General Discussion

General Discussionlost 2 trusty mountain yak 1 hakama and an enduring wardog on newbee ...

lost 2 trusty mountain yak 1 hakama and an enduring wardog on newbee vs dk. Lets discuss betting in General Discussion

    I usually bet around 0.1 value.. and as the odds were too good on newbee(73% to 27%, with newbee having one game advantage, and crushing dk in an earlier game the same day) I put in the biggest bet of my life. and who would have known dk would win two games straight. And I actually still think it was a very good bet, a bet I would take all day anyday. agree?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    kanye went to uni

      I never understood the appeal of betting items to be honest :P

      i left her

        i lost 4 keys on dk before that newbee 1 game advantage game ;-; .




          For me it's mathematical. It's not possible to predict the winner of a game, but its possible to come up with a percentage with the times they win. and when the bets of many people average out you will find that often the percentage on sites like dota2lounge is close to the actual percentage that a certain team will win, given that the game could be repeated for an indefinite number of time.

          Although i dont normally watch western doto, i think the percentage is skewed towards c9 cuz from what i know they didnt play well the previous match, although ppl don't realise that the actual winning percentage should not change.

          i left her

            meh c9 is like inconsistent, you'll never know but w/e i might change my mind because empire is looking strong this year and if they crush mouz in like 3hours i'll change

            btw what do u think the odds are on CIS winning vs Mvp.p?


              i hv to say cis


                How do you guys feel about Mouz VS Empire as a whole ive been pretty low on mouz but is that fair ?


                  I would never bet against C9 or Alliance. They can win or lose against any team. It's like they always have 50% to win. If I'd have a bet with C9 30%, I'd take it! Same with Alliance.

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    Yeah lost 4 keys on newbee vs dk too. Agree that betting is quite mathematical.

                    It still definitely was a worthwhile bet.

                    Giving newbee a 60% chance to win DK in a match (a conservative estimate already given that newbee was 9-0 against dk before this match), I would estimate the odds to be around 84:16. But the actual odds were only 73:27.

                    Even if newbee only had a 50% chance to win DK in a match, the odds would still be profitable enough to bet, with the estimated odds at 75:25.

                    Just unlucky yesterday I guess :(


                      i lost 4 mythicals the first time betting on DK, then the second time when newbee had a 1 game advantage i bet 4 rares on newbee and lost again, fuck this world



                        exactly.. i made the exact same calculations.

                        i left her

                          man i feel the same way, fucking dk lost to newbee 4 times in a row, in different games of course, and now dk beat newbee when newbee had a 1 game advantage.... wtf dk ;-;


                            screw steam.. cant bet while that 23% orange vs CIS is screaming rares


                              i think c9 should win but im not sure... thats why i didnt bet and it seems they are winning it xd


                                guys this bone7 is fucking awful.... c9 has 0% chance at ti4 with that fucking noob

                                why? cause to win ti4 you have to have teamplay skills and shit and he's awful! terrible


                                  report pieliedie! i can understand why he didnt ulti all the time (cause of noob tide) but that last fight he fucking didnt again and that cost them the game cause he ate double enigma ulti motherfucking trash
                                  go kill yourself piece of shit


                                    gogo c9 will win the third game. I believe~~


                                      on the other hand scythe owes everyone rares with that first game of theirs.. their carry leshrac had 1 cs and afked for the later half of the game (he had 2000 ping)


                                        people actually bet on scythe?

                                        i left her

                                          i did but i bet a rare cuz i'll win 6 dollars, yolo

                                          c9 won me 7 keys ;-;

                                          i left her

                                            dood so dk vs newbee is up again, so what do u guys think who'll win?
                                            my keys are on newbee

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              Learn your lesson at least bet on Allilance or Navi. Cuz in China, any team can beat any time anyday of the week.


                                                newbee easily. dk had some luck last time, both games were extremely close. ban naga ban doom.

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