General Discussion

General Discussionhow to deal with bloodseeker?

how to deal with bloodseeker? in General Discussion

    What hero do you go for when enemy picks BS? He is way too scary help


      teleport scroll


        Tissue Paper Scrolls

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        Quick maffs

          Most bloodseekers sucks so they never buy bkb

          Just stun him

          King of Low Prio

            keep track of your teammates health during the early stages of the game. He is only really a issue if he snowballs and the only way he snowballs is if you feed him kills when too many people are getting low health

            that and TP scrolls

            King of Low Prio


              BKB is hella lame


                I know tele scroll. But smart seekers dont rupture those who have tps.


                  Tell your team to get tps.


                    Or just build eul to disable TP :laugh:

                    Same with any squishy melee heroes
                    Centaur with blademail


                      Pick WK buy blademail. If he is particularly thick u can farm neutrals until you are just under half HP, and then farm blood seekers when they come to kill you.


                        Give me a convincingly hero that will par bs in mid


                          "I know tele scroll. But smart seekers dont rupture those who have tps."
                          Then you have nothing to worry about.


                            viper -.-


                              "Give me a convincingly hero that will par bs in mid"
                              Every single hero in the game.


                                "Give me a convincingly hero that will par bs in mid"

                                Tidehunter, Sven, Lone, Meepo, Axe, DragonKnight, Legion, PA, Naga.
                                Basically not pudge or puck.


                                  Abaddon/Omni are easy counters.


                                    ns, ta, razor, viper, axe for mid?

                                    bum farto

                                      You could also just buy a Rod of Atos

                                      The cripple is percentage based not a flat stat so it basically removes Bloodseekers' MS buff.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Focus on teamfights. His teamfighting sucks.

                                        Low Expectations

                                          What do you think of getting a Euls vs bloodcykanator?


                                            Viper one of the best counters to Bs in my opinion.


                                              You dont get eul vs bloodcyka but bloodcyka use eul on you to stop your TP


                                                I enjoy TB against him. My last game the BS got owned so hard. He would rupture and then silence me, and i would just stand still and auto him down metamorphed with illusions. He figured that doubling my damage was bad so next time he didn't silence me, so i ran to him, dropped my health and sundered him to nothing... twice.

                                                Realistically though, just carry TP and avoid getting picked off.

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                                                Miku Plays

                                                  its always fun to see a bloodseeker rapturing someone with blademail

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    If he silences you out of meta I'm not so certain tb can kill him and a lot of bloods build blade mail as a first or second item now. I hate playing against him period and tb especially.

                                                    But how do you beat him? Don't let him snowball. If everyone is aware and willing to back the fuck up when he is missing it's cake. Have your mid just sit mid and farm/push tower and bs will keep leaving to gank. You call missing, back up to towers, and he will be too far behind. I know he can dive t1s with any other disabler so sometimes if he's going into a lane and they are clearly two or three man diving you you need to back to the t2 but losing a tiny bit of farm is well worth it. Unfortunately most players are too dumb to realize this. There's a reason blood has a 53% win rate.

                                                    And if you are mid don't play a hero he can ult and 2 shot under tower like sniper. And maybe shadowfeind. Can't think of too many other super squishy mids he crushes but he can dive those two pretty hard.

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                                                      ^he got me once like that. Was prepared for it the rest of the game.

                                                      Pom Pom 🍕

                                                        "I know tele scroll. But smart seekers dont rupture those who have tps."
                                                        Tell your teammates to buy telescroll when he is level 4-5 to prepare for his rupture. Everyone should have one, not just yourself.

                                                        As for heroes he can not really 1v1 lifestealer, wraith king, Sven and Ursa easily. Visage is also good since your birds will still be able to stun if you get silenced. Pre-MKB a PA can be really tough for him too.
                                                        You could also counter his blood thirst with Treant by globally healing everyone to stay above 50% hp (living armour blocks counter him hard early when he has no attack speed too).

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