General Discussion

General DiscussionGrade of "skill" on

Grade of "skill" on in General Discussion

    What exactly making this site mark some games as "High skill" or "Very high skill" etc. ?
    High APM? High GPM? Perfomance on the lane? Item build?
    I'm sorry if there was same topic, I couldn't find one

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      avg mmr


        so even if i play non-ranked matches, dotabuff or even dota 2 counting potential pts?


          hidden mmr

          ICE SKULL

            normal - no idea
            high - no idea
            very high = 3.7k+


              relying on your words normal mm affect on pts and ranked in general. Maybe it is true while the calibration games, but after I doubt that

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


                ICE SKULL

                  foe, does the low prio afk trick still work? i saw a thread about it on reddit so i guess valve patched it but im not sure


                    lol im foe now?
                    yea it got patched, cost me 2 lpp games.
                    at least i think so, i rewatched a replay and i got abandon like 6min+ in

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    ICE SKULL

                      gg i got 6 low prio games :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                      gonna cliff jungle and watch anime or movies now i guess


                        ^ Explain this LP thing or link me the Reddit.


                          rofl can sort of understand how u get into LP on those account. When I go onto my other trolling account i just go feed when i get no obs as offlane or my team picks 2 jungle

                          ICE SKULL

                            well you could pick a hero and then not join the game and simply afk without doing anything (you'd still be in picking phase), you wouldn't get abandon and then you could alt tab.
                            cliff jungling kinda requires your atttention every 4-5 minute so you don't get abandon due to no exp income

                            BIG FAT DUCK

                              wave they banned me for flaming too much on playdota

                              wat do