General Discussion

General DiscussionNa'Vi Doto = Dead Doto

Na'Vi Doto = Dead Doto in General Discussion

    These guys plays like headless chickens, ok - game 2 was good against C9 ill give you that much, but other than that they have been absolutely pure trash. Anyone watched Na'vi - Alliance? If not, watch the replay and watch how many simple mistakes they make. I swear to god, 5 random public players with 4k MMR could trash Na'vi around if they had a little bit of teamwork. For example, when pushing against Alliance they went straight for teh range rack instead of the melee rack, lmao? And in exchange for that range rack and that push, they allow naga to push 2x bottom racks at the same time and also dropping one of the top racks because they commit FULLY to the mid lane push and only get a fking range rack out of it. And wtf is up with this drafting by Na'vi? They draft like headless clowns.

    YOU ALLOW DOOM 3 TIMES. IN ALL 3 GAMES YOU GIVE C9 DOOM. Unless you want to lose intentionally, you are fully retarded. Even in game 2 where Na'vi ABSOLUTELY stomped C9 that Doom was almost game changing, so tanky, so many wasted chronos even when far ahead they couldnt drop him easily, and then yet again in game 3 you allow them to get Doom whom is a hero that have had so much impact in ALL of the games at the international 4. Can you tell me wtf is going on in the minds of Na'vi when doing those braindead things?

    In game 2, you see XBOCT (Horrible horrible carry player, they will never win the international again with that guy on the team) he was doomed and was chased down by TA, Doom runs out and then it takes 15-20 seconds for XBOCT to realize that he has a fking Magic Wand with 15 charges... Then he time walks away, and thus survives with 70 hp and thats the first time when he realize he has a wand, at that point it didnt really matter if he used it or not coz he had already escaped... Just the fact that he isnt aware that he has a wand (AND NO; HE WASNT DOOMED) shows that with pressure on them they make decisions with their heads under their arms.

    In the middle of the heat, and with the pressure on Navi, they really crumble. They dont have what it takes anymore and they dont fit into the meta game. They will NEVER win the international again with this strategy, coz its a bit of everything, its aggresive while being passive at the same time, its over commiting but still not fully commiting. Its so stupid way of playing Dota. So unless they change the strategy and their way of playing and unless they remove XBOCT from their roster they are pretty much done.

    Now tell me again, how/why on mothers earth do you allow C9 to draft Doom in all 3 games unless you want to intentionally lose?

    i left her

      damn have u not learned betting for navi is a nono

      or just betting agaisnt them is an ez win

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        Because they have only 5 bans and they consider that it's easier to deal with Doom than with Lycan or Batrider. They didn't lose because of the Doom, they lost because their drafts aren't good enough and they're playing like shit. They got outdrafted and outplayed, as simple as that.
        Oh, and remember that even if they played like shit they're still a top 8 team in the world, above big names like Alliance or Fnatic, so I highly doubt a 5 stack of 4k mmr players would ever have a chance.

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          True :P No value betting on them at all, coz all the fanboys ALWAYS bet on them. So staying away or betting on the opposing team is the right decision, no matter what.


            what navi ?


              Oleksandr, Doom was part of the draft, you can EASILY shut down Batrider, if u have enigma for example like they had, just when he initiates you stun him down, not worth it for a batrider. Doom with Scorched Earth is so incredibly tanky that when HE initiates with Doom u cant just shut him down when he has scorched earth activated. Dealing with a fking batrider is so much easier than with a Doom. Which this international 4 goes to show as well.


                Implying that enigma will be around when Batrider ganks. Implying that he won't forcestaff away in time. Implying that he won't activate his bkb. No, there's no easy way to deal with Batrider, that's why he's still a top pick/ban after huge nerfs.
                On the other hand, they were clearly able to deal with Doom on game 2. Doom itself wasn't a game-changing factor, Cloud9 would have won with any other strong carry. Na'Vi just got outdrafted and outplayed.

                Also, there difficult level of dealing with a hero depends on the strenght of the players and their comfort zone. Newbee and Fnatic are teams that can easily deal with rat doto, they would never waste a ban on Naga Siren because she's easy to deal with for them, while Na'Vi can't deal with her at all, the reason you saw her banned.


                  navi plz remove xboct from roster

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    Kick Puppey.. sadboys LSD drafter. He gave away TI2 & TI3.. now lose to trash team, even Alliance not that low. He's forcing Dendi play korb and xboct brew? So bad as kky's 0-10 shadow shaman.



                      EE-Sama no mercy to EU tards

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                        so painful to see players far inferior in terms of play, drafts and execution criticizing these people

                        i have no love for navi but these haters are just being retarded


                          just means its one step closer to actually being a sport :D The best pastime of football is saying how crap and bad pro teams are ^^. They nearly made as much as they did last TI too O.o

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                            Dude please, calling games any kind of sport is an insult to any real sport


                              rofl you can select the best pubstars in the world and make a team of them and im sure they will get roflstomped by navi or any other pro team

                              playing a competitive game is way different from pubs, excalibur himself said that, he gets lost all the time because he simply don't know what to do, the positioning is different, reactions are faster, mechanics are near to perfect, coordination is sick





                                  What if they have friends or relatives in Ukraine who may be in danger now? Probably they just can't focus on computer game.


                                    ^Watch free to play afterparty question thing he laughed wen some1 asked him that and said the TV makes it look bad nothing has changed for him he said he "Doesnt even notice"

                                    S-God ✔

                                      Cloud9 lost on purpose(group stage to push them up) to put NaVi into the main stage. They have been playing bad recently and everyone knows it


                                        Na'vi are noobs at drafting.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!