General Discussion

General DiscussionAsk me questions about anything!!!

Ask me questions about anything!!! in General Discussion

    Bored as hell in the heat, I'll be 100% honest on everything!!!

    Epic Munchkin

      Are you a girl?


        I'm a boy.

        Epic Munchkin

          Can you give me some guides how to advance into Very High Skill Bracket. Im High Skill atm.


            WHERE DO YOU LIVE? curious.

            Harry hamburgerryg

              Pick zeus, do high HD?. carry the game, end into very high skill. I guess, even tho i'm also only high skill.



                As you climb you need to change your mindset.

                If you don't change/tweak your mindset as you climb, you'll be end up stuck.
                However, this might not be the case in the early 3ks.

                At your level you should just look forward to improve on the game, and not on a particular hero or something like this.

                I'd highly recommend you to pick up the support and offlane role, as I feel those roles may have the most impact on games (Offlane might not, but at your level you can abuse the offlane if you're better than enemy lane.)

                In your next game, Pick Vengeful and buy those starting items:

                Wards, 2x smoke, 3x branch, 2x clarities + a set of tango.

                Give two tangoes to your team-mate (mid), then head to the jungle easycamp. Stack it, and pull. (Don't pull thru at first, cause it might fuck up your carries creep equil.) Also it might make your carry have to lasthit and tank creeps, which will very possibly make him lose lots of lasthits.

                After you did this, you should be around level 2, then go mid.
                At this point your skillbuild should look like this: 1/1/0/0.

                Smoke up, and tell your mid that you'll be coming to gank, if you're muted: PING A HGELL OF A LOT

                Succesful kill, game over.
                You might also want to roam up to the offlane if there's a hero with high kill potentional there, such as Centaur.

                When you play support, don't think greedy in the way you need to stay in lane with your carry to leech exp or anything. Being lvl 4 on a support 10 minutes into the game might not be the worst thing you could of imagine.

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                  Norway, brönnöysund


                    How old are you and what do you do for a living?

                    Epic Munchkin

                      Thats one hell of a guide mate i look forward to do this. Thank you.



                        No, I don't believe so. (If your mmr get inflated on calibration, you'll drop unless you're good enough for that bracket.)

                        Also you shouldn't think about Normal, High or Very High skill bracket.

                        Think about improving yourself, and you'll eventually do.
                        The worst thing is flaming your team-mates, cause that sets focuse on your team-mates improving, and not yourself.


                          @Plz no flamerino

                          I'm 17, and currently I don't do shit for living. My dad pays food and healthy shit for me so I can stay lazy on my computer.

                          I dropped out of school after the half (What's it called? Half-way-thru.) Was 1/2 done with the year, but I disliked it so I decided to quit and change what I'd like to educate as.

                          Happily school starts in a week, so I can start hanging out with people again, however my friends has moved to another place in Norway to continue their education.

                          Time to find new friends.

                          Hex Sigma

                            what do the nordics think about romanians? beside the gypsy stereotype



                              I don't have any special thought about romanians, it's very rarely a subject in my area so I don't really have much info about them.
                              If there's some crazy story from Romania I should know about, I'm sorry, but I was never intesreted in history at school so I didn't pay too much attention towards that.

                              Dire Wolf

                                What is your avatar? A cartoon drow with huge tits?

                                I really wish you could view peoples avatars larger without having to save as. Is there a way to do that?



                                  Yeah, it's Drow-Ranger showing here farmed up boobs. I've kept it for a long time as people remember me by it.

                                  You can rightclick on the avatar and press something like "Copy pageadress" or "Open picture in new tab"

                                  Something like that, that's kinda translated right over from norwegian, but you'll find it eventually.


                                    Do you lift bro?


                                      what do you feel your best role is when you play dota? i've yet to find my "identity" so to speak, when did you discover what role you felt was much better than the others (if you have one)?

                                      the realm's delight

                                        wanna b my gf pls i need one
                                        also what does skål mean

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                                          Lol you are 17 years old, now I understand your `maturity complexes about other ppl` well its all fine now..

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                            Alucard: No, however I have a ticket for the gym starting in two weeks.
                                            Gotto get beefy.

                                            @Knight of End
                                            I'd say I play a decent carry, however I'm most comfortable playing the offlane.
                                            Because of my nature I usually roam a lot when playing support, making my carry have to handle 1v1 by himself.

                                            I'd say offlane. However I don't have an identity in the way I'm known for a special hero. (Well, Mirana, however I'm very rusty with here now-a-days.)


                                            Only if you accept 8==D~~ ~~C::::::8!

                                            Skål is pretty much the same as "Cheers". You say "Skååål!" before you take that shot. Well known from the Viking time when badboys shotted big cans of Beer.

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                                              Are you virgin?


                                                do u wanna b friends?



                                                  Yes, however I've played some fun games.


                                                  Sure! However I highly dislike delusional people, so if you're so you might not like me. I tend to say whatever I think, and if you're a type-of person I don't like you'll hear it.

                                                  Love you though)


                                                    Thanks for the great Venge mini-guide!

                                                    So, I'm very noob, just started in May 2014. How do you go about learning a new hero? Do you recommend noobs try many heroes a few times, or try fewer heroes many times?


                                                      @DD: Each half-year segment in school is called a semester.

                                                      What languages do you speak? I'm assuming English isn't your first, even though you're good.


                                                        What exactly is considered "the heat" in Norway? :)


                                                          How is your mouse?


                                                            would you like to ride on my cock?


                                                              Tell us some fun story that happened to you. Can be long or short but has to be real-life related, if you dont mind. :)


                                                                Will you be my online bf?


                                                                  when will you trade me all your items?

                                                                  road 5k

                                                                    Can we play together?
                                                                    i play in europe west

                                                                    i hope you could give me some advice on my game. i have been on 5th losing streak in my main
                                                                    thats why i jump to my smurf.
                                                                    my mmr used to be around 3.4-3.6k

                                                                    but i mess around with meepo and drop a few hundreds.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Do you think I should change my name to MadCat? MadCat sounds a lot cooler than Timberwolf imo, but Timberwolf is the clan name for the mech while MadCat is inner sphere and everyone knows Clan > IS.

                                                                      Hafla Enjoyer

                                                                        I remember you as a flaming scum, someone who gets mad regularly and shit talk a lot
                                                                        But now you seem so nice and friendly
                                                                        Do you mind explaining that please



                                                                          When I was new I went to and read guides for every new hero I was going to test.

                                                                          I recommend new players not to focuse on one or three heroes, mainly because you don't really understand the game, and your mindset about the game isn't as good as the better players.

                                                                          It's hard to explain, but the longer you play dota, the more you understand. It kinda feels like an universe you live in where there are a lot of resources to gather, and the guys gathering more are most likely to win.



                                                                            My native language is Norwegian, however I can speak:

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                              The heat in Norway is ~ +25 degrees.

                                                                              My body loses all it's energy whilst I drink litres of liquid every minute



                                                                                My mouse is kinda big, however it has a very good grip.
                                                                                Because of it's form, it's very easy to get pain in your wrist unless you have something to steady your hand.


                                                                                Since this mouses rightclick is broken, I've ordered this:


                                                                                Trying out Razer for second time, wasn't very satisfied the first time though.

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


                                                                                  Probably not after watching pictures of you. :laugh:


                                                                                  Well, I'd rather tell a kind-of scary situation that happened:

                                                                                  The place we're playing at looked like this, despite not being on a mountain:


                                                                                  We were jumping on the "tip" of the snow cliff thingy to try to make it fall, however it didn't end as expected.

                                                                                  The big ass tip in front of me fell down, however I fell together with it. Behind me a larger "iceshard?" came after me, so bascially I was stuck inbetween them while falling down a cliff. Luckily for me, I have no clue how it happened but:

                                                                                  The iceshard in front of me stopped and I was sure the one behind me would hit me and I'd get smashed inbetween them (Those shits were sharp), but the one behind me stopped right before it'd hit me.

                                                                                  This place was pretty funny, we used to jump down the "cliff" and we'd slide down it.

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                                                                                    Yes, I will! However I expect dickpics!


                                                                                    In 2023, where my "permanent" tradeban will be lifted. Get ready to trade me!



                                                                                      I really like your name, it has a catchy flow, which madcat doesn't. Madcat sounds pretty strage imo. :)


                                                                                      I've been around this forum for such a long time, and looking on how my attitude on this forum was earlier makes me embarrased.

                                                                                      The thing is I always (almost) read thru what I've written, because I want to make myself understandable + improve my english at the same time.

                                                                                      I figured what I was writing/my attituide earlier was quite pointless and just makes me look very stupid. So I figured, why not just be myself instead of a Internet Warrior.

                                                                                      When I used to flame a lot and such, I wasn't even a very good player myself, but now as I reached 5k I'm looking at myself as a quite experienced player that can help other. I'd rather actually help, than flame people, is what I'm trying to say.

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                                                                                        ddsan :( i told ya i was ugly


                                                                                          Wat is ur most annying habit??



                                                                                            My most annoying habbit is probably that I don't think before I talk. I just say whatever I think, and this've lost me lots of friends on the internet.

                                                                                            However, the boys doesn't really mind if I say something offensive. Just a lil' catfight and we're ready to go eat.
                                                                                            The best thing being a boy.


                                                                                              Whatsur fav place to eat? ☺


                                                                                                Haha, your old mouse looks so much cooler than new!

                                                                                                I know the feeling of playing on snow cliffs. Mine didn't had such a beautiful view though.

                                                                                                Hex Sigma

                                                                                                  will I ever get out of 2k?

                                                                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                                                                    Can you spare thirty minutes of your time on watching Aldnoah Zero ?



                                                                                                      A place called "The backyard" located in Norway, Namsos.

                                                                                                      It's turks driving it, and the food is soo good. It's always fun to be on a turkish resturant because of the way the serve the food.


                                                                                                      With enough time playing and dedication, I'm sure you can get up in the bracket quicker than you would of imagine.

                                                                                                      @Kongou, I've not watched anime in years, so probably not. However, I might actually do it. :crazy:


                                                                                                        How can someone be like you?

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!