General Discussion

General DiscussionMid ganking other lanes

Mid ganking other lanes in General Discussion

    When do you think its legit? I thought people realized ganking mid is the way to go but lately in my scrub mmr people are like "gg mid no gank" and i just started to wonder... Of course haste seems the way to go, invi might as well but otherwise you usually just waste your time to walk there and enemies just back off because they go wards and its usually 3v2 or shit like that so naturally ganking 2v1 mid is more legit and should be done more often

    Scrub 3350 (I fucking lost 150 mmr again) mmr reporting in

    Girl with beautiful face

      Depends on hero, obviously.

      Pudge can gank after 7, maybe even 6. NS gets night then goes , clock, mirana , maybe tinker ( if maxing rocker and laser ).

      Sigh, this can go on and on. You can literarlly go gank with every hero ( well not with role 1, but that goes mid once in 1000 games )


        whats wrong with mid role 1 lol.

        Quick maffs

          Dont rush blink bkb on TA


          King of Low Prio

            depends on the heroes and team composition. Every single match is different. Also keep in mind that majority of the time supports/offlane should be ganking the mid rather than the other way around.(in the very early stages of the game) Counter ganks are usually where the mid comes into play.


              True about that it depends on hero, I always gank quite early with pudge while I dont feel it quite comfy to gank with Ta unless I have a haste run and an opportunity

              @Dorkly whats wrong with it? I mean I usually go blink/deso but when they have a lot of magic I go for bkb earlier.

              I suck with TA lately anyway, made me ragequit ranked for now


                It really just comes down to the hero. Some are more suited than other for ganking.


                  if you are es and you are not ganking @6, reported.
                  clock 6 not ganking is a shame (if he is mid somehow).
                  sf cant gank unless good rune.
                  pudge 7 must gank.
                  ta can gank at 6, but preferably with rune.
                  slark @ 6 must gank.
                  balanar @ night must gank.
                  the list goes on, really depends on the hero.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Conversely there are a lot of mid heroes that should not gank unless it's a counter like they send 4 bottom and you going means you turn that mini team fight. Like sniper, razor. These guys don't have disables or slows to secure kills and need farm. Sniper usually it's better to sit at home mid and kill the tower then push lanes. That's just my opinion anyway.

                    Girl with beautiful face

                      @fanofenvy so you gonna send void/magina mid vs normal mid hero? YOU wouldnt be able to do shit.

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                      Quick maffs


                        Try the dragonfist build ( phase drums yasha deso )

                        Blink on TA is not THAT good.

                        On TA just focus on farming mid man, and i mean for a good time until you get a good rune or you have drums.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I agree with dorkly, why gank a side lane if it takes you 15 seconds to walk over there? Same shit on viper, takes so long to walk over, even if you do have a superb ganking ult. One missing call for lane to back up and your gank is ruined.

                          Your other lanes shouldn't be dependant on ganks to win lanes anyway. Ganks should be to capitalize on enemy mistakes like oh I got a rune and now I'm coming to kill you and you have no rune wards to see that, or mid didn't call missing, or you pushed out too far.

                          King of Low Prio

                            supports/offlane gain a majority of their gold from kills hence why they should be the ones roaming for the kills more often.


                              no reason to gank with anything as soon as you get lvl 6. get a tp and if opportunity happens tp and gank. or if you are getting shit stomped mid you can try to salvage what little you can and roam.

                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                xan so smart man. teach me plz


                                  Depending on your hero, carry a tp and when enemy dives your allies go to their aid. Then they won't cry gg mid no gang and this is the most efficient way to gang as mid besides haste and invis.


                                    i need pro tips on ganking mid as a support. when / when not to / position / creep wave position etc


                                      What rank. I main support at 5.5k I could give you advice.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Milnor if you are in 3k I wouldn't even bother unless you're in a group with the mid player. Otherwise the gank almost always fails, the mid will sit there like a dumbass not doing anything and their mid will just back up five feet to the tower.

                                        It's much easier to roam and gank a sidelane as a support.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          ^ that is false and horrible advice


                                            This. In potato bracket you will smoke, you will ask for your mid lane to let the enemy push so you can gank him effectively, you'll get there and wait a full minute because the lane was extremely pushed to the enemy tower, you'll throw a stun because your smoke is running out and then you'll realize that your mid didn't even know you were there the whole time. Then you will retreat and he's gonna call you "noob" ROFL.
                                            As a mid ganking other lanes is not always mandatory. If you're doing fine and getting safe farm there's no need to leave the lane unless your sidelanes are struggling, and even then you have to think about it twice. Sometimes is better to farm up your forcestaff/mek/yasha/whatever than making 20-30 seconds of space for your sidelane.


                                              If I get a haste rune and the enemy side lane is pushed out far I'll go and gank it since those heroes are way out of position, usually easy double kills.

                                              U can even gank the off lane at the 2 minute mark if the haste rune spawns on that side

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                ^ Exactly, you just want to gank when theres an opportunity, not just because "you are mid you should gank"

                                                Well thats what I was basically thinking - gank depending on hero or gank if theres a good rune and an opportunity, otherwise you can end up wasting your time (you gotta walk at least one way anyway)

                                                I have no idea why the lower brackets are - mid should gank, and the higher brackets - lets gank mid. You can tell if the player is good or bad just with this, well, unless you dont move from mid at all with heroes like pudge then yea, you can be blamed but they cry about you not ganking with a hero like TA and when they dont even have good CC


                                                I might try that build then, especially because my success rate with her is way lower lately and also I noticed that I often lack the speed for some auto attacks so yea, trying that might be a good idea

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                                                ICE SKULL

                                                  dont gank, losing 1 creep wave over some shitty gank isn't worth it

                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                    Hmm you guys get mids who gank?

                                                    I am lucky in 3600+ to get mids who get runes even though I warded for them as offlane Earth Spirit.


                                                      Tried that build Dorkly and gotta admit it did its job (sold drums at this point)

                                                      It also seems good because you have that damage early game which i always lacked with PT and blink

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Yep its really good

                                                        Before looking at dragonfist i went for PT Drums and S&Y, after switching to his build i only lost one game with TA


                                                          If you're me you farm mid on Lich, in other words my opinions are completely worthless for this discussion.