General Discussion

General DiscussionIf terror blade was in captain's mode would he be the new lycan?

If terror blade was in captain's mode would he be the new lycan? in General Discussion

    i want people believe that i trully give a fuck about 4 digit number in public games

    that definetly reflects ur skill in this game


      I think it would be a situational pick at best for TB in competitive scene. They would have to ban lion/ench. as Matrice pointed out, which all in all as much as enchantress is picked wouldn't tip them off maybe idk theory crafting here. Agreed Lycan is a better team fighter and can come online with brown boots and vlads, as tb has to do a yasha and his boots of travel to either ctr push or team fight which is piss poor at first.

      Some comeback stories of mine with TB I guess: we were 19 k they were 27. Were 0-10 first 15 minutes.... 42/46 still won feed was harder early game on this though. we were like 2-20 first 15 minutes. 114/119 won barely and took over an hour of ratting to get the job done and had to mute all butthurt teammates.

      Biggest problem in the trashcan tier is finding someone that can solo offlane, then someone that can safe carry and support safelane. Last game I had I somehow had a lich/shadow shaman go bottom and feed all day. Who the fuck does 2 supports safe lane anyways... Feed was too strong.

      EDIT: Also picking characters for offlane in shit tier is awful too. No core offlaners are picked and soloing offlane is an odd job and regular 2/1/2 lanes are about all anyone knows.

      Or getting 2 supports then no courier or wards whole game.... AA goes dagon i mean whats gayer than that besides a dick in my butt.

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        rofl its normal skill tier dude.


          if you're picking tb to split push you're doing something wrong. tb jungle is fucking awful.
          imo tb can be strong, similar to a spectre (or such other hard carries that are shithouse early) with supports sucking him off in a tri lane, if you don't have this, usually it's just a bad pick.

          Dire Wolf

            ^ lol are you serious? I can't tell if that's a troll or not.

            Anyway I did a lycan game last night and I just don't like the feel of it. If you want to team fight vs any type of disable you have to pretty much go bkb after vlads and that delays getting necro or ac or whatever by so much. Wolves do not split push as well as illusions imo. And for me on lycan to take towers is risky. On tb it's easy, pop meta, pop and illusion, if anyone comes I'm already backed up cus of range form and my illusion does enough dmg to finish the tower while I run. On lycan it's like oh damn better pop ult so I can escape cus I'm sitting right on the tower cus I'm melee, oh damn I got stunned cus my bkb is down to 4 seconds already. It was vs a cm and tiny and they just annihilated my creep waves with their nukes so easily and would blink on me to disable. I think I'm just a worse lycan player but it's definitely harder to play lycan imo.


              it's less riskier to finish the tower as lycan, but it's easier to get it's hp down with tb.

              Spectre don't need support that suck him, he need support that gang.


                ^SHE. It's SHE.


                  ^ Technically, I think Spectre is IT.


                    tb's a great hero, u just need to pretend ur team doesn't exist and go rat unless they manage to win their lanes (doesn't happen 70% of the time in my experience)

                    i'm doing something wrong since i always take their outer towers and then fail to throne them and then they just 5 man and my team dies lol

                    @ matrice what are ur tips if you're stalling near their t3's? do u just send in 1 illusion at a time and slowly whittle down the towers? or keep farming lanes and the opponent jungle till ur 100% sure u can win

                    Treefolk Legend

                      Boy am I´m getting in some trouble too, yesterday I was against a 5 man deathball meta pickers and lost the game in 20min, All I manage to accomplish was get to their tier 3 in the side lanes and my team just coudnt fight them off.

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                        spectre is "a vengeance avatar", which in french is "un avatar de vengeance" and "un" is like 'a' but for guy :)
                        + spectre never had a women appearance at all, at most a high-pitched voice that might make us think it's "she"

                        "it" could be more fitting in dota2, since they took some distance from the dota lore.

                        @Wat do, i never force the push/splitpush, i just farm farm farm all lane. If for some reasons (only happened 4 time in all my tb game) by the time i'm fullstuff I'm still unable to make some tower/rax fall, i start the chicken with manta and refresher (only had to used it in 1 game so far -the 3 others a good fight made the end ^^ -)

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                          spectre and lc are males, everyone who says otherwise deserves to die

                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                            TB is the superior hero and is pretty broken. A good hero to have vs him is Skywarth and why this is is because of his 2nd skill. It doesnt hit illusions, so it will find the real TB and all you need to do is orchid that sum bitch. You need to rotate well and not let him Rat you down.


                              "Just as higher states of energy seek a lower level, the Spectre known as Mercurial is a being of intense and violent energy who finds herself irresistibly drawn to scenes of strife as they unfold in the physical world. While her normal spectral state transcends sensory limitations, each time she takes on a physical manifestation, she is stricken by a loss of self--though not of purpose. In the clash of combat, her identity shatters and reconfigures, and she begins to regain awareness. She grasps that she is Mercurial the Spectre--and that all of her Haunts are but shadows of the one true Spectre. Focus comes in the struggle for survival; her true mind reasserts itself; until in the final moments of victory or defeat, she transcends matter and is restored once more to her eternal form."

                              Convert your minds accordingly.

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                                @ Matrice

                                Manta/refresher works together? That must of been a tough game I'll have to remember that combo if I get full and having a rough time making shit fall down.


                                  @ Chico timido

                                  I think its easy to find TB since if you notice his footprints that set the ground on fire follow the real TB also and a lot of people are picking up on it.


                                    Spectre is a woman.
                                    First, her model is a female one, even if it's weird.
                                    Second, her model back then in DotA also was female.
                                    Third , her voice is also female, despite being weird.
                                    And most importantly, BATRIDER HITS ON HER.

                                    In Russian, "Spectre" - "Спектр" is also male gender word, so we usually call her "Спектра".


                                      Similar to how people who played dota1, will always tell furion, i will continue to say "he". :)

                                      @Gustaphos : no, even if you make 2 manta it will not work. but refresher allow you to send 4 ranged illu to push (since i make the manta in chick before) it can also bait enemy out (which worked the only one time i had actually used it) since they thought i had no meta xD


                                        how spectre is weird ?

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                                          She talks backwards and stands with like 40° to the earth angle.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!