General Discussion

General DiscussionHead-up for everybody

Head-up for everybody in General Discussion

    As we know, all humans are bound to explore things around us. That being said, i advise you not to to next things.

    1. Never, ever, in your life, go to to r/nsfl, just fucking dont. I have been browsing reddit last night about some social things, when there was a some link going to the image of nsfl. It had huge warning, but needles to say, i was, ( not knowing what nfsl stands for ) intruiged, and went on it. I cant explain the thing i saw there. Couldnt sleep for whole night, i was shivering and literally thinking about it whole time. I think i really need a doctor now.

    2. As it may sounds nice and a place too look for, dont, and i repeat dont go search deep web. There is like 10 % sites, that you might like ( misteries, hidden things, and that kind of sites ) and there is 90% shit you dont want to see, like ever. Similar to nfsl reddit, but w/o warning ot anything, it just pops up. Also, there are trollers and fanatics and shittards, but be aware.

    Conclusion : some of you might and will ask why would i post here this? The answer is simple. Dont be curious about things like that. It will save your mental health . Just a warning fot all of you

    And i fucking repeat, dont do it. Also, please, no matter how retarded, braindead, cunt you are, please, dont post any images here.

    Piece out .

    Also, i made this thread just as a warning, not to be confused that i am trolling. Do as you wish, i cant say what you should do and what you shouldnt.

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      OP's post intrigued me. Now imma go check that nsfl thing.

      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

        I have to agree with you on that. I remember when I was curios of the internet that other people haven't explored. I forgot what people label that part of thr internet, maybe they call it the undernet or something. But anyways I was curious and had a lot of fucked up shit. I remember 2 of those things. But I don't think i can talk about it because it was really pitiful and scary. Just something to remind me how fucked up the world is, espically and 3rd world countries.

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          Never say never ;)


            now that you mentioned it i have to look it up.
            y u do dis


              @DeL do it on your risk, but trust me, you shouldn't.

              @Akuzuma ye, it is called deep web ( or deep blue web ). I cant really imagine, how people can watch that, for pleasure or whatsoever. You really have to be fucked up

              @Sir paradox :-D

              @allison it is double edge sword. Most of normal people wouldnt look it up, but others. . .

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                reverse psychology at its finest


                  Just wait a bit, when they understand what they did.

                  ICE SKULL


                    deep web is literally porn sites, obscure sites, reddit, 4chan, somethingawful and so on.
                    this fucks up your mental health if you devote your life around it but that rarely happens unless you're a special nutcase. also why are you posting this shit on a dota forum


                      i already did look it up, its not that ...bad
                      i mean sure its some fucked up shit but its not as scary as you described it


                        Cmon OP, gore isnt that shocking.


                          Gore and nsfl are tottaly different things. I can watch gore, but things i saw there , goes beyond. Imagine snuf movie x10.

                          Also, not all thing are that bad. Some of them are in lines of medical experiments , but others are just gross

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                            want me to explore your ass?


                              Deep web is really just sites that can't be search for using a search engine.

                              Large majority of the net is technically "deep"


                                Just sites that aren't indexed by search engines ( similar is to why is bing better for porn search )

                                You can use tor browser and few other things for safer search

                                I have been always intruiged by it, but i am not so good with those things, to be able to safely browse it.

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                                  OP has a very weak stomach.

                                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                    @Concede Yeah i can see what you mean. I was able to see things that I shouldn't have seen. Was curios and never rrally explore the internet. I just stick to gaming, watching shows online, and buy crap :3

                                    @Never say never Yeah what I saw was something I can't forget lol. I think I explore that side of the net 3 to 5 years ago.



                                      This summons it very good. Just read it ( it takes 5 minutes top ) and his comment.

                                      And then you can tell me if you are so good with watching/being able to see this shit.


                                        1guy 1cup ?


                                          ^ it is 1man1jar, and not, that is like soft porn for this things.


                                            so, I see you're familiar with this shit,
                                            r/nsfl nice heads up,
                                            we need to go deeper


                                              Download tor browser, go to hidden wiki ( can't post link here ) and go around and explore. Just stay away from gore and anything labeled with C.

                                              Also if you need any questions pm me on steam. If you want to ask about gore and C and NFSL, fuck off.

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                                                I know

                                                in4 closed topic

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                                                  Ye, this is getting out of the way. Just wanted to warn people.


                                                    I went to nsfl and it was really just casual stuff, nothing too bad...


                                                      ^ fuck reddit, there actually is some fucked up shit on the internet that will blow your mind

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