General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst item choices you ever seen in your ranked matches?

Worst item choices you ever seen in your ranked matches? in General Discussion

    I just had in my last game Wraith King who went for refresher and than SKADY, bassicly 0 damage in 46 min. game and he was 4400 mmr. I don`t understand really but ye..

    What about your team-mates?

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      i prefer skadi to heart generally on most heroes, i would get skadi on wk if i needed to tank but its situational yeah

      recently had a tinker who went BoT>Blink>Manta>Radiance, havent seen this build since virot2's guide on dota-allstars

      but we won so yeah

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        seen chains do that i think^
        havent tried it before but maybe mjo manta would be better

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        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

          you got trolled plain and simple. I once had a Alchy try to farm ancients and only ancients and I was a lane support and level 11 by the time he was level 5. Obviously we lost. Some people just try dumb stuff in games that matter


            I don't know how that alchemist played to be that low, ancient alche is pretty easy, as long as you rush soul ring.


              Zenoth one thing is need tankines and one thing is need carry in team(Which we needed). What about refresher on Wk? Can that item be less retarded than any else, I think if he went for dagon could be better than refresher with 0 dmg. Also I respect your high mmr but I ll still say skady on Wk sucks ass, I ll rather always go for Ac instead of Skady if I want to `tank`.

              the realm's delight

                doom aghanim 1st item (brown boots into aghanim)


                  skady is nice on wk, refresher right after it is not, but as a 3rd/4th item, it can be great (boot don't count in that number)


                    Skady is nice on Wk? What for? Explain me how is Skady better than Ac on Wk? Lol


                      Maybe its Ok. as 6 th last item slot,like sometimes on Luna and stuff but going skady 1 or 2 item is just retarded.

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                      wasted penguinz

                        i love skadi but most of the time its useless :D


                          Skadi and Heart fill very similar roles - tanking up.

                          725 HP vs 1060 HP, with nearly identical prices.

                          However, Heart is nearly purely defensive - you only get damage if you're a Str hero, so often you are trading a great BKB-piercing slow, lots of mana, decent armour and attack speed from agility for slightly more hp and SUSTAINABILITY.

                          Now on carries with low armour like WK, Skadi actually gives him more EHP against physical damage than Heart if he doesn't get AC. It also guarantees enough mana for his ult practically all the time, while giving him more offensive capabilities. As for the sustainability? He doesn't
                          need it at all when he has a passive lifesteal.

                          So generally I would get Skadi over Heart on WK unless I was against say, a Tinker and I needed to force high ground.

                          AC is even more one-dimensional in that it blocks ONLY physical damage, and is hardly an optimal item for tanking up unless against a team full of right clickers or Naix.

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                            Idk why WK need heart at the first place :huh:..
                            Shouldn't he get something like
                            Cuirass/BM/Mjol/Abyssal or something?
                            For orb deso seems popular on him.


                              TP scroll. Oh wait nobody ever buys TP scrolls.


                                I m getting like Midas,treads,blaid mail,dagger,deso/Ac,abysal every game almost same build and it works good

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I've had sand kings not buy a single item and go jungle at lvl 1 until they get blink dagger. We are usually level 10ish by the time they hit 6 and they finally buy blink and that is his only item.

                                  I also still see far too many voids go midas AND battlefury. GG let's make sure this game goes 1 hour because that's how long it'll take you to get 6 slotted.

                                  Snipers going mask of madness and deso as first two items. Vs ganking heroes like slark, bh and blink stunners like centuar, slardar. GG they one shot you every time.