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General DiscussionIllnesses of Dotabuff Community

Illnesses of Dotabuff Community in General Discussion

    Hi guys, I'm bored and I can't play video games and can barely even type this right now because I am having an aura.
    For those of you who don't know what an aura is, this is how I see things right now:

    A U R A B O Y S

    Auras affect ~33% of people who get chronic migraines and I happen to fall into that group of people. They randomly show up without any warning and usually last until a migraine starts which can be 5-60 minutes later.

    Chronic aura migraines aren't the only thing I suffer from though, I also had cataract when I was 3 months old which forces me to wear contact lenses for the rest of my life. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease when I was 13 (though I had symptoms nearly my whole life) which means I have inflamed intestines so stuff can get caught inside. I also have a BMI of 16 because of the Crohn's Disease which seriously restricts my diet and makes me expel anything with the slightest hint of dairy, seeds, nuts, red meat, or fruit/vegetable peels out of my body at the speed of fucking sound. Lastly, I get moderate allergic reactions (itching, rashes, hives, sweating, and puffiness/redness in the eyes) the minute I step outside during spring/summer.

    What do you guys suffer from?

    TLDR; I'm fucked up, how are you fucked up?

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    Mac_Lilypad [NL]

      i wear glasses i think


        damn, all I have is hayfever and probably autism

        i left her

          insomnia boys


            I wear glasses approaching 10.00 near sightedness

            That's about it, I'm pretty healthy

            edit: my eyes get allergic rashes but only when I have a cold

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              i suffer from noob teammates


                Damn, I thought mine 6.00 in near sightedness on both eyes were a lot lol.


                  thanks for insight wink.
                  i finally know what people i play with have.


                    Myopia 3.50 (right eye) and 3.00 (left) and slight lactose intolerance. Also, eating mild quantities of fatty stuff makes me feel like crap.


                      by your picture it looks like you are high, I really want to be see like that.

                      serious note:
                      Dry eyes for playing so much

                      Eyes watering in morning for playing so much

                      Extremely much tension in hands, which forces me to do lot of stretches before going into games

                      Repeatetive stain injury/whatever it's called. It's callled "pussyillness/mouseillness/mousesick" in norwegian. Which is an outcome of holding a mouse over a long period of time. (Holding your hand in the same position for long time)
                      That makes me get some odd feeling in my hands. If I'm not holding a mice, my hands/fingers forces together if you knowwhat I mean. They get like forced together like a ball. DAMN EINGLISH IS HARD.

                      And least:
                      I love food, but I never really want food for some reason.


                        I'm nearsighted, so I wear glasses. I also have mild gingivitis.

                        Other than that, perfect health. No allergies, never broken a bone, no cavities, haven't even had tonsils removed. And thank god for all of that or I'd have had to sit through the waiver process when I joined the Army.


                          poor Wink :c

                          Quick maffs

                            insomnia from time to time

                            Low Expectations

                              Crohns disease doesnt prevent you from eating red meat moreover you should it eat it fairly often! Ppl suffering from this disease are iron deficient thus red meat it gud.

                              SAD it pussy-illness confirmed. If you want to prevent parastesia(itchy and numbing feeling) You simply should squeze one of those rubber-like balls inbetween games it will be gone in couple of games + you wont shake hands like a pussy anymore

                              I am nearsighted due to too much reading in dark. Apparently reading books blinds people. Ironic.

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                                According to some we all have autism!


                                  Actually I suffer from aura's also.


                                    My aura is just my inner goddess coming out. #inb4comingoutcomments


                                      I suffer from auras too...though less frequently lately.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Well i probably have more or less autism too

                                        Now that i think about it that would explain a lot of things .......


                                          only havoc does. he's like silent <3 mila except he's with some guy named hald traas

                                          Low Expectations

                                            I am confused since its the first time I hear of this.), is aura the disease or a symptom of another disease?
                                            @Havoc according to the russian community they all had sex with my mom :(


                                              I feel you man, hay fever alone makes me nuts crazy and pathetic, I can't imagine how bad all the other shit could be.

                                              I have hay fever (over by this time of the year until next late-spring/early-summer), slightly too common nose-bleeds and I'm fixing crooked teeth as well as my lower jaw (it's not symmetrical because of the way some of my teeth lay on each other). Other than that I'm suffering from bad habits like insufficient hygiene and I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do in the future.


                                                "I am confused since its the first time I hear of this.), is aura the disease or a symptom of another disease?"
                                                Hell if I know...I never even knew it had a name until this thread.

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                                                    Shoulder popped out again after the 100's time (both pop out after a football injury 15 years ago)

                                                    I push on my chest hard enough to pop the middle of my back since a car accident last year.

                                                    Constant morning wood.


                                                      I have gotten migraines all my life. Aura's are rare for me though, and are generally in the form of multiple time slivers of light distortion bouncing around.

                                                      Generic Rizatriptan works for me.

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                                                      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                        24/7 tinnitus (WTF is silence teach me)
                                                        I also suffer from an all too common disease known as being terrible at dota
                                                        According to many people, especially of brazilian and russian origin, I am also a cyka blyat and puta de mierda


                                                          I got small penis boys. That does count right?

                                                          Miku Plays


                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              For a good player I don't see why u play with like under 500 wins allies. You should stick with 1,000+ wins, 50+% winrate over 3.5k mmr players.


                                                                well i got ADHD

                                                                i also suffer from insomnia

                                                                shit tons of alergies

                                                                im super skinny cuz i got very fast metabolism thats about it i guess


                                                                  im just mentaly retarded

                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                    Well I had a peritonitis surgery, and since then I'm not allowed to exercise.

                                                                    I also had sepsis.

                                                                    I am nearsighted so I need to wear glasses.

                                                                    and I have a stupid allergy that kicks in the springtime

                                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                      Fractured Femur
                                                                      Tibula and fibula re-sculpting
                                                                      Rheumatoid arthritis
                                                                      Seasonal affective disorder
                                                                      Social anxiety
                                                                      Seasonal Allergies

                                                                      D R U G B O Y S

                                                                      Edit, left a few out I'd rather keep to myself.

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                                                                        Thank you for you honsety Melody-dotabuffgod-san.
                                                                        Appreciate it.


                                                                          I am slightly near sighted.

                                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                            What honesty lol. I had a really bad car accident when I was 16. Lucky to be alive, instead just plagued with frequent bone pain for the rest of my life.

                                                                            I have a lot of prescriptions.


                                                                              that car accident was just your first warning.


                                                                                @Wink, DUDE I HAVE THIS SHIT, even tho i haven't seen it for a while, can we be friends now? (i also have a slight form of autism, a tiny bit of no lifeness and some hallucinations from time to time.)

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  just like valkiss, fast metabolism and im really skinny. gg thats all


                                                                                    @ allison, i forgot this, but i am not skinny i am heavy and muscular, but fast metabolism.


                                                                                      I have a nut allergy? Apart from that nothing physical

                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        i thought i had fast metabolism but when i started to eat 5-6 meals a day, i went up like 5kg every week

                                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                                          ^i tried that but i just cant eat 5 fooken meals everyday

                                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                            ^i tried 5 to even 6, still not fat.


                                                                                              I usualy eat like 9 small meals ( i need to eat like that, due my bicycle trainings ). It was so hard at start, i was feeling so hungry, sleepy , tired etc. After few months, you get used to, and it is way better then having normal eating routine.

                                                                                              Also, i have " Onychophagia " , a type of OCD .


                                                                                                I'm sick of life


                                                                                                  I get sick of life too after 6 losses in a row.


                                                                                                    I don't care about that :D Actually I don't care about anything, that's my illness,


                                                                                                      Poor Winky :( I hope you get well...
                                                                                                      Life is always beautiful regardless of how fucked up you may think you are.
                                                                                                      If you think you lack motivation to live, look at this video I have posted, in the link below everyone :P

                                                                                                      Neil DeGrasse Tyson <3 :


                                                                                                        @wave im eating all day and mostly junk food yet my weight is same ever since i was like 17~

                                                                                                        and im 24 now