General Discussion

General Discussion[off-topic] what is wrong with the humankind

[off-topic] what is wrong with the humankind in General Discussion

    Also sterotypes. Not all people are like that.


      Canada, the better version of US


        why would anyone go to serbia unless they want to bomb it?


          My threads breed hate and intolerance, thank you for showing me the error of my ways Lawliepops


            Guys, whats gonna happen if i say that Serbia is shit, Croatia is shit, U.S.A is shit, Russia is shit, and you are my bitches. Will this thread get locked? :D


              it is hard to tell, we know anime avatars prevent thread locks not too sure about puppy avatars

              Quick maffs

                Holy fucking shit Sampson you are still butthurted, your thread got locked for the same reason this one will get locked, because of the idiots that are posting on them not because of the intention of the thread itself, plus any mod likes to ban you because you are a fucking dick ( and you know that that its true ) and that its reason enough

                btw i cant believe this guy is defending nato in their actuation against serbia

                "really everything bad that happened to serbia they deserved it. which balkan war wasn't started by serbia?"

                Sorry, i choose to not believe that any human being is capable of saying something so stupid.

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                Quick maffs

                  I never thought i would agree with wave at something, funny.



                    deserved to get bombed more imo, i mean hitler got bombed when he killed jews, why are serbs so special?

                    ICE SKULL

                      butthurt bosnian u shouldn't exist in the first place


                        i dont have to be a bosnian to know about the bosnian genocide u retarded ufck

                        Quick maffs

                          That still doesnt justify the bombing of civilians, is like the issue with Israel and Palestina i am incapable of defending Israel because of the multiple civilian lifes they have taken over and over again.

                          What the serbians did was awful, but that doesnt justify what nato did either.


                            so what else would they do mr general dorkly? serbs were in kosovo at the time trying to do another genocide because that's just the way of the serb, so they bombed them until they stopped, i mean it sounds reasonable to me, if civilians die then all you have to blame is yourselves for starting genocides in the first place

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                            Quick maffs

                              You are talking like all the serbians are the same shit to start with, the actuation of nato was completely illegal.

                              The funny thing is that the bombing was actually aimed to the population itself.


                              Pretty interesting stuff

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                              ICE SKULL

                                ofc they bombed fucking hospitals, embassies, everything to ashes

                                when my grandfather's brother moved to usa, my entire family cut ties with him lol


                                  not that i give a shit what happens in their trash country but ii have a feeling you can identify with this


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                                  ICE SKULL

                                    rofl bosnian "GENOCIDE", ur gonna tell me bosnia is a country too?

                                    ICE SKULL

                                      u bosnians are so cute lol


                                        at least im rational enough to know that not all serbs are like this retard. one thing i like about serbia is that they'd probably kill you for having an anime avatar

                                        Quick maffs

                                          That its fucked up, but again i am not defending serbians, i am just again the way that they decided to fuck up the entire serbian population.

                                          Anyway the control of that part of ucrania is on russia hands, nato can pick up a fight against some weak tiny country but never against russia, i bet my ass they arent going to do anything, even if its confirmed that those anti-air weapons were provided by russia.

                                          ICE SKULL

                                            trust me if nato wants, they can bomb russia to ashes

                                            russia is just in control of the gas pipelines that can cause lots of problem to rest of europe


                                              You really have no idea what you are talking about.

                                              And this thread absolutely needs to be locked.


                                                this thread isnt bad, its those hateful threads Sampson makes in which racism COULD happen. When it actually happen its fine tho.....

                                                Hex Sigma

                                                  guys us won't do shit to russia because if they do take action a world war will start. Considering the fact that both countries have super advanced war technology they'll just destroy the earth. The world leaders are not that stupid. They can "punish" eachother through other methods rather than a nukefest.

                                                  also stop the fuckin racism, when I opened this thread it was not intended to offend any race/ethnicity. IMO it doesn't matter if ur asian, european russian or whatever, a crime is a crime.

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    yeah i have no idea what im talking about and you do? you read fucking reddit and you're most likely while you claim your "imaginary girlfriend" is serb/croatian, you claim to play dota for 5 years and you can't even fucking win a single game in 2k mmr

                                                    kill yourself fucking pathetic waste of oxygen

                                                    ICE SKULL

                                                      you're like those fucking mongoloids who walk into a bar and claim to know everything about the universe and failed high school LOL


                                                        wave, you are exactly that right now...

                                                        Do you honestly believe Russia doesn't have the technology and money to use anti-air and missile-intercepting missiles? No way on the face of the earth could NATO bomb Russia, they would be blown out of the sky as soon as their warplane crossed into Russian airspace.

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                        ICE SKULL

                                                          nato bombed serbia to ashes and made serbia look like the villain which everyone still believes is true today. nato can do many things, its just not usa in it

                                                          Low Expectations
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                                                              I'M SO SORRY

                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                @concede I could not agree more
                                                                But the thing about USA is that it is way more transparent what they are doing (even though they fuck up often, and often are where they should not be. I dont know enough about Balkan history so I refrain from commenting) compared to Russia where there are very few things that are out in the open.
                                                                Russia is a curious country with low GDP (for such influential country) and huge military power and most notably "the most educated" (how do you even measure that?). I put it in questionmarks as I think its a way to decive the western civilization because of their well, limited freedom (look at every president election, questions are chosen, transition from ussr to russia opposition of putin or even to such things as what happened to BP when they tried to enter Russia and what Gasprom did). I find it hard to belive that the most educated people in the would would not fight for their freedom more.

                                                                And if it would be confirmed that russians would be found responsible for the shotdown pf the airplane (which they prolly wont cuz well they are just that good) The only way to deal with it to put huge sanctions untill the currient regime is forced to step down.

                                                                TLDR Russia stronk, balkans have a short temper as wave proven, USA being USA

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                  War is hell, there is no right or wrong side in most conflicts, and it's the innocents that get hurt the most.


                                                                    ^ finaly, a man with brain.

                                                                    I really like this comments, where they talk about balkan and problems here, like they live here, and know everything. Please, we are , indeed, the worst enemy of ourselfs.

                                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                                      @havoc being havoc what can i say more :D

                                                                      Ape Prime

                                                                        I'm from malaysia and I have to say, this is really tragic - 2 plane crashes in a span of a few months? Apparently there were about 50 world class doctors going for some AIDS conference or some shit, and all of them died, including the president of some big AIDS society. This is gonna set back the cure for AIDS for a long time.
                                                                        Also, there's something going on about the number 17
                                                                        Like the first flight of MH17 was on 17/7, 1997 and the last flight of MH17 was on 17/7, 2014, which is 17 years later


                                                                          I llike how some nerds talk about war and how some countries sux and that their country is awesome, and they think its a joke.
                                                                          Grow up, its some serious shit out there.


                                                                            It wasn't the Russians or the Ukrainians, are you people blind, it was the Canadians, they are the only ones to gain from such a vile act

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