasing the hero while dealing 300 damage in a 300 radius.

    Cast Range: 600
    Mana Cost: 150
    Cooldown: 45

    Note: The Enchanted Remnant is like his other Remnants, they cannot do anything on their own, they are invulnerable, and they can be used with his skills.

    Boulder Smash unit targeting now only selects units
    Boulder Smash point targeting now knocks back the closest Remnant (within 200 area of effect) in the direction selected [?]

    Geomagnetic Grip silence rebalanced from 2/3/4/5 to 2.5/3/3.5/4
    Geomagnetic Grip damage rebalanced from 100/150/200/250 to 50/125/200/275
    Geomagnetic Grip pull speed on allies reduced from 1000 to 600

    Stone Remnant drop range reduced from 1400 to 1100
    Fixed Stone Remnant being unable to travel as a projectile through Chronosphere
    Fixed Stone Remnants not appearing in fog of war

    Magnetize search radius increased from 300 to 400
    Magnetized Stone Remnants disappear after 8 seconds instead of 5


      Is there a point, or a question?
      in which case: I agree and no!

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        it is a particularly interesting new spell that creates a huge amount of possibilities for combos and I was interested in what people though of it.


          I don't think we needed a new topic for this. But whatever, I'll contribute.

          It gives an already OP hero a possibility to be even more OP.


            all i fear are the trolls


              @Zano - that is kinda my fear.

              Aren't we trying to get ES into CM and not permabanned from it?


                protect your allies with the invuln and also pull them back with grip

                use boulder + enchanted remnants kinda like tusk snowball, bring an ally with you
                or use boulder as an escape and take an ally with you

                also because boulder smash has a longer travelr ange for remnants you can push teamates further with it

                holy shit if only i bothered to learn how to play ES

                Quick maffs

                  Everything i see in this patch makes me thing of a indirect nerf to void

                  I love it


                    > Aren't we trying to get ES into CM and not permabanned from it?

                    it'd probably be easier to give him another ability now, then tweak it so that he's balanced in cm even with his aghs

                    rather than balancing around his current abilities, adding him into cm once he's balanced, then icefrog having to think of an aghs buff and then removing him from cm again


                      Yea that is true. He is already an extremely high skill cap hero so it is interesting seeing another skill added to him.

                      Arguably the hardest hero in the game to play to his maximum ability now.

                      Frog v2

                        I have played on test, his Q seems so hard to get to work properly. Why did they even change his Q?


                          his smash now is so much easier to use

                          you basically click on anywhere on the ground away from you and he kicks the boulder in that direction regardless of his position relative to that boulder

                          a basic combo is turn enemy to remnant, pull him, and back-kick him without having to reposition yourself in order to push him back 3000 units in one instance (WTF)


                            Boulder Smash point targeting now knocks back the closest Remnant (within 200 area of effect) in the direction selected
                            if i understand this correctly, now his stun is fuckin easy to hit. u just stand near a remnant an press q in the direction u wanna hit.
                            i don know about his aghs, its basicaly ez 3 seconds immortallity, probably removing all debuffs from allies thus easiest save with grip + boulder smash, cuz stones travel so much farther. if this is real life i bet i will have 80%winrate with the hero soon enough

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                              I'm intrigued and can't wait to play him once the patch is released (haven't checked yet) Ags upgrade is something I've been thinking he needed for a while, it's definitely going to completely change the way he is played. More OP? I don't think so, his combo is less damage early on, which is kind of annoying to hear...

                              Frankly, smashing remnant has been bugged for a very long time, it doesn't let you select the remnant so when there are loads of creeps around it, it's impossible to get it. Crazy frustrating, it's not going to make it easier, it's still a skill shot, it just means you're 100% gonna get it instead of a creep.

                              But looking forward to be able to save allies with Enchant and Smash away for an epic range. Even just keeping them alive for 3 seconds is an epic addition.

                              Absolutely can't wait to see him available in CM, but it'll be a sad day when people aren't as impressed with your combo skills because more people have invested the time in learning him. Hopefully he will still have that edge that you need to stay ahead of everyone so you don't get rekd every few minutes.


                                just hope that the pull speed from 1000 to 600 doesn't affect much..