General Discussion

General DiscussionKunkka skill build?

Kunkka skill build? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Everything is mystery to me

    Go 2 xmts with 1 torrent? Then max tide or torrent? Go 3xmts? Get 2 tide in lane?

    help me


      eh i max torrent and tidebringer but thats just cuz im pro


        anyway typical build is 3 in x, where you wait .5 sec then torrent then boat i guess, and max torrent > tide or tide > torrent depending if you're just farming or ganking

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        casual gamer

          Is that still optimal? Even if you don't need xmts for torrent I thought the utility was too good to pass up

          ah ok usually 3

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            if you are mid just go max 1st and 2nd skill first with no x mark

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            Quick maffs

              It depends, can you hit torrent ?

              Usually in my pub games i can, so i just max tidebringer and torrent and usually i leave X at level 2

              If you see you cant hit a torrent get 2 points into X

              Quick maffs

                Remenber that x actually cost a good amount of mana, another important thing, If you cast x level 2 in someone and you use torrent it is going to hit 100 % of the time


                  another thing to remember is that this hero actually sucks ass unless you get good setup or just tard enemies

                  Quick maffs

                    If you say so, that its the SAME bullshit that saying pudge or mirana suck ass unless you have a good setup




                        its not bullshit, pudge sucks ass

                        mirana doesnt because she can carry late and has op ulti

                        Quick maffs

                          Okeh sir so all skill shots are bad because the enemy are literally profesional player who can dodge everything

                          Dude even if you fail half of your attempts the hero is fine and the skills are fine, the biggest problem that i see when people play kunkka is that they dont even try because they fear to fail


                            its not about the skillshots, pudge is just a shit hero in general, the only good thing about him is that he can hook people and yes hook is REALLY easy to dodge for anyone who isn't braindead

                            i dont see where you're getting at here though im going to watch brazil mexico

                            Dire Wolf

                              Pudge doesn't scale. Yeah flesh heap thingy sorta makes him scale but he doesn't get that much more dmg late, he peaks early mid game and he takes up a carry spot on your team. Kunkaa scales well into late game with tidebringer cleave thingy. Get a couple daedulus' and 1 shot supports. Kunkka is way better than pudge.

                              Quick maffs

                                Well you are saying that the hero sucks cause people can just dodge your shit

                                I am just saying that that doesnt make sense

                                but ok


                                  2 x, 1 torrent, max tide


                                    depends on how the flow of the game is going and how much you want to rotate early, if aggressive go tide/torrent/tide/x/x/boat/tide/tide/torrent/torrent, if its a passive game get more torrent early and hold off x until 9/10 so that you can push out the waves with torrent

                                    also if you have supports like SD and Bane, you might want to just max torrent over 2 points in x

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                                      what kind of autist would skill torrent over x lmao

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Me, any problem ? If it works in my bracket why woudnt i do it ? Please tell me

                                        Sing does it in pub games too, and we are speaking about pubs here

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                                          Look at attacker's game every game he skill "x mark" at lv 10
                                          It works at 6.3k MMR too not only on your bracket
                                          If it works for you then just use it.



                                            lmfao at that lvl 1 tidebringer > lvl 2 x > lvl 3 tidebringer

                                            nice non-autistic skillbuild bro


                                              @ regulator?

                                              can carry late? Really? Mirana?

                                              Also, go for 2x , torrent and tide, most ideal skill build.

                                              sometimes, you can go 1-1-3, but that is just SOMETIMES>


                                                mirana cant carry late? have u been playing or watching dota this year

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                                                  Vaikiss so wrong it hurts.


                                                    cuz skillbuild matters when u have 0 18 autist in ur team that random and buys 4 couriers with that gold

                                                    mipsu ur so retarded it hurts

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Ok man


                                                        If you play mirana as main carry and farm whole game, please , go kill your self, but seriously.


                                                          I leave torrent at 1, x 2 times. tide maxed out asap.


                                                            you have 4 mirana games stfu


                                                              I like to torrent without X, costs much less mana, does much more damage, and you get to be SCARY KUNKKZ
                                                              Costs 250 mana to X, torrent, return. Costs 500 to add a boat. Kunkka does not have this kind of mana pool early game.

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                                                              waku waku

                                                                i prefer maxing torrent and tidebringer and leaving x at level 2 and boat level 1 till i'm sure my mana pool can support it

                                                                Russell Westbrook

                                                                  max tidebringer one point in torrent at 2 and x at 4/6

                                                                  heroes damage is 80% boat and maxing tide makes you really strong in lane so you can keep the enemies hp pool low enough (and it allows you to cs; getting only one level in tide means you can only really get 1-2 creeps/wave); torrent doesnt scale well. maybe get a 2nd point in x at 5. also keeping creeps pushed into enemy tower makes it tough for most enemy mids to cs well.

                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                    I usually do the 3-2-2 build works wonders. If as for items 2 battlefuries, a daedalus and desolator.


                                                                      battlefuries on a kunkka.
                                                                      must try that.
                                                                      as soon as i try battlefury on a pl.


                                                                        6 battlefuries kunkka is legit as fuck


                                                                          you forget you need 1 slot for dagger. for x blink shenanigans for uber splash.


                                                                            nah blink is for pussies

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