General Discussion

General DiscussionTo play or not to play: Earth Spirit

To play or not to play: Earth Spirit in General Discussion
Señor Mango

    I was just reading about this hero and what he can do.
    I am curious about his usefulness and how to utilize him; what heroes does he synergize with?

    Is he an awesome hero and why?


      Hero is fucking strong as fuck if you can play him.

      I'd call him broken if you're a god.

      Wether you should play him or not, is up to you. If you are sick playa nig mothafecka with sick skills.
      ^THEN YES

      if not
      ^THEN NO.

      No prob.


      Considering you're 3299-3699 rating, I'd assume you shouldn't play this hero.
      Not being mean, but objective.

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      Señor Mango

        Well gosh im not gonna embarass myself by just picking him against playas
        I do plan on playing him against bots


          That's where your lack of experience kicks in....

          You do realize that at your low rating people won't even realize

          That you're staying close mid to try to set up a kill on enemy mid. Even if you ping 5400 times, they'll still be like. O' wtf. Why are you in mid?

          You can't really practise ES vs bots... Obviously you can practise how to use the skills and shit, but the hero requires a lot of cordination and teamwork be played efficiently...

          Usually you'll see ES played as a support or offlane, and if support you'll most likely be roaming trying to set up kills.
          How are you gonna practise this vs bots?


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            he can practice comboes vs bots...

            Señor Mango

              Well thanks for the input as u r the only person that is giving any so thank you


                I quote myself:

                "Obviously you can practise how to use the skills and shit, but the hero requires a lot of cordination and teamwork be played efficiently... "

                No problem, Sir.

                I was not trying to be mean or anything, so if you felt that, I am sorry. Good luck playing ES, hope you succeed :-)

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                  Need skill over 9000 to play this hero


                    has a stun, a slow, a silence, huge dmg dot, an escape...
                    if you meet jerax, leave.

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      God dd+wisp do you troll only or play also?

                      Play earth spirit practice combos vs bots then get in game and offlane. Do not roam until your at least level 6 though tbh because its critical you get 6 fast as possible.

                      Side note once you get pretty solid at earth its hard to play other boring heroes that anyone can which is well most the rest in the game.

                      and remember everyone says Earth is OP and easy yet most can't play him they just keep talking trash and playing crap like Wraith King.

                      Bot (Passive)

                        escape is unreliable
                        everything is countered by bkb (not uncommon)
                        his damage output isnt timber-level
                        not that survivable (base stats are eh)
                        a lot of his abilities are skillshots and are pretty hard to land especially if the enemy has a clue about what hes doing (dodging is needed)
                        hes super level dependent and needs level 14 (all of his abilities need levels to be pumped into them to be effective, similar to alch, you cant just get level 1 of his silence and have it be that useful) but then thats also around the time enemy heroes start picking up bkb

                        im obviously only pointing out the cons but people routinely seem to rattle off all of his skills and utility but seem to forget how mediocre the skills are at level 1-2 (0.75 s stun, 2 second silence at level 1) and they scale pretty well. couple that and being completely bkb-countered and not having an escape the hero isnt nearly as good as people say...though hes still super powerful in teamfights at the 8-20 minute area when heros may not have bkb.

                        good hero with practice but needs a lot of team coordination and understanding of the hero on player and teams part which wont be found at that level
                        dont play

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                          i mean the hero is fucking legit if you know how to handle him but if you dont you'll look like a clown


                            perfect example of a hero to practice comboing with in bots


                              well he really is complicated but competitive to play since his skills does variety of skills.

                              save allies, multi slience, initiate long range teamfights, roll through terrains etc.

                              as a big fan of earth spirit, for me he is best played as a ganker since he can do incredible stuff starting level 2-3.
                              earth spirit needs to roll out early to shut down enemy carries and deny them their late potentials.

                              in the hands of an experienced user, he is an OP hero, thats why i think he is still not ready to be thrown in CM.

                              you need to know good positioning to play him well and as long as you know what skill to use when and where, soon you will realize you are not playing dota, you are playing earth spirit.


                                Very strong but very complex. As everyone has mentioned, it takes practice. If you think you can get a good feel of the hero then use him.

                                I usually play him as a 4/5 (but I wait for good heroes to synergize it with. I don't really first pick him unlike a lot of the others)

                                The Legendary Gideon of G...

                                  He is a high skill cap hero, and the skill cap has no relation to your MMR. Most heroes in DOTA aren't skill shot heroes, it's just point and click. ES is purely skill shot so if you are a Mortal Kombat fan you'd like him.

                                  This is me playing him


                                  Secret to winning with him is to gank and push early. He fades after 40 mins.


                                    He's the king of stopping fountain farming on either side of the event


                                      you don't need level 6 to roam, can do as early as lvl2


                                        he is easy but at the same time pretty hard, just try to focus on getting an early kill in lane and you should be snowballing out of control IF you are able to pull off the kick, pull, roll, magnetize combo. blink makes the hero a lot easier so if you are not good with him go with this.


                                          I only play Earth Spirit.
                                          Make sure that you take mid!

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I don't really see the point in playing him. What's he really bring to a team? Ok he ganks, but there are other heroes who do this better. He's not going to be slotted as a support cus he needs items. So you're giving up a carry slot or a better utility guy for a fairly rigid hero. Reminds me of pudge, not in their execution but their role. Basically needs too gank early and often and snowball or it's a wasted slot. I'd rather have a mirana or timber offlane or a bloodseeker mid for ganking or a mid game powerhouse mid like viper or a farming mid even like a sniper or od.


                                              disclaimer: despite my stats, I own more at mid with him than storm/morph/invoker.

                                              Earth Spirit only has a small window which he is effective. Its best to play him mid to maximise this window. He can solo kill ANYBODY, I don't care what hero, at level 6 he takes on anyone with a his silence and an endless DoT spell. He balls really hard early with his short ult cooldown.

                                              But thats it, he sucks lategame. Your job is to fuck enemy's farm and get your teammates some towers early/mid. Lategame, you're more of a utility tank.

                                              Bot (Passive)

                                                hero trails off too early to be a strong mid, if you can do it well you can snowball though

                                                hes literally timber 2.0 just swapping some damage/tankiness for utility

                                                the only thing the guy needs is levels, not farm...try putting him in the offlane, his escapes pretty shit but if u can get away with it its a lot better than taking mid and being useless after 20 mins

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                                                Jay Ashborne


                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                    You do not need level 6 but your better off letting other roamers roam while you get 6. Everything is factored off what heroes your against though.

                                                    From my experience in 6.81b your role as ES is typically offlane 99% of time. If you have the right matchup 1v2 or whatever you just don't want to die and get levels and scrap whatever gold you can. Ideally, you need some roam though so you can take out their hard carry be it a these days meepo, void, AM or etc. so in fact most the time you need your mid or the roamer the nice thing is the faster you hit 6 the faster you can take on 2 heroes possibly by yourself.

                                                    I do not typically roam if I'm offlane unless one of the lanes over pushes and its always nice to be level 6 when this happens for obvious reasons.

                                                    Roaming as Earth was more a thing you did when the yank ability was a stun.

                                                    BTW I solo que.

                                                    As others have stated some hero combos on other teams make you feel worthless especially longterm and as I will add some heroes aren't worth roaming to try and gank and others are easier and better priorities to roam for early like SS mid etc.

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                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                      Also side note kicking stone remnants clustered in close combat to a lot of people can be very frustrating try after silence/roll combo just punting them back towards your team instead of going for stun. If things really congested seems like anything but the remnant gets punted lately which can really piss you off.


                                                        Just pick him and play,
                                                        his best advantage in lower MMR is that no one knows what he does because they never seen him


                                                          alright dd, so when do you think he will be put in captains mode though, and would he be picked a lot in pro games ? just curious