General Discussion

General DiscussionTo the tomb raider fans

To the tomb raider fans in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Bye bye


      tomb raider is a copy of uncharted anyway.


        This is getting ridiculous. I've quite enjoyed the reboot and watching how the series are now being used as a means of reviving a DoA console is truly saddening.

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
        the realm's delight



            Don't worry guys, they promised us a great game in Temple of Osiris. What a joke LMAO I couldn't believe it for myself when I heard it was Xbox Exclusive. Absolute joke.

            Dire Wolf

              I don't know why anyone is surprised guys. I mean did you all purchase it upon release? I only just got it cus I bought a new graphics card and it came free with it. Otherwise I didn't even pay $5 for it on sale over summer, was going to pick it up this christmas sale probably when I have caught up on other games.

              Here's some numbers, all approx but stuff I got from various articles. Tomb Raider sold 3.4 million copies in it's debut month. That's a lot but remember that games sell a huge percentage of their total sales during their debut weeks, especially on consoles since the games don't discount much later. Square Enix was actually projecting sales around 6 million.

              Tomb Raider's budget has been estimated to be around $100 million. Analysts say that to recoup that kind of money a title needs to sell at least 5 million copies. Tomb Raider to date has sold 6.5 million, but remember not all of those for full price.

              According to this it just became profitable at the end of 2013, 9 months after release.

              If I had to guesstimate how many pc copies were sold, if we're looking at a total of 6.5 million across all platforms, I'd easily say it's less than one million pc copies, probably around 750k or like 10%. Pc gaming market just isn't very big outside of genres specific to pc like MMO rpgs and Dota2 and some other big hits like starcraft 2.

              So all of that said can you really blame square enix for taking the money from xbox to make it exclusive? If they nearly lost money on Tomb Raider they're going to have to change the model somehow. Maybe the critical acclaim for the reboot would spur sales for the next release, maybe not. But they are not giving up very much sales by excluding pc that is for certain.

              The fact is these games costs millions of dollars to produce and there just isn't the demand to justify that cost anymore so the model is going to undergo change. Why bitch about it when half of you probably weren't willing to fork over $60 for the game at release?

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                The problem with the argument you are presenting is that there are fixed costs to making a game and with digital distribution "shipping" extra copies of Tomb Raider on PC costs pretty much nothing.

                I assume there is quite a bit of extra work required to "port" game from one platform to another, but it is probably within some relatively low percentage of the money actually invested into making a game overall.

                What it means is that while PC is undeniably an underdog when it comes to the amount of sales, it still generates profits over what it costs to port a game to it in most cases.

                So, in a sense, the decision to make it an exclusive does not come from a rational, profit-maximising standpoint, but rather from the microsoft lobbying.

                It can be (and probably is) the case that microsoft has paid more than the estimated profits from sales on the PC to get the exclusivity rights for their console for a period of time, but it still does not deny the fact that it is simply a marketing/business decisions that hurts a majority of consumers, be it PS4 or PC. And for that we have all the rights to be substantially pissed off.

                ICE SKULL

                  lmao i want the guy in this video to talk about dota matchmaking and valve logic


                  Dire Wolf

                    Good points kawaiisocks but this is the way it's always been, pc demand isn't enough to outweigh what microsoft is going to pay them in exclusive license fees. PC gaming demand just isn't that high. I don't see why anyone is pissed at square is all I am saying, they are in this to make money and this seems like the most profitable route to them.

                    I also don't understand why the recent outrage cus this is nothing new. Want to play the Last of Us? Get a playstation. Want to play Gears of War? Get an xbox. Own a PS4 but wish to play Titanfall, oh sorry, too bad. Yet I never heard that much outcry over those games. Maybe you have to start exclusive, maybe then you get a pass, just as long as you don't start all and then go one platform exclusive and be seen as selling out.

                    And it should get released for ps4 and pc eventually. I mean gta5 is supposed to be coming this fall. It'll be a similar thing, wait an extra year.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      What exactly is the video about? Does the new game suck or something?

                      the realm's delight

                        ^ no, it is xbox exclusive. they got a lot of money from microsoft to make it xbox exclusive and they accepted it pissing on ps4/pc ppl's back. i fucking hope it is timed exclusive cause otherwise this is complete horseshit


                          I read on kitguru (UK website about games and hardware and stuff) that Microsoft have admitted already that it was timed exclusivity. This might come around to bite them in the ass, as people might wait until it's available on more platforms to buy it, hurting release sales


                            i was about to give my fuck but then i realised i have none left

                            Dire Wolf

                              My friend just chimed in that people are pissed cus Tomb Raider started on pc and now it's getting taken away. Ok that I can empathize with, a pc exclusive now becomes an xbox exclusive and hits home how pc gaming is still second class. I don't exactly share this opinion but I understand it.

                              Treefolk Legend

                                the reboot sucked anyway

                                the realm's delight

                                  ^ no it didnt