General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes bloodseeker need force staff and Aghanim's Scepter?

Does bloodseeker need force staff and Aghanim's Scepter? in General Discussion

    It's the last game I played. We were slightly ahead of the rivals in economy, kills and tower throughout the game. We lose the game because I, the Tidehunter was ganked (I hate Doom!) and we were wiped. It's a pity that we lose but overall it's a good game. In many low level(~2K MMR) games I've played, I'm the only one who buy the wards. I don't expect to have a pro support, I just hope everyone could buy some wards for safe farming. And in this game at least we were not screwed by Riki. It was mostly me. Reviewing the match on dotabuff, I wonder does Bloodseeker need force staff. If he does at all, does he even need Aghanim's Scepter?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Does bloodseeker have an Aghanims upgrade?


      Therefore he does not

      Also force staff tends to be the "noob" item pick up for him

      "Oh look I can burst someone down with rupture by using force staff on them hur dur I'm so smart"

      It does 120/240/360 damage depending on he level of your ult, and honestly that's a load of shite compared to the level of your enemy and how much health they'll have, not forgetting that most of the time it'll just push them further away from you and out of harms way

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        There is no Aghs for BS, and Force Staff is a situation item on BS, you can use it to escape aswell not only to force the ulti'd target.

        Flat is Justice!

          when u see bs get an aghs, u dont need to see any other items

          hes obviously noob
          just take a chair
          sit down
          and laugh


            Aghs has 68.88% winrate on Bloodseeker, compare that to Invoker's 62.45%, Juggernaut's 63.08%, Zeus's 68.82%, Meepo's 63.99%.

            Clearly Aghs serves as a ritualistic tribute to Rupture and what it has given you up to that point in the match. The RNG gods accept and give blessing to your attack damage rolls or something.


              Take a seat, young padawan, and I'll tell you the story of "How item's winrate is calculated"...
              On second thought, I won't. Sit here alone.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                @Hearts Get Together

                S4 said: The ags is the best object for improve your stats.
                He do it for magnus and it have no effect on his ult.

                Dire Wolf

                  Tell him to just buy an ult orb next time. Or bloodstone lol.


                    Force staff maybe, aghanim no


                      4200 gold for +10 all attributes? Buy a casual ult orb and a point booster.. the only advantage is that aghs just take one slot, but for more 1500 gold u build a skadi


                        in be4 double rupture on bs with aghs next patch.

                        Flat is Justice!

                          x6 god sama, better listen to s4 and get agh scepter on your pa and all your other heroes
                          if you dont, it will make you a whiny little hypocritical twit

                          Go "improve your stats"

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!