General Discussion

General DiscussionAny idea why Beesa isn't on the Dota2 leaderboards.

Any idea why Beesa isn't on the Dota2 leaderboards. in General Discussion

    The guys is still playing ridiculously high level dota and I thought he was 6k+


      maybe he's not playing solo


        eh i think it is because he took a month break


          the guy is disgusting, awesome player


            he hasn't submitted his information, he told me a long time ago he + 04 + mason don't really care about the leaderboard shit

            and yea he is 6k, he stopped solo queuing on his main after he reached 6k (ihe plays mostly wc3 dota + dawngate for fun, i haven't seen him on much)

            he also told me he knows some 4k dota 2 players who are in the highest division of league of legends, so i guess for people who can't reach's your chance to make it to the top of something :D

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              u need to have 15 solo ranked in the past 21 days + submitted official info. he just reached 15 games few hours ago so when the board updates again it might have him.

              besides how would you know for sure if he's on it when he does? he could put a different name for the board.

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                he's not on the board...i dont' even think he has 80 solo ranked games played. he was calibrated at 5.8k and grinded a few wins for 6k like within a month after ranked came out

                i still need to ask him how the fuck he wins games in solo q picking antimage cuz usually u get some dipshit who picks jungle np and the other team trilanes you so you're fucked. every time he gives me a vague answer like "cuz they're bad" or something LOL

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                Sweet Mama

                  >touching solo ranked

                  he finished calibration (which he ended up with 6005 when people figured out how calibration could be abused) and never touched Solo Ranked since then. He only got 15-20 LIFETIME solo queue games ever btw, out of those only 10 happen to be Solo Ranked. And trust me, he does care but can't play solo because he's bad at Dota. He seem to be decent in a stack but his Solo MMR would drop like crazy if he played. Afaik he only plays in 4chan inhouses to brag about his epic 6k MMR and how amazing he is at Dota. (password to the inhouse is vidya in lobby for anyone interested).


                    watch my recent games i decided to try that beesa shit with AM

                    turns out learning to farm with TB helped my AM out alot and now its gone from my legendary 20% win rate to a still terrible 44%


                      u have so many deaths with am...^O^


                        LMAO the storm doesn't even have an orchid or sheep how'd you die to people like that :P


                          what is beesa AM shit?


                            mfw when 4 deaths is "so many"

                            all 4 were to one-man blackholes or shit like that

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                              God i really loathe one-man blackhole.
                              Lost a lot of matches because of that...


                                beesa am shit?


                                  Bessa not being on the leader board is the same reason Satellizer and others won't probably be, they just stack almost 100% of the time and put no time into solo queue (Sate has not solo rank yet). Same with me I calibrated then left it untouched for about 6 months then slowly did one or two games here and there.

                                  I find it hard to play solo queue once you're so accustomed to the comfort of the roles, strats and playstyles of your stacking mates and the same probably goes for a few others.


                                    i think being able to dodge peruvian filth is another plus


                                      Most of the people who stacked heavily (with good players) came out of it with ridiculously high calibration, plus isn't mason only like 4.6-4.8K?


                                        ^how does staking with someone affect your solo mmr?


                                          Before the system was overrun by smurfs and goons, the system was based off a hidden rating that you achieved as an individual number, whether stacking or solo it would give you a single rating and not the two ratings we have today.

                                          When you started the calibration process it would start you round about your hidden MMR and +/- you from there so when you have people with 2000+ games with 65-70% win rate you can imagine that their starting would be pretty high. For me I felt I under- calibrated by stacking a lot with people who weren't all that great and when ranked started I was about 49% win rate stacking constantly with people who currently sit at 3200+ so I calibrated at about 4100-4200 and only recently did a bunch of ranked games and got to 4800+ in a week then stopped solo queuing altogether.






                                                'I find it hard to play solo queue once you're so accustomed to the comfort of the roles, strats and playstyles of your stacking mates and the same probably goes for a few others.'

                                                This was exactly my experience too, since grinding solo I don't feel I've been as effective in stacks but whatevs.

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  man and now that I look back and see how I was not having fun trying my best to carry in soloq. No wonder I have such a low winrate, almost all my matches are solo(there are only like 20-40 party games).


                                                    ^ wanna party? i can carry you to 3k mmr


                                                      I feel the best way to interact in solo queue is not to, people are too involved in solo queue, trying to set shit up and ganking and playing the team game when a lot of time you should honestly just let people do their thing. If people feel like they're not being forced into doing something they don't want to do it can make a much more relaxed and even easy game overall because people are playing in comfort.

                                                      8 times out of 10 if you just leave people alone and don't try and gank, die, then throw a hissy fit and claim you will afk cause your team are all clearly bad when you (as a special snowflake) clearly are the master of Dota and they should all follow your lead. People fuck up, people fail and suck etc. but if you just let the game play out people are much more likely to play along when it matters and if you're supporting in solo queue (as I have done) just play a little safer, don't force ganks, don't go nuts under tower cause your team most likely won't help you, and why should they.

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                                                        i cant get accustomed to stacks...i end up expecting too much and while playing solo i can just not give a fuck and only expect feed? ez win etc


                                                          the last stack i did was with bogi and ddsama... that bogi feed was hard... i think he got mdias afterwards and omg i just ignored it while ddsama went apeshit with me as i expected him to do... sadly he stopped at midgame and shit got sour for us... cause theother 2 fucktards woud just stare at the map and do nothing + bogi feeding (surprise)


                                                            when the mmr system got introduced all the stacks got way higher starting mmr's cause they tryharded mostly ending in stomps and more wins compared to soloo queuers (like me). the distribution was like this:

                                                            stack 5k+
                                                            solo 4k+
                                                            trash <4k

                                                            later getting both solo and stack mmr around the same cause calibration couldnt rly kick you so far down or up at that time aaand
                                                            with the corresponding trash of stack losing mmr while the skilled solo gained some which fuels the believe of so many fucking noobs to think they are good just cause they used to stack with singx2 or satellizer/vrok stacks which couldve been won 3v5 due to skill of some of them or the pick distribution


                                                              can't win em all, but bogi's utter trash anyways.

                                                              he also called u out after the match after he kicked you out of party or something, what a cunt

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                                                                i kinda left anyway...


                                                                  so did I....

                                                                  bogi... :sick:

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