General Discussion

General DiscussionAn insight on 2k where people apparently don't want to carry

An insight on 2k where people apparently don't want to carry in General Discussion
Hex Sigma


    What can i say. I've met all kinds of people in dota but this one omg. A fed PA that went full farming mode. All of us begged her to carry, but no, not enough items. This right here is a new species of retard.

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      I see nothing wrong with the PA, she carried pretty hard and my guess is you were taking really bad team fights where you shouldn't have been. 195 Last hits in a 40 minute game as a PA is not full farming mode. My guess is also that you got pushed down early as your entire teams tower damage is atrocious and once you're backed into your base there is nothing you can do but farm and wait for a comeback push.


        That is a problem in 2k tier :D you get a lot of people just want to 5 man down the mid non stop then throw a hissy fit if you dont join them

        kanye went to uni

          dat deso tower dmg tho

          Edit: You overestimate 2k, Havoc, I used to get that sort of cs count as carry going full farm mode (or at least what I thought was full farm mode at the time) when I was lower.

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          Oh Shit Waddup

            nevermind that it was a 5v4 game and the PA had to outdps an ursa and a morph

            Hex Sigma

              @havoc we were winning all the teamfights. But when the fights ended instead of pushing, PA resumed farming. So the enemies won by ratting with dp
              Also PA got almost all the kills early. Later on she didnt want to join fights.
              What got on my nerves is that we got the upper hand and we couldve won easily. But pa farmed too much(all the midgame) and the enemies took too many towers.

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              Oh Shit Waddup

                took the upper hand? if you guys even took one tower, creeps did the majority of the work. but yeah just judging from the amount of kills you guys got you shouldve had plenty of time to convert that into pushes etc


                  Did you really need PA to push a single tower? You literally took one hit on a tower, not that zeus can push but still you could have made and effort to push.

                  Could have gone necro, also how the hell does a DP rat, I don't think she did I think they just pushed which is not the same as ratting.

                  Hex Sigma

                    The problem is that i was risking a lot if i wanted to go for pushing. I realized we are going to lose when we had no more towers. TBH in all midgame i really thought we can win. I thought that pa is going to carry in late and gg. But when i saw that we had only the base standing and after the fights she just resumes doing her own game i snapped. Eventually all went to shit.

                    Regarding death prophet, it wasn't rat doto but more of a yolo type pushing. She just wanted to finish the game and sadly she did, even thought she died in every teamfight.

                    In the end i still don't get it why PA didnt want to carry.


                      wheres your early veil

                      Hex Sigma

                        I decided to go for force staff to escape easier from threats like ursa or sky

                        Quick maffs

                          carry please why u no carry

                          btw she needed bkb

                          Hex Sigma

                            It's even funny because me, venge, and brew were all screaming at her in the end to buy a bkb. PA's response:"lol i'll never buy that shit". 2k entartainement at its best people.

                            Quick maffs

                              Well i guess she had a plan, jump on lion crit him after that crit sky, see ? no need of bkb

                              King of Low Prio

                                In PA's defense I have said 'I aint buying that BKB trash tier item' before as well


                                  As much as I can see the reasoning for BKB I tend to pick my fights a lot more carefully then going BKB and being wreckless. It actually kind of annoys me to see heroes like luna going treads then straight BKB as getting small items like yasha etc. will help you farm the more expensive ones.

                                  Its like saving for radiance, a lot of times if you buy boots, drums, and stick you will actually be able to farm a radiance at about the same time due to you being able to lane better, take team fights early, and jungle a little bit.

                                  Hex Sigma

                                    right now i have 2 options left

                                    1) I stop playing dota.
                                    2) I play only with stacks.

                                    Solo queue is hell for me. I am not good enough to play snowballers(i screw around even with easy heroes such as drow/qop), the only heroes that i excel at, and like playing being utility heroes. Sadly at 2k teams are so random that you can suck and be carried or be the best and carry yourself. That's the ugly truth.
                                    If you don't believe me regarding the snowballers watch my last drow game. I play better even with dark seer(who has a low killing potential compared to drow).

                                    I don't know i've tried everything and anything but i just belong to 2k and that's why in the end i'll prob just resume myself at playing dota casually in stacks or quitting it altogether.

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      Havoc, srsly, are you drunk or trolling?
                                      'I see nothing wrong with the PA' - Havoc 2014

                                      i see a fuckton wrong with PA. I'm amazed at the tardness.

                                      protip: ignore that match and go next.


                                        I don't think you guys understand how 2k works. Basically PA got a good early game, ez kills, and because he likes to get ez kills, he decided to farm more and get 6 items and then proceed to owning everyone with 2 hits, like with bots. But he didn't think that the enemy
                                        can push while he farms jungle, getting 3cs/min. So they lost. In 2k most of the people just like to get kills, like in CS or COD and they would rather lose with 30 kills than win with 10 kills.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          shit players might get carried one match but MM is based off a large series of matches

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            Another note for myself: NEVER PLAY SNOWBALLING HEROES THAT YOU DON'T EXCEL AT.


                                              Too much BKBs
                                              Sampson as always being unpolite (impolite? idk) with the 2k players

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I have helped and played with many 2k MM players. I dont help people who bitch about their teammates and make excuses for their own faults tho


                                                  learn to teamfight


                                                    Who needs BKB?


                                                    Overrated item in low-level pubs, much easier and more farm efficient (also fun) to just pick your fights and exploit your enemies' mistakes.

                                                    (I'm not even high rated; most of my games lately have been stupid stomps in my favor. People are idiots.)

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                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      @ wink is the match outcome affected if i play heroes that i am mediocre with?

                                                      [DFG] Whale King

                                                        Well if you play mediocre heroes then your positioning will be off...

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Go mid and stomp man

                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                            ^ nah id really not. Don't believe me? look at my drow game. I suck big time mid. I'd rather play an initiator which I know that I can excel with.

                                                            besides last hitting, positioning and map awarness what are the other mechanics that I should consider?


                                                              Drow is a pretty poor mid hero. Don't give up, try out some different heroes. Viper is super easy, try him out.

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                From what I know about myself there are few heroes that I can which also snowball. It's just not my style of playing. As I've said id rather train myself to have a higher impact witg an utility hero that like and that I can play rather than playing heroes I'm mediocre with.

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Where is the enemy

                                                                  Is the enemy alone ?

                                                                  can i kill him ?

                                                                  That its how you snowball

                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                    generally I don't play snowballers because you have a great responsability when you play em. So I tend to get nervous, which means more mistakes yada yada etc. If I play an offlaner or an utility hero, if I die I won't feel that bad or I won't mind that much because the responsability is different. With great power comes great responsability. Thats why I like playing aggressive supports because I can play without caring, I can play more freely.

                                                                    For example if I initiate with lion but die in the process and my team wins the fight that is an even trade. If I die in a won teamfight as a, carry, I usually feel like I failed horribly.

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                                                                      try sand king :P good initiation and great damage

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Wanna tip to not get nervous ? mute everyone in your team, if you fail playing a snowballer its usually good because its easier to see your mistake than playing a hero like lion.

                                                                        This whole bullshit about responsability is happening to you because you give pubs too much importance, try to relax a bit man and just try your best.

                                                                        If you die as a carry but still 4 or 5 of the enemy dies its worth it usually

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!