General Discussion

General DiscussionKDA should count when reporting

KDA should count when reporting in General Discussion

    What i want to ask is do you agree that not all reports should be counted as same. I think players stats (KDA, GPM, XPM, +something that shows quality of support play) should give weight to reports. For example i just played game where we had absolutely free farming hard carry who finished game with score of 0/9/4 in 30 min game. I flamed him from around 23-23 until end and he reported me and i got in LPQ. BTW i was solo mid and had 5/7/4 (terrible as well, but by far best in my team) and was active from start, got 1st kill on lane and started ganking, was 4/2/3 at one point. Do you think that player failing like that guy should be able to report someone who didnt fail as badly? I feel like great injustice had been done to me because few days ago i played really poorly (1/10/4 as support), i didnt flame or anything, only had bad game and got reports and was in LPQ, but i think that one was deserved(by my inferior play). So point is who has reports determens who gets LPQ, not our behavior or performance. What are your opinions about that?


      " I flamed him from around 23-23 until end "

      That is reason you got banned, not your 5/7/4

      Dire Wolf

        If you flamed a guy and he reported you and you had enough reports against you then yes, you should end up in LPQ. Poor performance shouldn't land you in LPQ.

        Are we absolutely sure than if you have a bad game but are clearly not intentionally throwing and everyone reports you, you will end up in LPQ? I am not 100% cure that's the case and my guess is you actually were flaming people.

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          KDA probably counts if you report them for intentional feed (0-24-2)

          Communication abuse has nothing to do with KDA

          Ability abuse doesn't really relate too much to KDA


            You belong in low priority forever, because you don't even understand how the report system is supposed to fucking work.

            Reports are for people who are ABUSIVE. They are flaming constantly in mic/chat (like you), they are intentionally feeding the enemy team (INTENTIONALLY MEANS THEY'RE DOING IT ON PURPOSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE BAD), or because they're intentionally abusing abilities (again, INTENTIONALLY MEANS THEY'RE DOING IT ON PURPOSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE BAD) in such a manner that it ruins the game for other players. Ex: Wisp TP-ing people into trees and leaving them there, banes putting teammates to sleep constantly, or Pandas who abused the infinite-split bug.

            Reports are not supposed to determine who is bad and who is not. That's what MMR is for. If you are constantly playing with bads, it is because you are a bads, and no amount of reporting other bads is going to fix your own shit play.


              I think that if you play invoker you should never be reported. Also my dog is dead :(


                ( my dog isnt really dead ) i have a cat.


                  I fucking know how report system works, just i think ppl with inferior performance(i mean game losing performance, not missing 1 hook) should be put in LPQ, and not ppl who flame.
                  I just ask do you agree, that they should rework system, remove chat abuse(since you can mute one who flames you) as something punishable and make playing bad punishable.


                    You're weird. Inferior performance = dropping MMR to find the right level for the player - why should someone go in LPQ because they are outplayed?


                      stay in europe east pls, cyka


                        > below 50% winrate
                        > high skill ranked matches
                        > clearly it is his teammates that are at fault

                        join the queue


                          well i dont know your MMR since you didnt upload it, here is mine:

                          Anyway problem is someones fail lose everyone MMR, thats what i wont to say. If someone palyed far worst than other team members he should get punished, if all played badly than nothing happens.


                            and as much as i see you lost match in high skill:

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                              1. that's normal matchmaking, i mean is it too difficult to click on matches > filter ranked matches?
                              2. im not bitching about bad teammates / elo hell / or whatever and making excuses, you are.
                              3. here's my mmr

                              could you show a more recent picture? 848-855 is like a 250 game difference between your current stats. more if you take into account that dotabuff doesn't count some games.

                              if you don't want to end up in lpq, don't flame people. hell the only time ive been in lpq is if my internet was bad and i left two games in a row or something, which was ages ago.


                                yes, congrats, you can pick out 1 loss out of ~1500 games that i've played. what's your point

                                Kamado Kun

                                  Whenever you feel the urge to report someone at least try to fit them in the right report category, report for noob is not a thing , report for flaming is thankfuly.


                                    That screenshot is from may i think, i dropped MMR and i played on my old account for some time , and got it to 4188 MMR atm, and i want to bring this account back to 4100+ (since i have 50 inventory tabs and 1200 items on it and i have aces to market, i do trades with it, i am loged here with it and generally its my main account) but i cant since every 2nd game ether mid or carry has 250 GPM and make my team lose hard, so i am asking if there are people who agree with me that players who played far more bad than others in team should be punished with LPQ so they focus next game and dont ruin it for teammates. In my opinion game ruined by feeding on purpose and one where you are carry and have 250 GPM are same thing = ruined game. I dont say worst player in every lost game should be punished, only in games where one player is outstandingly bad.
                                    I dont care about players calling me retarded russian etc(i am not russian, i am from Serbia, but whatever), calling my sister whore(dont have one), or generally insulting me, but i care if they fail and that leads to me losing game. I report flamers only if they failed as well, and if they didnt i wil save report for someone who did fail hard.

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                                      Well players i talk about arent noobs, they have a lot of games (1000+ mostly) and MMR 3600-4400, and in my opinion should be pressure to play they best every game for sake of other players, for example by system that will put them in LPQ if they fail. And this should work for ranked only, if you want to have fun dont play ranked, play regular and if you want to win play ranked, at least thats way i see it.


                                        Nobody should be sent to low priority based on performance, everybody has bad games. That's like failing a student for one test that did poorly whereas the student did fine in all the rest, you don't send them to a school for the mentally challenged to teach them a lesson. You can get better performances by playing more but you cannot easily change an ass.

                                        By your logic, you should've been sent to LPQ ages ago for that score on Doom or that awful build on Razor (0-4-4-0 build) with ZERO tower damage done. Loving the narcissistic attitude and logic btw, clearly shows you don't deserve it.

                                        edit: Losing is already a punishment itself and what do you learn from punishments? Learn from it.

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                                          if you are gonna be a complete dick and rip on people than yea you will get reported and action will probably taken but its especially bad when people feed than blame everyone else and carry on about how they are better than everyone else I dont like that but thats not you (i hope) what I would suggest is just first try to help them than just ignore them and if they are dicks report them insted



                                            just because you don't realise that you're the one dragging your team down in some games, doesn't mean that you aren't at fault


                                              Well at least guy above was decent enough to upload his MMR, but by yours 3 heroes in top 10 that are above 3.0 i see enough. As i said everyone would be sent to LPQ from time to time, to remind them not to take ranked games more seriously. Analogy with school is totally misplaced, since this is competitive video game, or e-sport what ever you like to call it, that you isnt mandatory by low. Better is to compare it with sports. For example i used to play waterpolo when i was 8-12 yo and when you were slower on warmup swim (1km), you wouldnt get to work tacks and skills with ball, you would get to swim up and down some more, just to get reminded to take it seriously next time and i dont remember well since it was long time ago, but i dont think there was time someone was that guy 2 times in row. Same would be here, you would fail get in LPQ and after you got back you would think twice before picking heroes you cant play and you would play your best not to be back there again.

                                              one and half gun

                                                stop making threads about 3k-4k problms

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                                                    I said i had games i did rag my team down, its rare but it happens (example: and i was in LPQ after that game even i didnt flame, i was there because i sucked and they reported me only for my inferior performance, even it wasnt that big deal since i was playing support(pick was missclick)
                                                    Other example is: where i was solo offlane vs 2 and ember was on trilane.
                                                    In what i am suggesting both BM(me) and Ember should be punished for those games, since its so obvious who lost those games.
                                                    Here is example of game where there shouldnt be anyone punished: , i flamed ss for few fails but it was good game and they did better in late game (i was solo vs luna and rubick and even got first kill on that lane on luna)


                                                      And what problems are relevant? Ones about 50 ppl that have 6k+ rating or ones about 9 million that are lower than 5k?

                                                      one and half gun

                                                        who cares what sub 5k ppl think

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          9 million of those ppl ruin my solo ranked games on a daily basis but you dont see me creating threads about it huh


                                                            i think that people do try to win in ranked, it's just that they don't know how to. their intentions are good, it's just that they're bad at executing.

                                                            e.g. the jugg who goes battle fury at 3k mmr isn't purposely trying to throw the game, he legitimately thinks that the item will help him win because he thinks that bf is a good item. is it a good item in reality? not really.

                                                            but that doesn't mean he's purposely trying to lose you the game, he just doesn't know any better, and flaming doesn't make your team do what you want them to.

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              "Nobody should be sent to low priority based on performance, everybody has bad games. That's like failing a student for one test that did poorly whereas the student did fine in all the rest, you don't send them to a school for the mentally challenged to teach them a lesson. You can get better performances by playing more but you cannot easily change an ass.

                                                              By your logic, you should've been sent to LPQ ages ago for that score on Doom or that awful build on Razor (0-4-4-0 build) with ZERO tower damage done. Loving the narcissistic attitude and logic btw, clearly shows you don't deserve it.

                                                              edit: Losing is already a punishment itself and what do you learn from punishments? Learn from it."

                                                              It's more like taking them out of school entirely and sending them to prison.

                                                              LPQ is dota prison. You only go there if you ARE bad not cus you PLAY bad. Although a lot of people are there cus they have shit internet and that's the only dota they know lol. So many dc's right after game load in LPQ.

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                                                                  to wave: As you can see ppl do care, but i dont think anyone cares about you beeing attention whore, so stop trolling my post

                                                                  As i said for me bad performance is bad performance i dont give f#$k about motives or reasons. I kind of see that i am lonely in that regard as people seem much more forgiving about game than i am. I think got my answer, most of people are happy about existing report system and wouldnt change it.

                                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                    incoming 3k mmr players spamming zeus to calibrate at 4k


                                                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                      since you haven't figured out what everyone here is trying to say

                                                                      1) you're at 4k because you deserve that rating
                                                                      2) you will get game ruiners at every MMR
                                                                      3) with millions of players in dota 2, valve would need to revamp the entire disciplinary system into something like overwatch bans/tribunals with peer report/voting in order to make the system remotely functional, since a few mods would never be able to process tens of thousands of reports every single day

                                                                      the fact that you assume people are satisfied with the report system without any evidence is inexplicable

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                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!