General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you are..

If you are.. in General Discussion

    The last one who have to pick a hero and the other 4 picks supports,
    What would you do? and what hero would you pick?




        Something that snowballs and wants to end the game early.


          A fast snowballing hero, trying to take that game late would end in heartbreak. Many supports are decent mids and depending on the support you can actually have a really annoying and effective mid/offlane.

          Slark, Jugger etc. are examples of fast snowballing heroes.


            if those are heavy pushing sup, spectre, if those are heavy ganging sup, spectre or ember or lonedruid imo

            (slark is terrible at pushing, so it's actually a pretty bad choice if your support cann't push)

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            Too easy for D.

              Depends on enemy picks to, but either:
              A superlategamehero that can get big early because of the protection
              A hero that can 5man push efficient and early.

              If you don't have any pushpower in your suuports, you might want to get Lycan or Leshrac to 5man and end early.

              Fuck dotabuff for banning me over an OBVIOUS joke while those other cunts and trolls can say whatever they want that's way deeper than I said, without getting banned.

              Matrice ninja :(

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                Both are correct, you can go for a heavy pushing but keep in mind if your doing well early you are quite likely to at some point group up and push as 5 and you will get towers nonetheless.

                @too easy what did you get banned for? Link comment page.

                Flat is Justice!

                  Me: Anyone

                  Supports: CM, Lina, Luna, Windrunner

                  *Puts on Oculus rift*

                  Too easy for D.

                    It was a dry joke I wrote in this thread

                    got deleted by mod as they banned me though. (I believe it's just a 3day mute however)




                        and if the team has already 4 carries i would recommend you to pick void aswell


                          tinker or slark


                            or just go with the grain and pick a 5th support DAT GLOBAK

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                              What about Sven? He comes on line quickly and carries really well.


                                ı ask something.last guy picked anti mage for will kill him in real life?


                                  i would pick furion and go tp suicide to end the game fast

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!