General Discussion

General DiscussionMay I have feedbacks on my games?

May I have feedbacks on my games? in General Discussion

    So the problem is I always failed to get 3.9.
    Every time my MMR reached 3.8k+ something, it fell into 3.7k again..
    I have been here in this slump for 1 year or more.
    I was calibrated at 3k.
    May i have someone to comment on my recent losing streaks.


      I think you need to play high game impact heroes to get to 4k mmr. That is high game impact early and late game. You are relying on your team mates to carry you because you are scared of playing mid probably because you dont want to be flamed and blamed for losing the match. Doom isn't a really a high impact hero until late game which may be too late.


        Okay, i haven't tried that..
        What kind of heroes do you think i should play?

        I tried to play invoker mid but recently the result hasn't been good..

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          Oh Shit Waddup

            dont go midas on invoker until you figure out how to get the space needed to make it effective, yeah it can help you if youre struggling and your team is on par, but if your whole team is behind it is deadweight and will do fuck all for you. try getting treads and establishing lane control because if you dont get an early tower or sunstrike kills/ganks on their mid to help you get ahead the game is hard. learn how to do a euls ss-> meatball-> db so you can get it right 100% of the time and use smoke whenever you can to get a pick off. invoker is really good but requires alot of concentration, when im on the ball games are easy-ish but if im off focus just a little bit it becomes fucking hard.

            on another note try to figure out something which suits your playstyle. e.g. i play super aggressive and like to just get in peoples faces and make them make mistakes so i practiced with alch and played him mid alot. blink + mek + chemical rage and you could dive for days. playing characters differently to how people are used to seeing them played confuses them and gives you the upper hand if you have experience so try to find something unique but that suits your playstyle.

            also try playing things which require team co-operation, yes sometimes its hard to get your team to work together, but if youre playing tide for example, and you blink ravage, 9/10 people will react to it and if you set it up right youve done your part/it gives you stuff to work on if you do it wrong.


              So it's better to play tide as offlaner than doom?
              Yeah I've been wanting to try him for a while but it's hard to leave my comfort zone lol.
              My playstyle :/.. I don't even know my play style is..

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                That chart is a bit misleading but has some truth to it. I suggest you play heroes like Templar assassin, Slark, lone druid. Tinker is another suggestion but I really can't play that shit.

                Just don't farm in the jungle while your team is trying to defend a 5 man push.


                  kunkka is an easy mid hero, razor, slark. for offlane timber is very good, centaur and doom is good too. if you want to rely only on yourself,
                  mid or offlane is te only way to go. i always prefer to solo a lane rather than have a dude stealing cs, xp, not pulling or zoning out the enemy. when i play support i am usually forced to play it and lately if i am a sole support = buying wards, courier, smoke, and buying boots at min 20.

                  Oh Shit Waddup

                    the best thing you can do is leave your comfort zone haha try crazy stuff and new heros.

                    a hero i had alot of fun with when i was new was gyrocopter, and its a great hero imo to learn how to carry with. it teaches you how to be aggressive early game, and when to back off, great farming abilities, but at the same time if youre not present in team fights you get punished (unless your farm is huge). its a good mix of fighting and farming etc.

                    doom offlane is alright, it works good with dual lanes like lich and SS in pubs etc but with tide you can actually dictate fights and offer control over a whole team (until bkbs farmed) instead of just ruining dota for 15 seconds for someone else.

                    imo the way you learn the quickest is to realise that you want to learn instead of just playing. sitting there brainless wont help you get better, but actively thinking about the game, analysing their team comp and looking for ganks/counterganks and knowing when to farm and fight and all that type of shit will help you improve out the ass


                      May I add you guys? :D
                      Just realised most of you play in Australia lol

                      SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                        cuz u no pick invoker

                        pick invoker = free win mmr win

                        dont build midas is waste time 2000 gold
                        dont play 4 04 , play super heavy exort very high damage
                        necronicon = garbage on 1 v 5 carry invoker