General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for someone to play with\coach me maybe ?

Looking for someone to play with\coach me maybe ? in General Discussion

    Sigh, Ive been stuck in the 3k mmr Area i was as high as 3800 and low as 2900 currently at 3400 (solo)

    Recently ive started losing a lot of solo games i want to blame my captain because ive had some seriously terrible teams and terrible players but i know i can most likely improve to maybe help the territards improve, So if anyone could maybe Just party up with me sometime or Coach me or whatever thatd be awesome

    US East usual time of playing Sun-Thur 10P-4a Eastern Fri-Sat Whenever

    Im best as a support\offlane most of the time, if anyone cares.


      protip: dont queue for captains mode/draft in solo queue.


        But i find AP even more cancerous D:


          "But i find AP even more cancerous"

          all pick - pick what you want, prone to counterpickers. pick your best heroes and hope you can stomp the enemy
          captains mode/draft - you don't get what you want and people in 3k can't draft for shit. hopefully the enemy team drafts a worse lineup which allows you to win

          both game modes are shit, you just have to figure out which one is the lesser of two evils.


            Yeah i guess, I just want to rip my hair out when people pick 4 carries in a row, or pick axe and demand mid when we have a TA its just mentally draining on me.. Or watching My OD max the Orb before any other ability so he auto attacks 3 times and then does nothing..

            But then again I think its just as bad as when you see them rosh with specs ult and 5 man smoke and your Timber whos mad that he lost his lane Because it was a tri in captains mode refuses to go with you.. Bleh maybe i will take up AP more.


              focus on your own gameplay instead of your teammates. i went through the 3k bracket as well and I still got past it because i didn't give a shit about my teammates. it's basically which team can take advantage of the other team's feeders.

              same situation as you. i calibrated at 3.6k, even got as low as 3k where people flamed me for NOT building bf on bounty hunter, and now im 4.1k. ive played 380 solo ranked games and the majority of them are offlane heroes - 63 weaver, 40 timbersaw, 44 slark. im a shit slark though, my winrate with him is below 50 (idk my solo only winrate though) but i still managed to drag myself out of 3k with basically just 2 heroes.

              who cares if my safe lane feeds. the enemy team's safe laners are also feeding me. if i played well enough, i could do more work than the enemy offlaner and that would win the game.

              even if you do well in some games but you still lose, you still improved, and you can use the skills you've improved on in your next games. as long as you have a winrate above 50%, you're improving and your mmr will rise.


                играй на русском сервере, там проще всего набирать имха. конечно будут фидеры, ну это понятно, нельзя выигрывать 100% игр
                бери жесткого героя на мид типа сларка\акаши, которые могут гангировать всю карту и в раннем лейте отлично ебенят
                или иди фармить на изи (скелет\войд\свен\спектра итд ака жирные герои или герои с ескейпом (только не антимага)), но нужно инстапикать ато вдвоем будете фармить)
                ну играть только ап естественно

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  Andro, So basically pick ganky aggressive offlaners ? was your secret to success ?

                  I like playing ET off And Tide not a great timber player but OK maybe ill practice him and work on it..

                  also wtf did he just say to me


                    anyways my personal experience - which isn't necessarily true because of guaranteed selection bias, is that i found offlane my best role to getting out the 3k trench, for reasons below:

                    1. no one wants to fucking offlane cos it's hard to play 1v2 / 1v3, everyone wants mid or safe lane carry

                    2. this means that the person who does offlane is going to suck at the role, because s/he doesn't like playing it - unless it's you

                    3. the offlane is a core hero like a mid or safe laner, but there won't be assholes teammates who want the same lane as you. so almost every game you guarantee yourself a core position.

                    4. if you're good enough you can shut down multiple heroes, which is more than what your other lanes are doing

                    5. if you're improving, then you have to assume you're better than your teammates. they are therefore worse than you. so fuck em, don't rely on them. get used to relying on yourself, cos this is solo ranked after all.

                    6. if you're playing solo then it's easy to see improvement. if you're winning your lane, that's not because of a teammate, that's 100% because of your own skill. if you lose your lane, then that's no one's fault but your own.


                      > Andro, So basically pick ganky aggressive offlaners ? was your secret to success ?

                      not necessarily ganky or aggressive, just heroes i'm very comfortable with. i played a bit of bristle and bounty too (10 games each), some timber, but mostly weaver. if you're not comfortable with these heroes, don't pick em. i guess what these heroes have in common is their lane presence - they're hard to zone out, and can even get solo kills.

                      ET off is meh. he's not very good at winning the lane. all he can do is use soul ring or bottle crow and get farm with astral spirit

                      you've got good stats with viper. try him offlane if you haven't yet, no joke. it's not like your winrate with viper is attributed to shadow blade stomping which is only like 10 games. in the majority of viper games you go mek on him, so you know your stuff.

                      Hex Sigma

                        @OP what andro said, go for heroes that you're very confortable with. Your instawin heroes.


                          What do i if i get a teammate who wont let me offlane solo just recently i took weaver said id like to offlane solo teammate last picks earthshaker and comes top with me and starts spamming fissure on the wave and fighting me for last hits ?

                          I ended up getting level 4 and just jungling to at least give him solo exp

                          but he then decided that i lost us the game at 10 minutes and start to intentional feed and we literally hung on till 50 minutes only losing because he snowballed the SF and they took an early early mid racks off it :(


                          I can never get an offlane solo in AP people D:


                            weaver isn't very good at jungling early on. shukuchi is okay for aoe, but it's not great.

                            if a teammate is contesting you for last hits, consider it last hit practice. try and tell your teammate to go bot, and if he doesn't, continue laning as usual. good thing about weaver is that he doesn't have to solo the offlane. you can play him like you would a carry in the safe lane if you dual lane.

                            swarm bugs are rather weak with just 1 point so it's rarely worth getting them them pre 6 in my opinion. i used to do that but quite a few times i didn't have enough mana to use it anyways. it depends on the situation, but more often than not I prefer having a slightly lower cooldown geminate attack.

                            you've only shown me 1 game that you just happened to be contested in. that's just bad luck.

                            also you should've disassembled your aquila, then disassemble the basi and made a medallion in that game, because if your int is above 33 then 50% mana regen > 0.65 basi/aquila regen aura. having scaling mana regen is very useful when you don't have a linken's sphere. plus medallion's just a good item on weaver in general, especially when paired with desolator.

                            just keep playing. you haven't played weaver recently, so I can't reliably judge you from just that 1 game. play him a few times more when you think he's the right pick, and I might watch some of the replays when I have time.


                              It just frustrated the hell out of me i literally died because he used fissure to take last hits from me and then i got stuck on the wrong side and shackled, i only left the lane because he was making it cancer he had no hope of trying to get a kill there, I know its bad luck just so frustrating lol usually when i do CM\CD at least the tri lane will be set and an offlaner set

                              I get your point on the Medallion coulda used the armor especially since i was jungling, hes a pretty awful jungler i found lol i was just kind of on tilt.


                                yeah, sometimes you just have *those* games. if you do, the best thing to do is take a break from dota until your most recent game isn't on your mind anymore.

                                if you get stressed then next game you're gonna play worse because you're affected by your emotions and you're just gonna keep losing more and more points.

                                play a bot game, unranked, watch a replay, play a different game, just don't go back into ranked if you're now feeling negative after having a bad game. I found that to also help me get wins, plus positive encouragement. don't flame teammates because it won't make them play better, and if you're being flamed then just mute the person. responding just makes you play on tilt because now you're trying to not fuck up so that you don't get flamed.