General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry Mirana

Carry Mirana in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    Why do pubs like building Mirana like a carry? She has 0 scaling abilites other than the attack speed boost from leap.


      pros do it because she has a flash farming ability and an escape, so she can split push well, get gold fast and not die. pubs just copy pros.


        simple. In solo q the only way to win the game yourself is to carry, Now what if that carry had the ability to save your retarded teammates that are out of position.


          Well she is semi-carry.

          Starfall, Arrow, Leap..

          Better question:

          Why the fuck people make Dagger/Shadow Blade/Force Staff on her?

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          Girl with beautiful face

            Couse dager and force are great on her.

            On my main acc, i play roam mirana since lvl 1, going to the role 3 and 4.
            Making vlads, meka , force ( to be able to push enemies into arrows ). Dager is nice pickup, to get that double starfall and have escape mech.

            King of Low Prio

              just because she is better at other roles does not mean she cant play different roles

              kanye went to uni

                yea i played jungle shadow fiend once and we won so you see, all heroes are flexible

                (that was a joke)

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                  "OP: Why do pubs like building Mirana like a carry? She has 0 scaling abilites other than the attack speed boost from leap."

                  Note: Typing on laptop thus making ^this. Screens small.

                  A misconception happening by a lot of players, especially the "lower" players, is the attack range and uptime for carries.
                  You need to realize that a carries job USUALLY is to put out as much damage as possible in a team fight, but if you´re playing e.g. Sniper /w 400dmg a hit, but you only manage to put out 2 hits in a team fight with your 25k net worth, you´re not really contributing much, even though you got decent amount of farm.

                  Just like Wraith King being a melee carry that has trouble getting to hit people cause he just get kited.

                  Mirana has leap, which allows her to kite people, dodge spells, increase her own and her TEAMs DPS and mobility.
                  An game changing spell: Arrow, that may win you games cause of that insane 5sec lockdown. That´s game breaking if you manage to hit a big arrow in a fight or an gank that in theory shouldn´t work.
                  Starfall which allows for flash farming, effective pushing and huge huke in early skirmishes.

                  And an ulti that allows for heavy aggression or escaping ganks that shouldn´t be escapable. This is extremely key in late game, where people actually don´t always have slots for detection for invis, making lvl 25 heroes without buyback survive.

                  That've happened tons of times in pro games aswell, not to be underrated.

                  The hero overall is just so strong and versatile, and for me maining her I´d say I´ve won ton of games playing her as a roaming support, however Ive mostly played her off lane.

                  Also, I saw something here about carry being the only role you can win solo with, which I highly disagree, and most 5k players would too.
                  The easiest role, especially in lower ranks (3,5k-4,5k) to win with, is by playing support and doing good movement.
                  If you belong higher, you can really take advantage of bad guys positioning and awareness, also there won´t be counterganks in those games most of the time, so you get free advantages.



                    She has leap. If you have team-mates, I can understand that. If you're playing solo game , why would you make another escape meh. if she already has amazing leap?

                    That's 4k gold. More then half for Manta or Drums + Aqula.

                    It's amazing. : D People in Dotobuff actually think that 4.5k is LOW RATING! :D

                    AMAZING! I guess sad.boy is about 6k, and rest of the community is 5.9k.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    Quick maffs

                      Cause she can splitpush well

                      That its probably it, well and her range and uptime is usually really high


                        هذا البطل هو هراء سخيف تماما



                          its because of players like you that i go on a full rampage and ruin so many fucking games

                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                            Have some food. You're not you when you're hungry. (Hands you a Snickers)

                            Jay Ashborne

                              @ Life dancer
                              >Learn to play dota
                              >Spectre 3 // 33.33% // 0.71


                                Prob the picker doesn't give a shit about the pick
                                After the rest of the team picked 4 supports, mirana had to go hard carry :laugh:


                                  @melody cause you're too dumb to realize it yourself


                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                  Jay Ashborne


                                    >impying 2.5 shadowfiend is a good kda
                                    >impact role 2.5
                                    >because you think you're good.

                                    Also, hows that ban going?

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                      "it's okay that my KDA is shit because I'm actually a smurf from a much higher MMR account"


                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        His main is banned. QQ


                                          4k benao talking about being game knowledge.


                                            2.5 kda on sf is decent if you ask me


                                              im pretty sure benao's been 5,1-5,2 :)
                                              also scrubs think kda means anything lOL

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                He was on front page a few days ago. For Eu or whatever. Man times have changed.

                                                KDA doesn't mean anything on its own however it shows trends and correlations, which in turn shows results.
                                                Scrubs thinking stats don't mean something while using a stat based website. LOL

                                                Allison get off my case.

                                                Jay Ashborne


                                                  On most impact mids you see 3.x+ Most of the time among 5k players hovering closer to the 4.0 range. For where he is, and how he plays his stats are low from where he had bad performance with that hero while learning or something similar.


                                                    look at this arteezy trash guy with 2,6 kda on sf xD xD xDDDDDDDDD

                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                      If it holds an arrow, it can carry. ;)


                                                        how does kda mean anything when you can have people playing solo q exclusive and people stacking with 4 friends 2k mmr below him.


                                                          how does winrate mean anything when you can have people playing solo q exclusive and people stacking with 4 friends 2k mmr below him.

                                                          ^This is the line of thought that leads to completely disregarding all stats, sort of counter to the entire point of this website.


                                                            how does me disregarding kda imply me disgarding All stats.
                                                            i mean the purpose of kda is more of self evaluation because its not a stat that can be comparable with other people


                                                              Melody, the problem is that most mids are mobile, have some way to avoid ganks or are more durable in general. SF is a glass cannon, so its natural that he will die a lot.

                                                              Juice played SF once (I think, ive checked all his games and I can't remember another SF game) during his experiments, and it was at 3.3k range (so, 3k below his true rating) and he achieved like 3kda iirc

                                                              even on his main account his SF has like 3.2kda which is pretty good for a SF, but Swiftending is an outstanding player so again i think 2.5kda is decent

                                                              w33 which is for me the best pub player in the world has 2.68 kda on SF

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


                                                                So what stats do you want to look at? Winrate? Also susceptible to solo vs stack vs serious vs not serious. Total matches played? That doesn't exactly imply anything by itself. There's a reason that when you look at hero overview you see three things: winrate, KDA, and total games played.

                                                                And as long as we're cherry picking pro players to prove points about random heroes:



                                                                  combination of gpm hd td

                                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                                    Just because someone is professional doesn't mean they are good on all heroes Allison. Are you really this short sighted? I could have swore you were more intelligent than this. Also, for the record RTZ is a pretty trash SF. Are you going to keep talking shit because I called you out? Please son, get real.

                                                                    "SF is a glass cannon, so its natural that he will die a lot."
                                                                    If you are out of position, over extending or something similar. It's clear you are doing none of these things because SF is a risk filled mid and you are taking risks when you pick him. However disregarding that, if you don't have the vision / support from your team to play this hero you're going to have a bad time. You can still play safely however.

                                                                    Everyone looks at grimorium like hes some sort of god for having that invoker winrate/kda however I assure you he's just a stat farming whore/turns 3rd party info off whenever bad games occur. ANYWAY, he does do what I consider "Safe play", he takes very few risks and plays VERY VERY safe. Hence the high KDA yield. It's possible to do the same thing with SF. Most likely these 2.6 KDA players signify risk filled play, IE: RTZ's 2.X, This guy is WAY over confident, and over extends frequently which is represented by his 2.6. S4 clearly a more reserved player is shown with his 4.x or whatever.

                                                                    Now if we can move this to a different thread that would be great as this is clearly derailed by bad trolls. Make a thread if you want to talk about it more, otherwise get the fuck back on topic.

                                                                    Also : this was cute.

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      Melody RTZ is not a trash SF. It was one of his signature heroes a year ago and he was probably top 5 in the western scene with it.
                                                                      Also, s4 stacks a lot. RTZ only plays solo as far as I know.


                                                                        holy shit rtz trash sf. when you thought you heard them all, you see this

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          You act like the western scene is good. Stop throwing opinions around. You want discussion, make a thread. Stop derailing this one. Two buttons away.


                                                                            The western scene is good.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              Again, opinions. You think that scene is good. I think RTZ sucks. We don't see eye to eye. Nice thread, sorry for derail.

                                                                              Imho, mirana can do all roles. Shes a shitty 1 role. Lacks a passive. She's better fit for other positions 2-4, but can play all 1-5.

                                                                              Quick maffs


                                                                                LOL are you seriously trying to defend benao ? the guy is awful in a lot of ways, i would rather have a 1k guy in my team than him

                                                                                If he is 5k is cause he has been playing this game since forever, he probably should be a lot higher

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  I don't really see the problem with mirana carry if you have other supports. You don't really want mirana buying wards. The only difference in a pub between a carry and a support is who buys wards and who gets to last hit in lane. Mirana will rarely be in a lane with another carry. She'll be mid or offlane by herself or with a support or be roaming. It's not like you're going to ask her to babysit spectre or something.


                                                                                    I love how our beloved 3k Melody trying to argue with waaaay higher skilled players about strategy and hero skills. And also saying stats matter, while disregarding that mmr matters... :D

                                                                                    Benao was above 5.2k like a week ago and also up to 5.1k months ago, then dropped. Hes not bad at all but he plays in a selfish way that others hate. Also he loves too feed and ruin games. Just check his games. Those 0-22-0 games affect KDA, he has tons of those.

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      Yeah i guess he would have way higher kda if he didnt go 0-50 when he is mad



                                                                                        Only because he is 3k, it does not mean he can't have his opinion, and it also does not mean he is not right.

                                                                                        And just for the record, I got 3.20 kda atm on SF, and I think it's pretty decent. I saw people with over 3.60 KDA on SF..

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                        kanye went to uni

                                                                                          RTZ though ... guys are you seriously going to argue this rofl

                                                                                          Von Darkmoor

                                                                                            16 games.... Compared to 220.

                                                                                            And yes western scene sux personly i thaught it was made pretty obvious in TI4 5/8 top spots Chinese, china dotto best dotto!!!

                                                                                            playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                                                              What's with all of the shit talk, seriously.
                                                                                              (This thread is about Mirana, not professional gamers or SF (sorry Shred you to bits))


                                                                                                Benao lifedancer pringles got banned. ROFL...

                                                                                                Same fuckin troll that trolled me for wondering why a Pro at TI4 was hitting the silencer outside of chronosphere instead of the enemy team within the chronosphere. What a dildo.