General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of aghs upgrade would work for heroes that don't have aghs ...

What kind of aghs upgrade would work for heroes that don't have aghs upgrades? in General Discussion



      I´m honestly not aware of every hero without Aghs.
      It´s not an item I rate very high on most heroes, and would usually only consider it on heroes like Tiny/pushies that grow extremely much stronger with the upgrade.

      However making Tusks ult a 5sec stun would be extremely neat.

      It´s the only thing I can hunk of atm.


        Pa aghs, throws daggers in an aoe the same size as its current range that hits all enemy heros once :) could be fun?

        Ta traps stun instead of slow

        Phoenix randomly drops spirits in egg form

        Naix can infest enemy heroes (deals no damage)

        Idk those seem kinda fun to me, unrealistic but maybe not broke

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          I think extra stone upgrades for earth sprit would be fun.


            sven: gain 20/25/30 bonus strength in addition to the bonus damage


              Storm Spirit: When you come out of ball lightning you will perform Vortex on all enemy heroes in rage. The duration of the Vortex is based off of your current level of Vortex. 500 is the minimum distance to activate this effect. Maximum effect is achieved at 1500 units. This is a sub ability that can be toggled on or off. While toggled on your next Ball Lightning will activate this effect. The ability has a 40 second CD and costs no additional mana.

              Edit: @Sven: I think the best idea is what Valve did for Wraith Night where getting kills lowers the CD of the skill. Possibly that along with a small buff to the Str multiplier.

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                death prophet, incease spitirs and damage

                slark, increase duration and passive reg, from 3 5 7 to 5 7 9

                naix, infest heals u based on maximum hp, not current, increase dmg and aoe, reduces cooldown

                ember, u now have an extra ability which lets u dash to only 1 remenant, instead of all (maybe op?:D)

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                kanye went to uni

                  sniper: when you ult, you change teams, so you can actually win


                    TA: TRAPS BLOCK CAMPS GG


                      Riki: Permanent Inivisibility aghs upgrade can only be revealed by a gem and Doom.
                      Invis fade time also decreaed to 2/1.25/0.5

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                        Dragon Knight: Move one step up on the dragon table (lvl 6 ulti now has lvl 11 effects etc) and at 16 your splash increases and the frost slow affects buildings.

                        Legion Commander: Enemies don't gain damage for lost duels; double amount of damage gained per duel. This effect is retroactive.

                        Drow Ranger: Marksmanship is no longer disabled by enemy hero proximity.

                        Outworld Devourer (don't lie to me and say this hero has an Agh's upgrade already): Cooldown reduced to 80s, and the triggered mana removal no longer requires an intelligence threshold.


                          antimage - increase mana burn damage by some obscene amount, like +40 so it's like having a diffusal blade (if it could stack), but you can't stack other uams.

                          so its also an indirect buff to mana void since u drain mana faster.


                            Death Prophet - I think it would be cool to see the spirits deal pure damage instead of physical damage. But that might be too OP. But they still won't go through magic immunity. Or maybe have them heal allied heroes they pass through.


                              > But they still won't go through magic immunity

                              that would imply that currently, they don't go through magic immunity, which they do, because they deal physical damage.
                              "upgrading" to pure would help against buildings which have armour but no magic resistance, but would make it easier for carries to counter with a bkb, as you generally don't want to get ghost scepter on a carry, since you want to be hitting stuff.

                              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                sven: dmg x3
                                earth spirit: extra time/damage in ulti
                                am: increase mana void damage multiplier and increase the aoe range
                                lina: destroy this ags buff, today it fucked me
                                Bounty hunter: true sight in a area arrount the tracked hero + +gold per tracked hero killed
                                Batrider: unbreakable lasso
                                chaos knight: change of even more illusions
                                Dragon knight: 4lvls ulti
                                Wisp: u can theeter 2 heros at he same time (Too op)
                                legion comander: u gain +14 dmg every won duel (TOO OP NERF IT PLS)
                                Magnus: more are of effect or the ulti slows aswell
                                Timbersaw: u can send the saw wherever
                                Spectre: the ilusions have the same stats than spectre and +3 sec duration on his ult
                                Sniper: u can hit the enemy 3 times booom booom boom (TRY TO DOGE IT NOW)
                                Weaver: The timelapse return you to the original position and a copy of u appear on the site u ulted
                                Wraithking: Ulti dont need mana and the slow is like the 85%

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  Earth spirit so many places it could go:

                                  1. 2 extra stone remnants and after death receive full remnant count.

                                  2. Stone remnants double in size ;)

                                  3. Longer duration of ult + damage scale up

                                  4. Increase damage on other abilities or lower cd on abilities.

                                  5. Abilities trigger off kicking units or pulling units as well as remnants.


                                    @ Last picking

                                    1. That would increase the amount of damage ES does DRASTICALLY

                                    2. Increases the amount of heroes that can be stunned/ silence as well make them as big as TB

                                    3. No

                                    4. Hella no

                                    5. Maybe.


                                      yeah its not like by the time es gets aghs the enemies will likely have gotten bkbs.


                                        Give Lina an Aghs similar to Lions

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          Let me get this straight #1 your not down with at all but you give a maybe to #5???


                                          Miku Plays

                                            Legion commader :
                                            Duel now lasts longer from 4/4.5/5 to 5/5.5/6. LC can also stop the duel at any given time. Overwheling odds gives you armor buff as well.

                                            Hex Sigma

                                              Doom aghs rework: spreads the doom to all heroes.


                                                slark aghs: the passive regen works even if being attacked or under enemy sight

                                                Spinach Rag

                                                  Tidehunter: Reduce Ravage cooldown to 60 secs.

                                                  Wraith King: Reincarnation does not require mana.

                                                  Phoenix: Supernova adds 30% miss chance to enemy heroes within its radius.

                                                  Broodmother: Insatiable Hunger grants magic immunity for its duration.

                                                  Alchemist: Enemy Ancient self-destructs.

                                                  NO MAP (TEST)

                                                    kunkka: boat goes much faster and deals 300% damage to slark naga and tide

                                                    sf: precision razes (smaller but higher dmg)

                                                    sniper: ulti can be used on towers :S

                                                    legion: enemies lose 4 damage for every lost duel


                                                      mirana aghs: ultimate buffs all heroes to max movespeed and gives them all true sight, duration increased.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Sniper, makes ult instant cast instead of 1.7 cast delay. That would be sweet, 10s cooldown, 655 magic dmg ability.

                                                        WK, reduces mana cost of reincarnation to 20, increases slow duration to 6 seconds.

                                                        DK, doubles dragon blood effect in dragon form, makes all levels use blue dragon.

                                                        Drows, Keep 75% of bonus even when enemies within 400 range. Makes all levels give 80 agi.

                                                        Terror blade, increases cast range to 800, removes cast time so it's instant cast.

                                                        Spectre, haunt spawns two illusions on every enemy hero. This would definitely be op. With radiance and diffusal you would wipe an entire team.

                                                        Bounty hunter, increases track duration to 3 mins and persists through death.

                                                        Naix, reduces cooldown to 15 seconds. Try and kill me now with creeps around!

                                                        Tidehunter, ravage deals physical dmg (goes throug bkb!)

                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                          Lord the OPness of some I know I did a few if mine on purpose.

                                                          Maybe this should read balanced Aghs scepter abilities for heroes.


                                                            Sf~agh gives 15 more souls to collect and it also adds -2 armor on his aura.

                                                            Mirana~ leap now grants windwalk for 4 sec

                                                            Tb~adds zeal. :-D


                                                              slark: increase hp regen and add minor mana regen (1.5%/s?)

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                                                                I like how many of these Aghs upgrades affect abilities that aren't ultimates.

                                                                I think Tinker is one of the few heroes whose Aghs does that. So I guess it isn't too outlandish.

                                                                Aghs for IO: can go back to point relocated from on command would be nice and not too overpowered. Because you're building aghs on IO.

                                                                Aghs for Alch: Raise regen, lower base attack time.

                                                                In general I just want to see more carries with legitimate aghs upgrades.

                                                                Spinach Rag

                                                                  Sniper: Assassinate does damage to all enemy or neutral units it hits in its path.

                                                                  [DFG] Whale King

                                                                    Just gonna point out that wtfisgoingon's idea got me laughing really hard

                                                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                      Kunkka: Double duration of rum buff and decrease travel time of boat.

                                                                      Legion Commander: Base attack time reduced during duel or unmute Legion Commander during it (dueled enemy still stays muted).

                                                                      Lycan: All units under his control get bonus damage against buildings.

                                                                      Chaos Knight: Reduce cooldown and give a small bonus magic resistance to illusions.

                                                                      Troll Warlord: Bonus movement speed to all allies and duration increased slightly.

                                                                      Alchemist: Take a percentage reduced damage from all damage types except hp removal.

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                                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                        Balanced suggestions:

                                                                        LC: on ult does almost a reverse magnus ult pushing heroes away from cast point and slowing them (no stun since that would be OP as hell)

                                                                        Earth Spirit: Increase damage/duration of ult and adds 1-2 extra stones to total. (sorry hard hero to balance and yes bkbs wreck him late) probably better options.

                                                                        Tusk: Slow duration replaced with Stun duration.

                                                                        Sven: melee crits cast warcry for free and regardless of cooldown.

                                                                        That's all I got at moment.

                                                                        NO MAP (TEST)

                                                                          agha on riki: unmutes riki every time he dies so he can blame the team during the respawn duration. When riki respawns he gets muted again. Only works with muted players.

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                                                                            Gondar : Permanent Track (3 Max), otherwise it expire if cast on the 4th, like chen's persuasion
                                                                            Drow : No more penalty for Marksmanship, adds 20 more agi
                                                                            Bristleback : Warpath now resets and stacks indefinetely.
                                                                            Timbersaw : Chakram now steals Mana from the enemy, if your Mana is full, It gives you hp instead and reduces cooldown to 3s


                                                                              Broodmother: +400 hp per spiderling, +2 webs, magic immune when ult
                                                                              Enigma: 10% of enemy hp/sec in black hole, CD 45s
                                                                              Lycan: Permanent wolf form, +25% crit, +4 wolves
                                                                              Bloodhunter: Ult has 0 Cd, 100 mana cost
                                                                              Sladar: Enemies affected by ult get 50% chance of being bashed by sladar
                                                                              PA: Coup is rescaled to 65/75/85% crit chance for 550/650/750% crit
                                                                              Chaos Knight: Spawns 2x illusion, for a total of 14 illusions, illusions take 100% damage and last indefinitely until killed


                                                                                Lycan will be banned in every tournament if that happen


                                                                                  TB sunder increased cast range or Sunder Removed Min-max hp swap.
                                                                                  Nyx Vandetta, Increase dmg, mini-stun on hit.
                                                                                  Shadow Fiend increase necromastery soul count to 50.
                                                                                  Spectre, 2 Illu haunts.
                                                                                  Wraith King, instant spawn.
                                                                                  PA, DotA 1 blur and blink can be used on magic immune units.