General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about winning the game

Question about winning the game in General Discussion

    If you have the most tower damage and hero damage in the game but you still lost
    Does it mean that you can't synchronise with the team?
    Or does it mean something else?

    King of Low Prio

      dont know how it is possible to have that much hero dmg and so few kills.......

      Ples Mercy

        you clearly lack the skill to play invoker. You should not go solo splitpush with invoker but more stick with your team and help them.


          Same ._.

          Logical answer is i couldnt finish an opponent eventhough i deal so much damage on them
          And Aegis is out of question because i camped aegis since min 15? or 20? i killed rosh 4-5 times in the game not giving any chance to the opponent to get it.


            your hero damage could be from you just spamming sunstrikes off cooldown every 30 seconds for all we know, and tower damage isn't a concrete stat against treant who can heal towers. you may have gotten 6k tower damage, but how many towers did you take? you might have only take 2 towers but gotten your high tower damage just by sending forge spirits + necro units to a tower.

            stats don't tell everything, just watch the replay again.

            Dire Wolf

              It could mean anything depending on the hero and the game. Sometimes you just get wiped on their last rax and they come down and throne you. Your numbers might look awesome an you still lose.

              I've seen mirana go like 14-0-10 with a billion hero dmg and still lose matches cus she runs any time a real crucial fight breaks out. I've seen lycans go 0-8-3, no hero dmg and still win games with a split push late and a billion tower dmg. I've seen zeus' have 30k+ hero dmg and not win.

              Quick maffs

                "dont know how it is possible to have that much hero dmg and so few kills......."

                Every lost tinker game is like that, few kills a lot of damage


                  @I want to be a flower
                  Yeah make sense, thats why i keep practicing so i can be better invoker player.

                  Isn't destroying tower is more important?
                  Since troll and ogre is my friend in real life and from experience they are not good doa2 player, so i thought if i could surround morphling not giving them space to farm, and they could just go buy ward. I though it's a better choice.

                  The most embarassing thing is it's "NORMAL" bracket because they are around 2k ._.

                  We already talked how good FATA's mek troll build is and i assume that the troll knew what to do with troll.

                  I couldn't do everything by myself, I could get mek early but went my usual comfortable build, Venge went BKB as first item
                  (not suprising.. normal bracket).


                    That sunstrike could be the reason i got so much damage, but if i kept spamming sunstrike wouldn't i get so many assist in return?

                    I didn't send any necro and forge spirit alone knowing how big the bounty is,
                    If i'm going to play like that i would build vyse instead of necro.
                    I took all lane's tier 2 tower by 30 mins assisted by my team.
                    I know it's not that quick, but at least i could direct my team to do something useful and push while we were winning.

                    Nvm the reason was most of my team didnt realise what lich ulti with aghanim do and they kept fighting even though they got RP'd and CFrosted. Me who had to wait until 3 of their BKB finished couldn't do anything. Should've picked another hero next time -.-.


                      Mekasnm on troll is very questionable.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!