General Discussion

General DiscussionFor people who generally don't play ranked matches, why do you choose...

For people who generally don't play ranked matches, why do you choose not to? in General Discussion

    Just curious to hear your opinions, that is all.

    Though I usually have better teammates in ranked matches, I generally don't play it because it feels like it puts a stress for you and there are more tryhards I guess idk, lol. Also, my general stack buddies don't usually play it for some reason, even though I encourage them to try it out every once in a while.

    Unfortunately, for me the highest I have ever reached is 3632 or something like that I forgot (in party mode) and I at times don't stress about it, as I want some of my stack friends to try it with me when I'm willing to lose a dumb number so they can see how far apart we are and where they need to improve I suppose.



      I have been sticking to non ranked matched (*gasp* and bots!) because they are more relaxing and I feel more comfortable picking heroes I am less skilled with.

      Partially laziness and partially because I want to be in the right mindset before starting to play ranked games again. Way I see it, if you aren't going to do everything you can possible to win, don't go to ranked.


        Because I play Dota as a casual game. Not planning to be a professional player.

        Oh Shit Waddup

          I appreciate your guys mindsets!

          From the perspective of someone who only really plays ranked, nothing pisses me off more than people coming in and randoming 4th-5th picks and not repicking if it doesnt suit the team or "playing to have fun cause its just a game" and while i can appreciate dota for the fun and relaxation it brings people, i play ranked to win because my competitive side over rides my lets have fun side. I like to win because of skill, not picks, and its so frustrating sometimes peoples attitudes. It just annoys me when people come in and are all like ladi-freakin-da not trying to improve or to win, cause personally i find stomping and winning more fun than getting your arse handed to you and not being able to do anything as you get fountain farmed.


            I haven't started playing ranked, because I'm a bit scared I'll fall into a 2k-3k (1k????) MMR with no hope of escape. So I'm just practicing on ranked to the point where I feel confident enough to take my first foray into ranked and stomp my first ten games. When that will actually happen? Who knows.

            ICE SKULL

              lolz "Partially laziness and partially because I want to be in the right mindset before starting to play ranked games again. Way I see it, if you aren't going to do everything you can possible to win, don't go to ranked."

              you're fucking trash and stuck at 2k mmr because your brain equates to 20 iq


                I've just been in a "play for fun" mindset lately.

                I think I'm gonna start doing ranked again soon. Probably just go AP and spam Clockwerk because he's easy.


                  Because people try hard and they still suck.


                    I play both - pick heroes I can play in ranked and mess around with random modes in unranked.


                      Sometimes we are only a 4 Stack, and playing ranked is forbidden. Otherwise I play always ranked. Solo and party. My solorating is a bit higher, since our stacks are pretty mixed sometimes. Some of the dudes i play with, have only rating of 2.7 k solo (me 4.2 k). If those guys want to play a core, games can get pretty hard.


                      The calibrationphase is pretty unimportant. It might calibrate you +- 500 where you "belong" to. +- 500 is ez to win/lose/climb in a small amount of time.


                        Because its fun.
                        Who the fuck wants to play ranked after work, fuck that.
                        We can fuck around in normal MM with real life friend

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                          The quality of ranked MM is diluting so fast its not even funny, theres simply no point in playing a game where its simply a grindfest to 6k mmr and you start to get shit tier teammates. Im just waiting for the day when valve implements inhouse leagues

                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            Idc about ranked. You or I will never be professional. Faster queue time.

                            Edit for example:

                            Vroksnak is a 6 k player. I will probably never play on his level. I will most likely never be as good as him. However, he will never become professional. He's just playing pubs. Which is all ranked is. Pub games with a number tacked on for how much you win or lose.

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                            Hex Sigma

                              @wave In what way is IQ related with the ability to play dota like a pro? Your statement makes me think you are braindead and with 20 IQ


                                Vroksnak, Wave and whatver could been professional if they really tried to get into the scene.
                                They clearly have the requires skills.

                                @ Raspharus

                                A stupid person/lowiqcunt wouldn't manage to understand game, neither realize they suck, neither understand what do to climb, etcetc.

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                ICE SKULL

                                  competitive is just not worth it, better go for a good degree, stable job and have decent income (i also hate the idea of playing video games and getting paid for it, no better than those girlstreamers on twitch who flash their tits for $5000)

                                  besides that, CIS is just a bunch of friends who stack with each other and now they are competing at ti4, one of their players is #1 in china leaderboard i think

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!