General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath so weak!

Skywrath so weak! in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Just reading forum and saw that a few people put skywraith as the most carry INT? wtf and then there's the other thread about OP skywraith mid. He's 47.6% winrate very absmal. Just wondering what people see in him? He falls off after 25 mintues at most works good in early push strats that's it. Late game heroes like slardar, weaver, drow make breakfast out of him. What you guys think?

    casual gamer

      hes pretty stronk


        You do know what trolling means?

        casual gamer

          maybe ive spent too long on pd, some people legitimately think skywrath is a weak hero

          Quick maffs

            Offtopic: i think notail cast is really good


              +1. Hope he retires from comp dota and start casting. He's seriously very enjoyable. Would fuck him anyday


                Ancient Seal damage amplification increased from 18/24/30/36% to 30/35/40/45%.

                Base movement speed increased from 315 to 325.
                Concussive Shot damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 60/120/180/240.

                Mystic Flare damage increased from 600/900/1200 to 600/1000/1400.

                Int growth increased from 3.2 to 3.6.
                Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Reduces Mystic Flare icon.png Mystic Flare cooldown from 60/40/20
                to 20/10/0.

                Concussive Shot cooldown decreased from 20/19/18/17 to 20/18/16/14.

                Base Intelligence increased by 3.
                Arcane Bolt
                Bonus intelligence damage increased from 1.5x to 1.6x.
                Manacost decreased from 90 to 70.
                Concussive Shot cooldown now scales from 20 to 20/19/18/17.

                You see whats icefrog trying to do here?

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  Heroes that can 1 shot Skywarth: OD, Riki, Slardar, Drow, Kunnka and the list goes on. Well not 1 shot, but definitely 2 hits late game.

                  love for the a7be

                    The hero is still week. Can't be played as a support because provides abysmal lock down. Mid role is very weak. No escape mechanism. Pretty much useless before reaching level 6. I would rather they nerf the ultimate and buff the other spells.

                    Arcane bolt is strong. No change needed.

                    Increase concussive shot damage from 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 to 120 / 180 / 240 / 300

                    Add a stun of 0.5 sec

                    Decrease slow duration to 3 seconds instead of 4 second.

                    Reduce slow to 30% instead of 40%.

                    Ancient seal now adds a slow of 10% that stacks with concussive shot.

                    Mystic flare damage deals 600/1000/1400 over 3 seconds instead of 2 seconds. Slow of 10% is added that stacks with Ancient Seal and concussive shot.

                    This would make him more viable without breaking the hero.

                    Oh Shit Waddup

                      Jacob_961 confirmed icefrog

                      Flat is Justice!

                        that makes him a hero with 3 slows of which one is a mini stun, silence for 6 secs and potential 10k nuke
                        add to the fact he has the 2nd best movement spd and 0.1 cast pts

                        sure doesnt look broken at all


                          Jacob, did u forget to take your medication again today?


                            He's pretty strong mid though. only few heroes like huskar, TA, nyx can stand his harassment.

                            Killer Queen

                              Invoker can survive his harassment and so can OD. If they outlive it and keep farming , his mid hasn't really been that effective now has it?
                              I do love skywrath ganks he 1 shots people so nicely and if his mates are competent you can get a double, however his ganks are wishy washy and the payoff isn't that good (unless the enemy mid doesn't 1) push 2)counter gank and/or you get a tower for your gank)

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                @ Luxon in my MMR rating. I've seen nyx, panda, TA & veno tear him up. Sure he can get 2 kills mid up but if their mid goes gank, he falls behind later. He has no LATE game compared to silencer or OD in a sense.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  He's like zeus minus global presence. Imagine zeus without global presence. Pretty shitty huh?

                                  Killer Queen

                                    Yeah but Mark, Zeus gives you true sight to boot and his ult when he's in the teamfight would still do more than a birdboy ult.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Yes that's what I'm saying, imagine if zeus' ult only hit one person? That's like skywrath. I mean how often do you see good lina or lion mids? Just not that good.

                                      casual gamer

                                        Zeus more aoe, sky better scaling and single target. Sky better ganking, better laning, higher solo kill potential. Zeus better rune control.

                                        Sky can sheep EB ult a carry and kill him instantly, zeus is demoted to aoe/utility

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Zeus' win rate is like 8% higher though. Aoe utility early game can be way better than late game scaling on a squishy hero. Skywrath needs to snowball and that's hard for a squishy hero.

                                          Hafla Enjoyer

                                            skywrath gud mid does first blood gets kills


                                              skywrath with sov and Ags is too much

                                              casual gamer

                                                Tbh I think the WR disparity has more to do with Zeus being a brainless hero with amazing str gain

                                                Skywrath is squishy with low str gain, terrible armor gain, a skillshot ult, and positioning dependent abilities

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                                                  breaking news : harder to play heroes have lower winrates


                                                    currently really popular in higher level pubs.
                                                    support that is.

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                    Flat is Justice!

                                                      why pro players pick skywrath
                                                      1. Silence
                                                      2. Silence
                                                      3. Silence

                                                      6 secs silence > 2 secs stun in the right situations
                                                      Especially against blinkers like qop/am

                                                      His lane presence is strong as well
                                                      All you need is decent aim and you will wreck face with his ulti

                                                      Lv6 dps output assuming lvl1 CS+lvl1 AB + lvl3 AS = (600+140+60)x1.4 = 1120 Magic Dmg - Magic Resist = 840 Hp Nuke
                                                      Thats ignoring his right clicks

                                                      Wait, why is he weak again?
                                                      Cus i cant land my ulti, FUCK THIS SHIT

                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        ^ +1 to Hearts Get Together!


                                                          you're better off going 3-1-1-1 instead of 1-1-3-1 though,

                                                          the difference between 1-1-1-1 (or 3-1-1-1) and 1-1-3-1 is 10% extra amplification, whereas going 3-1-1-1 would let you cast probably 2 more arcane bolts from the lower cooldown.

                                                          plus you'd be able to use arcane bolt before you go in for the kill to soften up the person you're trying to kill.

                                                          Nageoire de sirène.

                                                            only clueless mongols max 3 instead of 1.
                                                            sky is very strong hero, everybody who says hes not are just bad players.
                                                            hes just not a good pick vs certain type of heroes.

                                                            Low Expectations

                                                              Ok wtf did I just read. Sky Wrath owns OD after the laning stage, silence spam till his dick falls off. He can nuke every 2 sek and with Atos + Hex+ Shivas you hit FOR 450 DMG every 2 sek (not counting the amplify due to ancient seal). From personal expirience Skywrath owns mid, loses mid only to OD,Viper and Pugna But owns both OD and Viper after the laning stage due to his huge initiation range.
                                                              Skywrath is great lategame hero, you ARE suppose to snowball on him, he is squishy as hell thats why you always run at the enemy and not the other way around.

                                                              Playing him on support is just as playing Pugna or Zeus support. It can work but more often than not the effects are lackluster because the heros need farm

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                                                              Nageoire de sirène.

                                                                hes 0 late game, everybody gets bkb


                                                                  hero that sky can one shot : everyhero

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!