General Discussion

General DiscussionLittle advice

Little advice in General Discussion

    Quit dota trust me, it not worth wasting all your time with anger cuz of some russians or serbians, quit dota with all my mates 1 week ago, we are from 15-18years, dont waste the most beautiful times of your life playing this mindless game. Go out have fun go to the gym play some sports, hang out with girls. :)) and study ofc, fuck this game trust me guys, at least try it for 1 week. you'll see the difference


      Sure, says the most toxic guy on this forum.

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          If you can't manage your anger that's your problem, you will meet retarded people in game, at school, at work, most of the people you will ever know will be retarded as fuck and you will still have to deal with them. It's part of growing up, kid.

          King of Low Prio

            I miss the days when I was young and dumb


              i miss the days when u used to play Bh sampson :'(

              waku waku

                how young are you now

                King of Low Prio

                  everyone follows the pro scene and they fuck up playing with a BH and it just leaves me frustrated, I only play him in scrims atm. Maybe next patch will change it.

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                    Hex Sigma

                      rage is stupid tbh. That's why i stopped tryharding because it made me rage at every little mistake. Who cares about a number just play the game for fun, it's not like you play for money, or like you earn money out of it.

                      And btw op(for the ignorance) life is more than drooling over girls or going to gym to be a brainless jock. You know you can read a book. If you know what that is ofc. Or you can play single player games. Dota is not the only game on the market afaik. But hey who the hell uses steam am i right? oh whait...

                      @ Linyh dunno why but i've got the feeling that the video is somehow related to 4chan

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                        "I miss the days when I was young and dumb"

                        Now you are just dumb?


                          @Raspharus "or going to gym to be a brainless jock" oh so going to the gym and making your body look better is something that only stupid people do huh. I bet you look like shit and want to justify yourself by saying that only "meatheads" are looking better than you. I dont even have idea why you are so defensive and mad for him pointing out girls or gym, he just said a few examples and you go all like "hurr durr im 200 IQ+ so i rather read a book". Are you an atheist by any chance?

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                          FUCK RUSSIA

                            what ever one day you'll understand that all your precious time wasted on this game was not worth it hope its not to late. shit game shit community

                            King of Low Prio

                              No, one day you will understand that life is not about chasing girls 24/7 or making sure you update your FB profile every time you go to the gym. Only the real fucked up clingy girls dont let men have hobbies and Dota happens to be one of mine. I play on my universities team I have a gf and I play dota, omg the world is falling apart.


                                @Sampson true, it all depends how do you treat the game, because there's a difference between playing and ditching your friends, family, everything and just playing when you have time and when you know you dont neglet more important things in your life

                                I didnt have dota for a week lately and how did it help me? I was more bored than before...

                                Quick maffs

                                  " "I miss the days when I was young and dumb"

                                  Now you are just dumb? "


                                  By the way, i didnt know that going to the gym made you dumb, thanks for the tip Raspharus i will procede to stop going the next week.

                                  The reason a lot of people ( including me ) goes to the gym is to be healthier.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    not really dorkly alot of people go to the gym because they believe they are bettering themselves. Going to the gym does not equal a healthy lifestyle. Their diet is completely fucked and their sleep cycle/work routine is completely fucked. You can be much more healthy not even stepping into the gym if you manage your diet appropriately. Sure there are the people who actually have a complete healthy lifestyle but those are few and far between.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      That is half true, you can have a healthier life style by having a good diet but if you do 0 exercise or physical activity is not going to do much, it works the other way around too, if you do exercise but your diet is awful is not going to do anything.

                                      The reason i decided to go to a gym was because i dont really like most physical sports but at the same time i wanted to do some physical activity.

                                      I know that some people only goes to the gym thinking that in some months they are going to have a really nice body and its going to be easier for them to get girls ( this kind of people coudnt be more wrong ) but still there is no need to generalize.


                                        i go to the gym because it feels good to be big and dominate small nerds like dorkly

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                                        King of Low Prio

                                          I had to re register my gym card at the uni and the line was INSANE to get in. One month down the line I just breeze through, it is pretty safe to generalize.


                                            anger cause of russians and serbians?

                                            Russians are the guys I enjoy the most to play with.
                                            Nobody care about your stereotypical bullshit

                                            Quick maffs

                                              This is actually true, most of the times the ones flaming are not the russians actually. ( well when they do i dont understand a shit so whatever )


                                              Void and disruptor, russians, didnt flame once in the game and tried their best until the end.

                                              Bane gave up after his 3º death in the offlane and spends the rest of the game flaming everyone in the team, and he was not russian.


                                              Pudge, russian, fed 3 times to the mid slark, still doesnt flame and focus on his own games, he ganked other lanes and he snowballed.

                                              US is actually the server with most flamers, ragers and kids in my opinion, i played some games there and holy shit people give up so easily.


                                                DoTA turned me to an adult (Benedict "HyHy" Lim)
                                                How about that one?


                                                  ^ dont even talk to him, his brain usage is bellow average.


                                                    In the holidays, yeah it's easy to forget about being sociable, lounge around at home playing dota maybe a bit too much each day, but during school time, 9/17 waking hours are spent doing something useful, talking to people and getting good grades. Why not spend 2-4 hours in the evening playing games?

                                                    Probably about half my games are played with freinds anyway, you are forgetting that many people play dota because it is often almost as sociable as going to sports or whatever. Maybe if you live in a busy suburb you can go out easily, I live in a small village with only one very expensive bus out every 2 hours, and my parents wont drop their free time after a hard day of work just to drive their son somewhere for half an hour, every evening.


                                                      15 yrs old twat giving life advice on an internet gaming forum.
                                                      only thing more pathetic than that is people that might take this kid seriously.

                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                        @Maszyna 1964 you can pretty much take what sampson said for my words. And no i don't have anything against the gym but many people go to gym not to exercise in order to be healthy but to look good for their crush or w/e.

                                                        Second of all i myself don't go to gym because i am not allowed to exercise, because of a nasty surgery. Still i follow a special diet for my liver and other organs. So im not fat either(that's another thing that i'm not allowed to do, being fat)

                                                        Nice try tho. Sampson was right life isn't all about getting laid and parties. Reading a book makes you smarter but hey who the fuck needs knowledge when the social media is more entertaining.
                                                        I usually admit my bad points pretty easily, cause im a realistic person, so the thing with fatass in denial is pretty lame. Just because people have different opinions, doesn't mean that they are a hater, or keyoard warrior or whatever.

                                                        edit: and no im not atheist im an eastern christian.

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                                                          You don't need to go to gym to stay healthy lmao, that's overkill.
                                                          Not only that, If you attend gym without drinking those expensive supplement, the result won't be optimum.

                                                          To stay healthy all you have to do just walk and swimming These 2 are more than enough and eat good food.
                                                          If you want to save more time, you can cycle to work/school but i think it's impossible in US since almost everyone has car there.
                                                          99% of people attend gym just to build muscle and looks good, just be honest.

                                                          Reading book is always good, you can meet smart girl and have something to talk :smile:

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                                                            Whats wrong with going to the gym to look good? Some people care about their looks and having a good body helps.

                                                            Oh so if im not reading books then I have to be brainwashed and addicted to TV. Of course im not implying reading books is bad, if all its pretty good, I probably should have read some from time to time.

                                                            I just hate people that think they are enlighten and think everything they DONT do is wrong and bad and they feel superior to others about everything they DO. He just gave a few examples and your books werent here, you had to point it out so badly because thats the thing you actually do which makes you so superior to others, huh

                                                            Of course going to the gym isnt automatically = healthy, because it misses the point when you take roids and a lot of unnecessary supplements but whatever is someones goal man, I feel like shit when Im too skinny and getting from skelly to normal build was a nice achievement for me and hopefully i will make it further

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              I dont smoke meth but I can tell you for sure that it is wrong to do. There is a misconception that alot of people seem to fall into which is only muscular people can look good. That is completely false, obviously if you are to the extreme of each bracket then you have a issue but skinny people and chubby people can look good it is all a matter of how you carry yourself. Trying to change your body to improve your self esteem in a trap that far too many people fall into, just look at how depressed models are with chiseled features.

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this argument between us was pointless anyway. You can do what you want with your life, and believe what you want.

                                                                The sad truth is that nobody reads these days, people are too fascinated with the social media and becasue of it we have specimens like Kim Kardashian: a human that by doing practicly nothing useful can make tons of cash cause she is famous in the social media.

                                                                But i guess that you're not interested in my tinfoil hat theories abour brainwashing and stuff like that. As i've said everyone is free and entitled to their own opinion. If i consider that looks are not so important you have the right to not share the same opinion.


                                                                  doing something to please others = a fool, literally. hence going to gym to look good for someone to admire you makes you a fool.
                                                                  do whatever the fuck you want. and if you are smart enough you will do what you want, look good and be healthy at the same time, son.
                                                                  word mottafucka'

                                                                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                    All right, go fuck some bitches and left dota

                                                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                      He's giving you a good advice, trust him


                                                                        ^ hes like 14 year old with the same size of penis as his age....

                                                                        FUCK RUSSIA

                                                                          UGLY AYAHHAHAHAHA


                                                                            well this one is with a fail frontcam with my childhood friend on the right
                                                                            i dont even dl any of ur fb photos cause u wont stand the comparison
                                                                            in real life even in dota 2

                                                                            you and ur anorexic friend started commenting on my fb and as u saw i didnt even got mad.. u spammed a little less than the 18 year old girls commenting on my posts... i thought u could do better than this... anyway i really saw both of ur faces... i feel sorry... 15-17 year old babyface guys spamming a mongoloid language trying to piss me off? im the miyaki or dota sons notice me sons


                                                                              u both sound gay but post FUCK RUSSIA's facebook plz i wanna see if he's fat or anorexic


                                                                                well none of us is gay... but the guy that starts insulting the other like this..

                                                                                obviously feels uncomfortable for his appearance and he got 0 attention from girls...

                                                                                i blocked him and his friend on fb.. they started spamming like 14year old girlies

                                                                                One is like a gypsy guy selling lighters at the traffic lights
                                                                                and the other is a skiny guy with an apple head..

                                                                                ages 15-17 bulgarussian language

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                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                  hes anorexic and shares room with his sister


                                                                                    why so much hate ?


                                                                                      why so serious ?


                                                                                        Once you lift weights, get pussy, get drunk often, make money, acquire cars

                                                                                        Dota 2 will be shit


                                                                                          Ok you asked for it... brats! Tonight we are having a beauty contest in this forum.

                                                                                          On a more serious note, xan you never seize to amaze me. Your concise and constructive sarcasm is beyond me, i love you!
                                                                                          "15 yrs old twats giving life advice on an internet gaming forum.
                                                                                          Only thing more pathetic than that is people that might take this kid seriously"

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                                                                                              ^ epic name btw


                                                                                                ^^ i know bro but i still love you (no homo), it was simply too good to not use it myself since i have been muted for 148 hours for some days now ;D

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                                                                                                  wow i was flaming 15 year olds all this time

                                                                                                  one and half gun

                                                                                                    rofl i guess thats me except im not from a desert