General Discussion

General DiscussionVlads on Terrorblade. Thoughts?

Vlads on Terrorblade. Thoughts? in General Discussion

    So far I have seen one or two people do this but i have discounted it as silly.

    However I was reading today and apparently the metamorph damage bonus is to base damage to ensure that TB's illusions gain the benefits. As a result, Vlads 15% bonus damage should be effecting that bonus damage as well.

    Generally vlads bonus damage is only good for high base damage heroes. Given that TB stacks crazy amounts of Agi, and metamorph is a massive damage boost to base damage, do you guys feel that vlads may be a viable 4-5 item?

    (ideally we would want a team mate to purchase the item, but trying to teach new dota concepts to pubs is... well its not generally very effective).

    Doom with vlads + Wolf pack aura next to a metamorphed TB... Sounds like fun to me.

    For some quick math Doom with vlads+wolf pack aura would give TB an extra 36 damage from metamorphs 80 damage alone, not including the 45% bonus damage to TBs attack damage without metamoprh. I know vlads 15% wont effect illusions, but I do not know about pack leader aura.

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      Useless item for Terrorblade. He does not have any problems with DPS anyway, why would you boost useless 15-20dmg(dunno exactly dmg boost by vlads)?

      If you need Lifesteal, Dominator does much better job, since it works on both (meta and meele forms). If you need mana regen = Aquila.

      If you need ilu DMG:

      Yasha into Manta. Buter... Skadi!

      You basicly buy vlads and waste 2k of gold, while for 2.5k gold you can buy Yasha(bonus MS+Attack speed+dmg from agi+armor) + Aquila(bonus armor+dmg+mana regen).

      So it's like:

      15 dmg + meele lifesteal and little boost to ilu, against Yasha which can be upgraded into Manta and Aquila, which can be much better at earlty game then Vlads for Terrorblad.

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          Sure. Get on Terrorblade vlads and waste 2k of gold. Go for it. Meanwhile you'll sell it anyway when you got 5 or 6 slotted.

          Seems like legit thing to do.

          I'd rather get fuckign Dagon lvl5 on him then that.

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              You seem like fucking smurf to me.

              2k vlads best pushing item?

              I don't want to talk with you anymore.

              Have fun with "best pushing items".


                "its the best pushing item for 2k in the game."

                on tb i would think not. i think yasha would be better, since every single stat from yasha is applied to illusions, a trait very few items have.

                even if metamorphosis does affect base damage so that vlads increases it, a yasha would most likely be better because it's dps increase (the agility and attack speed) applies to your illusions unlike vlads, where nothing applies to the illusions.

                then again, i dont even play tb much, so what do i know.


                  lets remember i said 4-5 item, but yes its best if TB isn't the carrier.

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                      Around 10 mins in I usually have 3 wraith bands, brown boots, quelling blade and enough money for a full yasha. With this build:

                      Terrorblade's dps at lvl 6 with Yasha: 137.5
                      Terrorblade's dps at lvl 6 with Vlads: 110.4
                      Terrorblade's dps at lvl 6 while metamorphed, with Yasha: 197.7
                      Terrorblade's dps at lvl 6 while metamorphed, with Vlads: 170.0

                      As you can see there's no reason to get Vlads over Yasha, because the second one gives you more dps (and makes your illussions MUCH more stronger). TB has high base armor, amazing agi growth, and because you're building stats (illu based hero) you won't need neither the mana regen nor the lifesteal, you will get high regen and bots solve this problem anyways.

                      As a fourth or fifth item I'm pretty sure that saving for an eaglesong or a full butterfly will do much more than a vlads, but I'm too lazy to do the maths.

                      PS: Skillbuild is 0 3 3 0 at this point.

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                      Quick maffs

                        Vlads on him seems awful

                        Requesting zenoth


                          well i never bother to lifesteal because i get travel after yasha :laugh:


                            if you want to push faster get drums.
                            do not, I repeat, do not waste gold buying shitty vlads.

                            ICE SKULL

                              3k cancer trying to theorycraft is like kids at school trying to explain to NASA scientists on how to colonize mars, i remember some acc buyer playing TB in my game last week and that piece of shit bought vlads, i immediately accused OP of being him and i made a thread which got deleted sadly

                              ofc the cancer denied it was him but now i see this thread :)


                                another quality post from wave.

                                and no. The idea was floated during the reddit TB discussion thread.

                                Unlike you, I don't hide behind multiple accounts, smurfs, and stop my profile from updating on dotabuff.

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                                  That does not make sense at all. Seems like you're doing great on your main account, so you decided to make smurf. But hey, you complain about other people.

                                  Yes I am(3.4k) at this moment. and I DONT GIVE A FUCK! I don't whine, I don't cry. All I do is trying to improve, but of course, I won't take any advice from shitheads like you.

                                  The only thing I can understand is that you have some real-life problems, because having higher MMR then someone does not make you a better person, or more sucsessfull person in life.

                                  Keep in mind, this is just a game.

                                  If you're not able to make some good money out of it, your mmr doesnt mean a shit.

                                  Keep beign brain damaged.



                                    Yo kitrak.

                                    How you no farm well as TB?


                                      I think it is not a terrible item on terrorblade but it is terrible because there are much better items on terrorblade like sange and yasha. terrorblade need health early on, vlads delays his core items.

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                          stop the fucking flame

                                          its not great but there are worse items

                                          i wouldnt get it but nearly every pub tb i see deserves to be scolded anyway so if someone i met got vlads i wouldnt even bother flaming him for that

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                                              U got it all wrong. I was talking about Flender Skarlueta. English is not my first language, but I'm not that bad with English.

                                              I'm just sleepy, so I don't care if I write something wrong.

                                              I'd like some good advices from good people. Additude means a lot to me.

                                              I don't like when someone calls people "3k canser" only because he is not 3k. That's stupid.


                                              One more thing. You can be calibrated at 5k, but, are you able to maintain that mmr?

                                              That's hard question.

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                                                  That's small sample size, and seems like you know it.

                                                  No, I'm okay withyou. I want to improve, but I don't want to be called "canser Doto" only because in 3.400 atm.



                                                    This is how you play Terrorblade.

                                                    Zenoth must find this legit.



                                                      terror + vladimir = report.

                                                      bum farto

                                                        If they put back his first skill I will show you bitches how Terrorblade support goes!


                                                          Vlads on terrorblade is terrible, no lifesteal in ranged form= enough reason not to get.

                                                          No gain on illusions. No matter the angle you look at it, its a terrible item on terror blade.

                                                          Concede...... it's like saying getting a basher or battlefury on a ranged hero.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Agree with above, no lifesteal in ranged form, don't bother. Vlad's dmg boost isn't that much, and do the illusions carry the aura?

                                                            If you want lifesteal dominator can be legit, allowing you to solo rosh at like lvl 9 and you can dominate a creep to push more or stack ancients.

                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                              It's not worth it. Reasons whould be clear. As already stated above, TB gains more dmg if stacked with AGI items, lifesteal doesn't work on ranged mode and the armor is completely useless, since TB has a huge base armor to begin with. You should keep on think about stuff like this, it will help you imrpove on your item decision, in this case though, vlads is never a good choice on tb.

                                                              @Alucard: basher on a hero like Huskar isn't that bad at all, just sayin.

                                                              nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                ^ basher on sniper is op, btw

                                                                @op, no...just no

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  The proc rate is really low for ranged so I wouldn't get it on sniper but husk attacks insanely fast when he's low so I could see it. Maybe if you built a super attack speed sniper like mjollnirs and butterfly then basher. Otherwise I think just go mkb and double mini stun.


                                                                    Instead of listening to the rage and flame, I went in and tested it in a practice lobby.

                                                                    Basically a 6 slotted TB in metamorph will get slightly more damage from a vlads than a S&Y, but not enough to make it a viable item.

                                                                    However, It is a huge bonus on another player


                                                                      ^ofc, if u want vlads, ask supports.