General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter bloodseeker?

How to counter bloodseeker? in General Discussion
Yes father, I am winning

    protip: you can't

    Miku Plays

      Noob tip: always carry a tp

      Yes father, I am winning

        protip: basher or eul


          Noob tip: build refresher for 2 tp's if he eul's you

          Hatsune Miku

            noob tip : basher pre 10 mins????

            Yes father, I am winning

              protip: yes

              Sugar Show

                protip: win the game.

                kanye went to uni

                  I hate to sound like a noob but I don't think it's as simple as carrying a tp, when BS ganks there's usually at least one other person around who can stun, at least when I play.

                  Dire Wolf

                    you counter bs by backing the fuck up when he is missing and not letting him snowball. He is a shit farmer so you will crush him later.


                      If they pick BS, pick Abaddon or Omni.

                      Problem solved.

                      Or just tp away like they said.


                        you playing well with Blood Seeker in the lower end of the High bracket doesn't mean he doesn't have counters.

                        Mind you, there is nothing wrong with that and it isn't meant as an insult, but the hero is easily countered by several strategies, TP scrolls etc...

                        My personal favorite is Terror Blade. Moment you see him coming for you, metamorph and pop illusion. If he ulties you stop and attack him. If he silences you, obliterate the BS with the damage buff. If he doesn't silence you, sunder him when you are low, take his HP, and then kill him.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          That works unless he gets blade mail, which many bloods rush now. In which case you just tp out I guess.


                            you can still win a blademail fight if you can sunder, but if he silences, you got to wait 4 seconds.


                              Grab ursa reck him


                                Get that Shadow Demon disruption against Bloodcyka


                                  meepo poof that mother fucker to death.


                                    Teleport scrolls and picking heroes/items with high regen/heals to prevent him from snowballing. If your team is never below 40% then bloodcyka is no better than any support.

                                    Hex Sigma

                                      Also pre bkb any kind of slow or stun with a tiny bit of coordination fucks him up big time. BKB doesnt last forever so if your team has half a brain you can back out when he has it active. Zeus can burst him down easily. Halberd fucks him up more. Hex for win. Eul fucks him. Atos holy shit. 70% of the time i build atos vs blood for the slow. High hp targets also fuck him up. But yes every hero is "uncounterable" in pubs if they snowball out of control.

                                      And he is also single target focused. Until mjolnir he doesnt have aoe. So in an early fight he can only focus on one target.

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                                      the realm's delight

                                        EASY, YOU LISTEN TO RTZ MUSIC AND MAN FIGHT HIM LIKE A TRUE S A D B O Y

                                        True Survivor

                                          Axe shits on Bloodseeker.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Holy shit that song.


                                              Viper is very good vs Seeker as well as Wk and Doom.


                                                if you cant counter it, you dont deserve to play ranked. go play with bots


                                                  Yeah I agree with concede on this one, Bloodseeker is only as good as how bad his opponents are. The hero is weak and farm reliant, and doesn't have an escape mechanism of any type till you get farm to go force, euls, or shadow blade. You're playing in the mid/low range of MMR brackets and at that level anything could work, this is in no way to discredit your play with bloodseeker but where you currently are skill wise Dagon CM could carry just as hard.

                                                  Spinach Rag

                                                    I wonder if you can wear Blademail, Shallow Grave yourself, then run like the dickens. It would be better if you are Surged too, I guess. lol


                                                      Carry TP.
                                                      Kite him with heroes like Venomancer.


                                                        Keep in mind Rod of Atos is a percentage based cripple so it doesn't matter how fast he is you can reduce him to base with that item.


                                                          Razor is a good BS counter pick. When you activate your ult BS would get a ton of damage if he comes near you also get some stun items.


                                                            Pick Centaur and get a blademail. IF/WHEN he ults you, pop your blademail, pop your ulti and laugh.

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                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              "The hero is weak and farm reliant" with no good farm mechanism. His agi gain is pretty good and he has bloodrage for dmg and sustain but he cannot come close to clearing a wave like luna, sven, PA clears faster with blinks and sniper with shrapnel. Even another ganker type slark has purge thingy to clear waves. Just don't let bs farm your heroes and he is worthless past ~20 mins.

                                                              What you have to understand is if he ults you under a T1 and anyone else is helping him you will die. He can run in, tank the dmg, kill you to heal and escape. So back the fuck up to the T2, it's well worth missing a few lane creeps and bs is out of lane losing xp as well.

                                                              Yes father, I am winning

                                                                Ok guys, i found how to counter bloodseeker: made one of his mates leave


                                                                  You attack him , not let him attack you. Easy .
                                                                  Getting some nukers to burst him out.
                                                                  Get Armlet for HP toggling on lifestealer. If he silences you , just thank him for the damage.

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