General Discussion

General DiscussionChallenging myself! 6k MMR till 17th of June

Challenging myself! 6k MMR till 17th of June in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    I dont think he can jerk off more than he does with dota, he would probably lose his dick man

    Proud Boi

      Aghs is amazing on jug in 7/10 games, good in 2/10 games, and decent in 1/10 games. But you should never rush it. Phase -> Drums -> Aghs. And of course magic wand. ALWAYS GET MAGIC WAND. Anyway, It's only players with a double digit IQ who says aghs is bad, so pay no mind to those scrubs.


        nm, dude you rock.
        rock on!

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        Proud Boi

          Thank you. I try my best to master jug, but I still feel i have much more to learn :)


            aghs is just shit. deal with it son.

            Low Expectations

              @Arka Watched little of your strim today all games I saw you lost, guess that 6K is not happening :(


                it's not unheard of to go back and forth. a friend recently went from 5200ish to 5700ish in few days with barely no losses.
                definitely need to time your games and stretch goals and not overdo it.


                  keep up the good work Arka, you can definitely do it without problems!
                  You are 6k material :))

                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                    I get like 60% on ranked games. but everytime I got up 100 MMR there's like 3 stupid captains waiting to pull me down.


                      well i raised by 200 within 3 days :D in that pace i might jsut get 5.7 :D

                      My goal is to atleast just get 5.8k to get to top 200 and then screenshot and die a happy man

                      oh yeah..... STREAM STARTED:

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                        arka can i add you? im big fan.


                          dude slow down, im having the worst teammates, i can't catch up like this :D

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                              Oh Arka, were you the one feeding me 0-27 yesterday when I had to abandon? I wasn't joking when I said that I was being robbed!

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                              King of Low Prio

                                I came to join the flame fest, who is the current target?


                                  I was not the one feeding u :D It was the void which also did not leave( AND TOOK YOUR BOTTLE!) and wait for the enemy to kill the throne

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                                    Sampson, Szotyi is the target. Flame him out of dotabuff ludwh.

                                    New trend to robbbb streamers, Fadi. :-)

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                                      @fadi twitch or it didnt happen


                                        So there i was, todays score around +75~
                                        Decide to que another and had sth like this


                                        Qop afk plays midas then gets lothars and then afks for 15 minutes, joins a fight after, suicides and leaves.
                                        Even 4v5 the game was even until they just outfarmed us and got 3 hexes up. With a normal brained qop easiest game of our life


                                          That m3wk guy is the dude, who plays with SingSing regulary. Just had to point it out :D


                                            m3wk guy was underfarmed and underperforming this game, only had a impact due to his team imho.

                                            Anyways! Let's hope I skyrocket today! <- Stream


                                              Streams up again. Fuck yeah im gonna break this 5.5k finally (please)


                                                either you break 5.5 or im breaking your fingers.


                                                  Why complain about 1 abandon game? I have abandon players in my team every 3-4 game.

                                                  BIG FAT DUCK

                                                    arka stuck in 5300-5400 mmr hell


                                                      more like 5.4k+ hell! It is awful up there!
                                                      Sorry did not have much time due to moving!
                                                      I have 2 More days to play, let me try my best!

                                                      Any bets on how far I will get ? :D


                                               Streaming, this time with sexy webcam and a messy room in the background!

                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                          gogo become an elite. #yolo


                                                            Lost vs VP dude, don't worry your next promised game with axe will go better.

                                                            beast player

                                                              VP dude sucked dicks, can confirm


                                                                5500 MMR reached


                                                                  brewmaster is so strong this version i think u could still win > 60% even if u instapick, his only reliable counters are doom and death prophet (spirits can kill u while ur ulted LOL) up until their carry gets mkb

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                                                                    biggest counter to brewmaster is your ally buying infinite chickens.


                                                                      I had 70% WR with brew pre-patch already but it got actually harder now.
                                                                      Well i am certain I would get to 6k if I would still have 2 weeks till I leave.

                                                                      My flight is going to be on the 19th and I still have stuff to fix. Once I will fly I will most likely not play at all till the end of august.

                                                                      I promise i will reach 6k after i get back in shape and put my game face on!


                                                                        Time is over! I never played this much Solo-games in such a short time :D

                                                                        After 38 Games I reached a score of 26-12 which is a Winrate of 68%
                                                                        I increased my MMR by 296 and broke the milestone of 5.5k MMR

                                                                        I hope whoever was following the progress enjoyed it as much as I did and I will do another series once I back from vaccation adn get back in shape!

                                                                        I will attempt also different strategies. Here I choose the path of what heroes in general are really strong and fit in the situation and it seems to work out! (Next time maybe brood only ? :D)

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                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!