General Discussion

General Discussionfor how many days can you stop playing DOTA?

for how many days can you stop playing DOTA? in General Discussion

    Im on my 5th day.. congrats?


      As long as I lag while playing dota, I won't be playing.

      Aka, might be a day, or forever.


        2 month once and never again

        Victor Wembenyama - Ede



            I just came back from a 3 weeks hiatus.

            Dire Wolf

              My gpu crashed, got a new one coming but everything min is painful. Might quit for a few days.

              The longest I ever stopped was about 4 weeks over last Christmas. We go visit family for about a week, there's a lot of time off work so I spend time with my daughter and then when we got back I just felt like chilling for a couple weeks and catching up on other games. Dota is actually kind of stressful and it's nice to relax and take a long break from it.


                Came back from a 10 day break

                Pros :

                - Energized
                - Not toxic
                - Awareness level raised

                Cons :

                - Reaction time lowered
                - Last hitting abilities got worse
                - Decision making ability got worse


                  1 month thus far... And if I come back, I'll much probably lose my girlfriend, fml

                  NextStep ®

                    3 days. gonna play some this weekend!


                      Remove "2" from the title and you'll get 5 years as an answer.


                        Glad that someone started this topic. I'm on 15th day away from Dota. Was wondering how it will be like once I come back to Dota.

                        Miku Plays

                          1 minute

                          love for the a7be

                            3 days is usually my max. Stopped playing for 1 month whether I traveled but that's basically it.

                            Low Expectations

                              I am on a break now untill all the TBD retards are gone back to the trench cuz of the btallte booster from TI.


                                approx 10 hours right now, or 0.4 days.


                                  7th day again.


                                    probably as much days as i can sleep