General Discussion

General DiscussionFnatic's situation

Fnatic's situation in General Discussion

    Has anyone had a chance to read regarding Era's health?

    Seems valve has been aware of the situation since at least when Fnatic were invited

    Do you guys think it's unfair on era/Fnatic or do you think valve is justified?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I think this is totally unfair. They didn't do the same to EG, and all their reasoning was an "elbow injury". Era has fucking psychological problems and Valve is doing this? This is totally bad mannered.

      Quick maffs

        Pretty unfair, a phychological problem is as bad as any physical problem, i dont see why EG can do this but Fnatic cant.


          so wtf is wrong with him ? cba 2 read all the bullshit

          hes sick from ?

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Not detailed information but it says he is having panic attacks and if he doesn't stop gaming for a while this might effect his entire adult life or something.

            Quick maffs

              Probably phychological problems

              "There was an unforeseen relapse in his health condition, and he would be accompanied by his girlfriend and her parents. When he finally arrived, he was not the Era that the team had come to know and love as a brother; he was not himself—he was vomiting every day from anxiety attacks for the short duration of his stay, which was less than a week. He later explained to us that panic attacks would arise every time he had to travel. His condition forced him to return home shortly after his arrival."

              Quick maffs

                The thing is, he cant go because he is sick, simple as that


                  Yeah this is really dumb considering EG got a sub for health issues.


                    the favouritism is real...?


                      who cares, it's not like they'd win anyway right 8)


                        like why they can't have standin..


                          from what @dorkly said this guy is clearly sick and they should be allowed to replace him

                          Ples Mercy

                            sad story for me ;_;

                            Killer Queen

                              explain the EG situation to me, they're not playing as full original roster in seattle or what ?


                                original roster that was invited to ti4 was fear, arteezy, universe, zai and ppd.

                                fear has an arm injury, so they subbed him with mason for some tournaments before ti4 and now valve are letting mason sub for ti4 too.


                                  it may have to do with timing. Mason was recognized as a full member of the team and added to TI4 a month ago. since then they have gotten all the visas approved. Also, he was standing in for EG for months.

                                  Don't really know, just spitballing here.

                                  Killer Queen

                                    EG isn't EG without old man fear


                                      Also, as we have seen in the military and physical sports, psychological injuries are often harder to prove than physical ones. The fact that the injury is mental may be the cause, as Valve has replaced injured players in the past.


                                        Valve is pulling some bullshit on this. They let fear get swapped for mason.

                                        Krazy Kat

                                          I think all teams should be allowed to have 6 (or maybe 7) man rosters. This would eliminate most of the substitution problems.
                                          And Valve needs clear rules about subs.



                                            Fear is now the couch. with his experience and the raw talent of the players i think they are pretty scary at TI4.

                                            also mason was standin for EG for months seriously if fear wasnt fear i would probably forget about him. this is a different situation.

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                                            Quick maffs

                                              Or they let both teams out of they let both teams in

                                              kanye went to uni

                                                I think the argument would be that mason is pretty much a huge part of EG; when spectators think new EG they probably think mason, whereas Excalibur is not really a part of what people associate with Fnatic. People want to see the Fnatic team, not four of their team plus a standin.

                                                That said, the whole point of not letting roster changes happen was to stop teams from kicking 'weaker' players before The International, and that's probably not the case here. It would be a shame if Fnatic didn't get to play because they're definitely a stronger team than the ones that got in the qualifiers in my opinion.


                                                  LGD, TI3.

                                                  Yet they let Kuroky play for mouz in TI2.

                                                  I call racism.


                                                    I'm sure as fans of Dota, this is just outrageous as to what Valve is doing to Fnatic and unjust. Couldn't we file like a petition of some sort? Or is Valve just blind to see that without us, they wouldn't have the prize pool of $10 million?


                                                      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ END RACISM ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                                        I would be quite dissappointed in Fnatic wasn't allowed to attend TI4.
                                                        Hope Valve gets its shit together.


                                                          Alliance has w1nter as their coach, they will win TI4 for sure


                                                            Without "us"? The majority of the compendium sales this year are from the newly opened Chinese Dota 2 store.

                                                            In TI2, they replaced MUFC. In TI3, they booted LGD to the qualifiers.


                                                            In TI2, Kuroky stood in for mouz with no consequences. In TI4, EG is going to have no consequences with roster change.

                                                            And if Valve listens to you people who only care about western teams, we would have Fnatic slipping through the rules as well.


                                                              whats the sickness of era?


                                                                He has some anxiety disorder and some stress related issues which can effect a person more than you think. If he doesn't take a break he can run the risk of having a break down or a stroke and I have seen these things happen before so he needs to watch it. I too would be saddened if Fnatic were out as they have always been extremely entertaining to watch.

                                                                Autism is great

                                                                  actually its pretty simple if u spend whole day alone in a room year after year being not alone is going to trigger shitty feelings and fear of being physically injured by first random person

                                                                  Autism is great

                                                                    those fags from valve should focus on releasing new content instead

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      Man up


                                                                        Maybe Valve will hire a new PR manager when Era starts having an attack in the box on stage and pukes on his keyboard mid match.

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          Era needs to man up

                                                                          Low Expectations

                                                                            ^The physical injuries is is the one you can "man up" esp that his condition is not actually that bad. He could easly play and preform at (at least) 90-95% of his normal self. The only diffrence is that his micro would not be that good due to a numbing/ichy feeling in the little finger and in rare cases the ring finger.
                                                                            You cant just shake off a psychiatric disorder actually you never get rid of them. You can only wait untill the next relapse be it depression, alcoholism, dementia. And from the sounds of things he has some trouble at home seeing hes comming with his gf parents and and his own.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              Real men dont have these issues, therefore he needs to man up

                                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                                See since you live in Canada, I cant make a joke how Muricas health care system only works as long as you are healthy

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                                                                                  Just give him some drugs so he can play


                                                                                    Some1 do smth plz, start a petition or smth like that. I want to see my favourite team at TI4!

                                                                                    edit: If some1 could start an online petition on this site or any other similiar i would be very grateful. I would do it myself but my english is too far from being good...

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                      Although I hope it doesn't come to this if Era has an attack on stage and vomits/has a breakdown on stage it will make valve look really bad, which personally I think they deserve for not recognising his illness and unsuitability to play

                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                        why is EG allowed to do their shit though?


                                                                                          You can't compare EG's situation to this...

                                                                                          excalibur has played with Fnatic for some weeks, a random guy they found on leaderboard cause they needed a standin.

                                                                                          Mason has been playing with EG for a long time and he is an official member of EG, xcalibur is no official member of fnatic. That's Era.


                                                                                            ^but still, it has nothing to do with "official members", it's purely down to the roster change. EG had Fear in heir original roster, and Fnatic had Era.

                                                                                            Given that the team were aware of his condition in the early parts of the year, as well as communicating with Valve since at least mid May, is it not even in valves mind that they accepted EG's roster change but not Fnatics

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              dd has a point, but other people do too. They should allow them to have a standin, especially in the situation like that. If they dont, they're fags (no intent to insult gay people). Fnatic is well respected team and should not be treated like they are atm.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                ^of course, dd's point is absolutely true in that mason has been playing with EG for a much longer time. However, I don't think that the length of time played has anything to do with how likely it is that a standin be allowed to rotate for a member of the team.
                                                                                                Given that the teams were only announced on April 29th, and Fnatic made valve aware mid may-time (from what I understand in the letter), this doesn't seem to be an unreasonable request from Fnatic.


                                                                                                  I want Fnatic to play on TI. They're a really fun team to watch, so being a TI without them would be awful. However I'm sure things will work out.

                                                                                                  I've not read a lot about this situation, but keep in mind we don't know exactly how these conversations has been between fnatic and Valve. Neither the rules Valve have for this.

                                                                                                  I'd agree with letting EG play, and not fnatic. However I'd not like/respect/whatever it.

                                                                                                  Be happy boys, Fnatic will surely be able to play. :-))))

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    I hope so, I love Fnatic as a team, and a TI without them wouldn't be the same for me, regardless of how far they go

                                                                                                    At the same time, I feel as though people who blame EG for the situation are clearly ignorant, and hopefully something will come about which at least appears to be equal treatment :D

                                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                                      Or both or none, its simple



                                                                                                        FUCK FNATIC...

                                                                                                        Now I am mad at pretty much everyone but Era.

                                                                                                        God damnit.

                                                                                                        From: Adrian Kryeziu [mailto:<removed>]
                                                                                                        Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 7:19 AM
                                                                                                        To: Icefrog; Erik Johnson
                                                                                                        Subject: The Internation 4

                                                                                                        Hello guys, as you both probably know already I am Era from Fnatic, the reason why I’m writing this mail to the two of you is due to very bothering situations. About 2 and a half weeks ago I was sent home from our Bootcamp in London due to anxiety issues, as I wasn’t able to see a doctor nor therapist there. I’ve now been home and I’ve seen both a doctor and a therapist. These anxiety attacks has occured before, either a day before or just when I’m about to fly out to a different country. It only got worse with the time, hence the reason why I wasn’t in Vegas aswell as this Summit. After two weeks at home without a PC and meetings with professionals regarding the issue, I’ve been told that my current state is very positive, and that I would be ready to play and participate in Dreamhack, ESL aswell as The International – however they also said that I should just stay home and relax for another week or so, meaning that I wouldn’t be able to travel back with the team to the bootcamp after Dreamhack.

                                                                                                        With all this said, I had a skype coference with the team 2 days ago when they returned from LA. They said that they don’t trust my health state and think it would be a risky and bold move to take me to TI as I can’t go back to the bootcamp with them, therefore, they pretty much had me fired of the team (still contract signed) for the rest of the summer, as they think they can do “better” with a Standin. So, my question here is, are they allowed to do that? Espicially knowing that I CAN play at TI 4.

                                                                                                        Best regards, Adrian

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!