General Discussion

General DiscussionGo Away X6!

Go Away X6! in General Discussion

    Seriously I am so tired of you posting worthless shit!
    Go play LoL
    Or at least shut up.


      Stop giving him attention...

      King of Low Prio

        well its the same with how we got hid of Hael, showed the staff how much of a annoyance he is. Just ignoring him will not make him go away.


          Exactly ^. But we need staff, and it seems they aren't here atm.

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            what is x6 ?


              What is x6?


                X6 is a lifestyle, only bogidoto understand this lifestyle



                    Dotabuff intentionally doesn't moderate except in the most extreme circumstances. It is either out of principle of free speech, laziness, or not wanting to hire a volunteer to mod.

                    Either way, it keeps the forum at an appropriate shittyness level at all times, and ensures that only a select few masochists use this forum, while most sane and level headed individuals use other venues.


                      I guess all the mods here prefer to play dota than to weed out the be honest, I can't blame them. I'd do that too.


                        look at playdota's mmr whine threads or joindota's competitive team fanboy flame war threads

                        the only other venue with somewhat useful content is reddit because it is self moderated, and even then you get downvoted for not sharing the opinion of the average 3k player

                        at least dotabuff has a community where some of us can recognize each other

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                        Quick maffs

                          In my opinion ignoring someone is the best way of making him shut up, but you guys insist in giving him attention.

                          I never gave my opinion about that guy and never will, because that its probably what he wants.

                          @Zenoth, I actually like how reddit works, and in my opinion PlayDota is by far the worst dota community right now, is basically a flame fest with mmr whines threads and people with 5k posts spamming " kek " or whatever the fuck that means


                            i frequent reddit alot, but i have to be more careful when posting

                            people downvote me all the time for the weirdest shit

                            once i got flamed by a bunch of peeps for saying psi blades on TA at level 1 was situationally legit

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                            King of Low Prio

                              Dorkly, you dont have to deal with every 3k trash player trying to challenge you and having them try and add you on steam purely to stalk your matches.(I use to add people from dotabuff) Yea sure I can ignore them but it gets quite annoying which is why I would like dotabuff to actual moderate a bit.....

                              Quick maffs

                                Dont get me wrong it would be nice to have a good moderation, i am just saying that while we dont have it we should learn how to deal with things without help from mods


                                Yeah the overall level there is way lower than others forums, but i see less flame and shit talking overall, but its true that sometimes legit opinions are downvoted to hell


                                  ''Dorkly, you dont have to deal with every 3k trash player''

                                  [size=32]SORRY MY 4K GOD[/size]

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                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!