General Discussion

General DiscussionI need serious help.

I need serious help. in General Discussion

    I've tried different roles but I just can't seem to win much lately. Is it just I'm in a bad condition or am I just not suitable for this game? I was at 3.4k before but now I'm sub 3k.

    Can someone watch my games and tell me what I need to focus on?


      I think the best way to improve is to notice your flaws yourself and then set out to defeat them rather than have them told to you.

      ...That and that I have no time for the next few days to do stuff.

      Sorry and good luck!

      ...P.S. IB?

      Bot (Passive)

        your positioning and map awareness could use some work just looking from your deaths. you should never die more than 5-6 times a game minus well diving and shit

        other than that watch the map for missing heroes, if you notice heroes that could kill you are off the map, back up and farm the jungle (if thats safe, otherwise just hide in the trees). buy wards, even if you're the carry, its a support's job but they are always worth a 150g investment that will enable you to farm much more safely.

        farm wise, your last hit numbers seem way to low relative to the heroes you play. for example, theres no way the enemy should be able to win a 2v2 lane against any of the possible scenarios you could be in, and so you should get like 50-60 cs out of lane alone. you need to be looking for farm farm farm all game at that level, as players will let enemy carries afk farming for 30 mins go unpunished - you stick with your team too much, just carry a tp and teleport only when you know you will both survive and be able to net 1+ kills.

        as for positioning, pretty self explanatory but a concept that takes a lot of practice. know your hero, manage your hp pool/manapool, and know where enemy heroes are. then, using these 3 things, you can make sure you're not the first one dying in fights AND be actually able to solo win them for your team (wd ult can do this if you hide in the fog). also, you're a squishy hero, so stay in the fog and in the back/sides of fights as you dont want to be getting hit at all (2 shots= you die)

        i havent actually watched your games but a lot of your stats seem reminiscent of 5v5 mid games. allow yourself to farm more and utilize the whole map in a safe way and minimize deaths and you'll notice you win a lot more - its hard to win games when you're dying 17 times.


          I started IB last August, so…

          The game you linked, Axe went to jungle after I told him not to and proceeded to towerdive a lot. WD was with me against Silencer and Tide and I think we traded a few times. I partly blame QOP for the low last hits because I was lowering each creep to waveform health and QOP screamed it away… but in-lane LH environment wasn't good anyway. It came as a surprise because I died 7 times in the first 20 minutes in my last morphling game but then farmed a Linkens by 22min and caught up.

          Exactly what I did was farm more in my OD and CM games. In OD game my team was losing 4v5 (because somehow Bristleback and Nec lost against Sven PA lane) and I farmed like crazy to get Mystic Staff and turned some fights around but their farmed PA and Sven with BKB obviously beats a farmed OD. In my CM game I maxed aura and jungled lots to keep a neverending stream of wards and I pinged when mid went to gank yet my team still towerdived…

          I know I shouldn't be blaming my teammates since I have 1 less possible bad player on my team if I play well but I really don't know what to do. I've tried carry, mid, support, and they all didn't work. I've tried sticking with team, farming by myself, and they both didn't work. So I'm kind of at a loss at the moment.

          Perhaps the Witch Doctor/Timbersaw games were more my fault while the other games I either performed subpar or had bad luck with team composition/teammates. I guess 5 isn't a big losestreak, but considering I'm sub3k now when I used to be 3.4k…


            Pick 5 heroes. Master them and alternate between them so you don't get bored as fuck.

            Increase your basic mechanics (on a core you should be striking 5-6 times the timer in CS minimum)

            Learn to feed on noobs.


              watch your own replays, you will be able to see the mistakes you make and improve on that specific 'skill' you lack (eg. map awareness etc)
              also watch replays of gd players (not competitive shit, pubs, you have to watch pubs)

              Dire Wolf

                Everyone goes through losing streaks, it's part of dota. But not even looking at your recaps, those streak matches you played CM, morph, PA, OD. Those guys are all kinda meh. CM is so squishy, needs really good positioning, falls off late. There are better more impactful supports like lich or dazzle or omni. Morph, just don't try it, needs crazy amounts of farm and split push to be good. PA is decent but still, limited window of effectiveness, not as good late as other heroes. Try void or even jugger instead. OD is fine but you have to dominate that mid lane. You might want to just try playing some easier heroes like WK for carry, tide or dazzle for support, maybe bristleback, he's pretty easy.


                  have like 2 heroes of each role and master. carries: jugg and slark. these two can do well even underfarmed, they are great in fights and also picking off enemies. Also wraith king is a great option

                  supports: wd and lich. they are both easy to play, relevant in all stages of the game, have a high killing potential in fights.

                  offlaners (there is no such thing in your bracket but anyway): tide and dark seer. both tanky with teamfight oriented ultimates.

                  mid: viper/bloodseeker. they work basically the same way, shine mid game and fall off late game. They both can be tankers late game if built with utility items.

                  avoid farm dependant heroes such as am, morph, void is perhaps the only ezception because he is beastly in pubs. Instead, focus on snowballing heroes like slark (if going for carry).

                  thats it dude, always carry tp, if a fight is about to start and u think u can win, tp in and rape. If not, keep farming/splitpushing. In lower tiers you will be left uncheck while farming so try your best to get as many LH as you can while they are doing dumb stuff in the map.

                  thats it bro, play agressive with the heroes i mentioned, mainly slark viper and blood that can win most lanes early on. If supporting, try to go in a lane where there is stuns so you can win your lane and leave your carry farming safely


                    if watching replays watch the even games, not complete stomps. also, try to focus on watching 4.5k-5k players cause the things youll see there will be easier to reprlduce

                    oh and if you feel like you can farm jungle effectively, consider picking TB and lycan. Ppl wont gank you jubgle so ull be free farming and giving xp advantage to another lane. if your team is not getting stomped go for splitpushing items instead of fighting (bot, necro etc)


                      Try to stack with some good players and learn from them. Also, playing against skilled players players is a good way to become better at dota.