General Discussion

General DiscussionJust got fucking wrecked in game. Afterwards I get this...

Just got fucking wrecked in game. Afterwards I get this... in General Discussion
Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

    @Dang Dang,
    Sorry DD Im just throwing names from earlier in the thread. People get some huge boner where they think that I believe Im good lol... I know Im trash trust me. I Love you DD-Sama, I meant no offence.

    @Zano... where can I buy this "real pork"... That looks delicious...

    Also... D2 Ladder.... anyone else up for hardcore US east?


      Holy shit, the amount of characters...and not a single Sorceress. Win. Necromancer OP

      I don't know. You'd have to travel real down south to another America. In all seriousness, you could buy some pork meat yourself and try and fail to cook it a few times until you get it down. Pork tastes different depending on how it was raised though, so it may not be the same. You can eat it with sweet potatoes and a local onion sauce as well, depends on your tastes. It's called Chicharrones and it's pretty exclusive to hispanophone countries, but hey, you may find a recipe translated somewhere.

      Quick maffs

        Do you play path of exile melody ?

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          @ Zano those are all just character's that are holding names. I sell and trade names because they retain value after ladder resets. Imho, Sorc and Paladin are the only real character classes. I am just so sick of seeing sprites so when I retain names I use other characters. I have about [color=red] 70-85[/color] accounts filled with 8 names each, then sell names to the highest bidder. My team has held the top team on ladder for the past 2 years. I wonder if we can make it three?

          SvS US-East nonladder hardcore Anyday of the week. LMK, will bet FG, will bet Godlies. Show me your 08'Valk because I got mine =))

          Also no I don't play PoE. I considered it but never delved the time in it since the market was unstable. Dunno if that's changed yet.

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            This was a sad day...
            #Char got TPPK'ed, remade necro lol.

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            Quick maffs

              You should play PoE nowadays is really fun

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                I might consider it after ladder if there is money in it. Haha...


                  I didnt say you were scared to play Melody, it's clear i meant Sampson. Like i already said Sampson - you can convince other guys someone is a big problem, but in the end, you cant even keep your stack together and play one single game with other teams, making everyone frustrated and hate you even more. No one wants to play with you anyway and that's exactly what you are getting after people figure it out who the real problem was, not a momentary distractor.


                    This stupid feud is getting annoying.

                    Ples Mercy

                      10/10 would like to see melody get trolled again.

                      King of Low Prio


                        1. I am not the team captain

                        2. I dont see anyone on the team hating me or me hating them

                        3. The team was under the assumption that the tournament would take place on 1 day so people only altered their schedules to fit that one day, it became hell trying to organize between people all over the globe

                        4. I did not have to convince anyone on the team that you where annoying as fuck. (even Havoc was getting pissed off with your attitude)

                        5. I am done talking to your 3k trash ass, maybe if you continue to suck Guiri's dick he might come back and let you join his stack again.


                          M-GOD PLS.

                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            ^Even if it is trolling I think I can get used to this.

                            *Props legs up on dotabuff, leans back in throne*


                              Jesus... Every time i come here someone fights for no reason. These forums are nothing but bad mood bringers :D

                              ya all need more europeans/aussies to fix your
                              forum community...

                              Low Expectations

                                If you want to throw shit at each other be my guest but dont say that "all four voted him off the team" as I was never part of the conversation. Dont really understand why you have to bring up the topic from 1 month ago just to repeat the same fucking arguments.
                                Not sure if troll but the first picture is the single most disturbing food i ever seen :/. And Ive seen some shit

                                We are not participating mostly because its difficult to setup a conversation between us as we have the team that is not strictly Eu West so we are online at diffrent times. For example at about 4pm UTC Sampson is never online

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                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!